Birthday      01/07/2024

Male and female thinking. Male thinking style Men don't like to shop

Every person at least once in his life has wondered whether there are differences between men and women. The answer will undoubtedly be positive. Many studies have been conducted on a large sample of people, which have confirmed that two people of the opposite sex look at equal things differently. Because of this, quarrels and misunderstandings often occur between spouses, and relationships decline.

Why are there such differences between men and women? In fact, everything goes back to ancient times. The men were hunters. They left, sometimes for several days, to get food for food. Women at this time needed to monitor the hearth. But they also needed to eat, so they collected berries, mushrooms, etc. It has been scientifically proven that this is what determined the difference in thinking, which was genetically passed on from generation to generation.

Men have a better developed eye and spatial orientation. After all, this is exactly what was important in hunting at one time. Women are characterized by tactical thinking, men by strategic thinking.

Hunting involves silence and concentration on one thing. Distracted thinking is important for collecting, because while searching for mushrooms and berries you can talk and look around. This determined that men have a “mono-tracking” brain. In other words, they focus on one thing at a time. Women have “multi-tracking” brains. For men, mono-concentration is typical, for the fair sex - multi-concentration.

For example, for most men it is much easier to choose a TV than to choose clothes. If he is faced with the task of purchasing household appliances, he will study reviews, characteristics, choose the best model and purchase it. In other words, he “obtained a mammoth.” Buying clothes and groceries is more of a search operation. Agree that it is much more common to see a man with a list in a supermarket than a woman. He acquires what he needs, and does it purposefully.

If a man came to the store to buy jeans, but did not find the right model or size, he would turn around and leave. A woman can come for pants and leave with a blouse or a new dress.

Another significant difference between the sexes is that men have weak empathy, while women have strong empathy.

Empathy- this is the ability to empathize, to feel the emotional state of another. Women feel the feelings of those around them more subtly. Weak empathy affects a certain closedness of men. Usually they experience everything within themselves. This leads to a frequent complaint from women that they do not understand what is happening with their partner.

If a man has problems, he keeps it to himself. But his woman sees something happening, feels stiffness, emotional tension. She starts asking questions, trying to figure out what happened. Quite often a man responds to this: “Everything is fine, don’t worry.” In his language it means “I’ll figure it out myself.” But for women, when problems arise, it is important to speak out and discuss them. And if a man does not act as she does, then this is perceived as indifference, inattention, rejection. As a result, mutual grievances and reproaches arise from a slight misunderstanding of each other.

It is genetically determined that men are highly competitive, while women are low. Representatives of the stronger sex get turned on faster, and are often gambling. This is due to hormones, more specifically testosterone, which is much higher in men. Studies have been conducted that have revealed that during competitions the level of this hormone increases greatly in the body.

The man is competitive. If a woman begins to fight with him, then many men rear up and begin to defend themselves. In other words, they enter into competition. This is why women with self-esteem “I+, if I am strong” find it difficult to build relationships with equally “strong” men. There is a wonderful phrase that you need to think about: family is a territory free from competition.

If a woman begins to put pressure on her partner, compare him with others, and ridicule his shortcomings, then this will not lead to anything good. I knew a family where the husband was the prosecutor of a small town. But he couldn’t do anything with his hands: nail a nail, fix a faucet, assemble furniture, etc. In principle, he didn’t need this, he just had to call for people to come and do it for him. But his wife came from a family where dad did everything around the house on his own, so she often reproached her husband for not being able to do anything. One day she bought an outdoor thermometer and asked to hang it up. Moreover, she insisted that he do it on his own, without outside help. When she came out after a while, she saw a thermometer taped to the clothesline. This story was told to everyone I knew for a long time. As a result, after some time he began to “walk to the left,” and their family life gradually came to an end.

In communication, a man and a woman differ significantly. If we remember ancient times, then when hunting it is necessary to remain silent so as not to scare away the prey. When picking berries and mushrooms, on the contrary, you can and even need to talk and discuss something. As a result, the need for communication among men is much lower than among women. If the former speak 2-3 thousand words per day, then the fair sex typically speaks 5-8 thousand.

This problem is especially acute when a woman sits at home, for example, on maternity leave. A man manages to master his vocabulary at work, but his wife lacks communication. Therefore, in the evening, upon arriving home, a whole stream of speech awaits him, which, often, is simply annoying. A man’s silence is often regarded as a sign of inattention, against which conflicts and misunderstandings arise. In fact, if a husband tells his wife, who has spent the whole day at home, “wait, I’ll rest a little and we’ll talk,” then conflicts and resentment can be avoided. But men rarely do this, as a result of which the couple’s relationship deteriorates significantly.

The woman often uses indirect speech. Men, on the contrary, understand her poorly. In one sentence, representatives of the fair sex can talk about three things at the same time. But men single out one thing from the phrase and concentrate on it. They find it difficult to understand hints.

For example, a couple has some kind of memorable date. A woman asks what day it is today. The man replies that it is Wednesday. The woman asks him to answer more specifically. The partner can say the date... In other words, they speak different languages ​​due to the fact that their thinking is significantly different.

One of the incorrect formulations that women use is “Could you do.” Men love specifics, so it will be clearer to them if you specifically indicate what they need to do. It is very important to take into account the perception of another person when communicating, because each of us has our own specifics. And if two friends understand each other when speaking indirectly, then this will be problematic for a man.

Representatives of the stronger sex are result-oriented, while women value the process. This defines the specifics of what a man strives to do. For example, a woman has some problems. She tells her partner about them. She does not do this so that he can give advice or help her with something. Usually she just needs to talk it out. But for a result-oriented man, this is a signal to action. He begins to think how to solve the problem and give advice. A woman doesn’t need this, misunderstanding arises, she begins to be offended. This leads to mutual reproaches and scandals.

When a couple lives with each other for a long time, a cooling of the relationship may occur. It is often accompanied by mutual reproaches and scandals. In this case, talking about the situation and problems that caused dissatisfaction with your partner is ineffective. He just won't listen. We need to talk about the global problems that exist in the couple. It is necessary to try to solve them in order to improve relationships.

When “mere thinking” is described, what is actually being described is masculine thinking.

A man is more often ready to consider what is happening objectively, while for a woman everything is imbued with feelings and subjectivity. A man more often relies on logic, a woman - on her intuition, feelings and sensations.

In the zero position of perception, men and women are equally present. There is no one in the fourth position with an approximately equal difference. For women, the first and second positions of perception are typical, for men, the first and third. A woman either thinks about herself, about her interests, or feels the interests of another person, and a man either thinks about his interests or looks at the situation objectively, from the outside. He perceives the situations of the person nearby in a fairly abstract way. Accordingly, a woman poorly understands the third position, the position from the outside, and men poorly understand the second position. It is at this point that it seems that masculine and feminine are radically different.

The male mind (sometimes simply called the mind) is the habit of thinking for oneself, looking for a solution without subterfuge and tricks. The female mind is different; given the opportunity to choose, women often prefer to use cunning and resolve the issue without racking their brains. Cunning is a woman's mind. Women are no more stupid than men, they just use their minds less often, finding opportunities to decide vital tasks in other ways.

Peculiarities of male and female thinking

The thinking of men and women (meaning gender, not biology) has its own characteristics...

A man thinks according to rules, a woman is guided by her inner feeling. A woman does not feel obliged to follow formal logic; the logic of feelings is closer to her. If a woman feels a connection with someone and something with her body and soul, for her this is the truest connection. If a woman’s condition or mood changes, her attitude towards a person changes, she will have a different logic and different conclusions. This is what women's logic is based on.

Men's thinking is digital, women's is analog. A man’s thinking is characterized by certainty and often excessive abstractness, artificiality of the framework of his thinking, while a woman is characterized by vagueness, greater concreteness and natural fluidity. Male thinking is more reminiscent of a digital approach: “Yes - no”, female thinking is analogue processes: one thing flows into something else.

For a man to look and draw a conclusion is as easy as: “Platoon, stop! “One or two.” A woman can only have an immediate impression; in order to come to something, she needs time to talk about it.

A man thinks first, then speaks. Women's thinking occurs in the process of speaking. It is difficult for a woman to first think and then speak: in order to think, a woman begins to speak. A woman thinks when she speaks; the process of speaking is her way of thinking. In the process of a monologue, or better yet a dialogue, something begins to become clearer, the woman begins to better understand what she wanted to say. See→

A man thinks alone. This is not always clear to a woman, for whom it is natural to think out loud with her interlocutor. And then they spoke - and he fell silent, the woman suddenly did not see any backlash to her words. However, this does not mean at all that he has pulled away or left the conversation, he is just thinking and therefore remains silent. What should a woman do in this situation? Relax and wait. If she really needs to talk, then approach the man and say that I will just talk now, you just need to listen to me, without giving any advice. I'll just sit next to you and talk. If you say this to men, they understand it.

What is important to men is not the fact of the matter, but the assessment of its significance. Try to formulate the characteristics of female thinking yourself.

A man perceives logic and integrity, a woman – specificity and details.

In the TV series House M.D., a doctor solved a difficult problem with a patient. What was he doing? He took it and just sat there, took the ball and for 15 minutes or half an hour, he threw and threw, but his eyes were blank, he threw and threw. This creates a background of arousal, which physiologically contributes to the thinking process. Instead of a ball, there could be a woman here, there will be this la-la-la. A little noise, female la-la is useful for male thinking.

“Men, how much is intertwined in this word for a woman’s heart...”

Male psychology for women. Photo. A funny version of a great poetic creation. But in fact, among women the word “man” evokes very contradictory feelings: for some, a smile, joy, a feeling of security, for others, irritation, sadness, and sometimes even a whole surge of emotions replacing each other. But the phrase “male psychology” generally brings fear to the fair sex. But, as you know, people are mainly afraid of what they do not understand. And now, intrepid beauties are surfing the expanses of the world Internet - space in order to solve the puzzle hidden under the phrase “male psychology.” How to understand male psychology?

How to understand a man? What does a man need? Why don't men understand women?

In fact, women do not know as much about men as they imagine. Often comparing to themselves, they have no idea about the difficulties of turning a small, naive boy into a real mature man.

How to understand a man's behavior? Starting from early childhood, children are raised, focusing on the roles that they will perform in the future in society. So, while playing, girls imagine themselves as doctors, teachers, salesmen, etc., and finally just mothers and housewives. Their games are built mainly on simple communication, and it is contact that is important. One way or another, the girls’ contact and play is their communication for the sake of communication.

Boys are a completely different matter, the predominant element in whose games is action that brings concrete results. They think not about what to say, but about how to do it. Prove to everyone that you are the best.

Over the centuries, a certain image has been formed that embodies intelligence, will, strength, self-confidence, independence and authority; every man strives to correspond to this image or images in practice in his life. Achieving success is one of the most important moments in male psychology. At the same time, in general, it does not matter at all in what specific area these successes were noted, the main thing is that these merits are recognized and set him apart from the general background. The more areas where a man is successful, it means the man has more incentives for further “conquests.”

But at the same time, the desire for success is one of the main reasons for the oddities that women cannot understand in men.

So, for example, the open expression of their emotions, which is normal for female representatives, is practically a “taboo” for the majority of the male part of humanity. And this is not at all because they are absolutely callous, narcissistic creatures; simply whining, complaining about fate, showing their weaknesses is not part of male psychology, absolutely not corresponding to the “standard of masculinity” that is instilled in them in childhood. Suffice it to remember the expression: “Real men don’t cry.” Excessive emotionality makes men (the prevailing opinion of representatives of the strong male sex) similar to women and cannot correspond to the set of qualities of a “successful man.” But it cannot be said that “real men” solve all problems alone. According to statistics, about 30% of men willingly share their problems with others. This also applies to the love sphere. Few representatives of the stronger sex will allow themselves to openly show an obsequious attitude towards their chosen one, even if in their hearts, like a puppy, they squeal happily and wag their tail at one glance at her, so as not to lose their face, being branded a “slobber” and, in addition, a “sissy” .

Men have their own personal idea of ​​order. If there is temporary disorder, then the presence of “creative disorder” equals them to the norm of everyday life. But at the same time, they easily find the things they need in this ordered chaos and, moreover, manage to put them back “in their place.”

How to understand male psychology?

Male psychology requires specific arguments and no guesswork. If a woman wants to get something from her chosen one, she should prepare and conduct a constructive dialogue with him, without hoping that he himself will guess everything with one flutter of his eyelashes. For the strong half of humanity, the Universe has determined the role of the thinking center. This does not mean that women cannot think logically; it’s just that both men and women have their own logic. This is the only way to understand that what is self-evident for some is an absolute mystery for others. The male mind is more pragmatic, but women have a “sixth sense”.

One of the important aspects of the psychology of the stronger sex is the principle of self-esteem. A man cannot allow himself to “lose face” under any circumstances, especially in the eyes of the woman he loves. Self-respect and the respect of others is very important to them. Men will be more comfortable with a noticeable blow to their pride from another man than a joke directed at themselves in the presence of women or ridicule from a female gender. But by supporting and encouraging their “other half,” as evidenced by the results of American researchers, ladies can significantly strengthen their authority in the eyes of not only their chosen one, but also those around him. You shouldn’t even try to change your beloved man, the period of transformation into an adult man is missed in 97% of cases, and the stronger sex does not intend to change their formed worldview to please even the beloved lady of their heart (although heroic attempts can be made).

However, while challenging and sometimes condemning the numerous nuances of men’s behavior, we should not forget about our shortcomings, dear women. Think about how many times your men clutched their heads and rolled their eyes in martyrdom. Yes, we are all human, essentially we are the same, but at the same time we are completely different. It is a scientifically proven fact that the human brain is divided into two hemispheres: right and left. The right hemisphere is associated with intuition, poetry, religion, mysticism, imagination, it is very elegant, but goes beyond logic, i.e. irrational. The left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking and rationality. Women use the right hemisphere, i.e. they live with feelings, and men use the left hemisphere, i.e. they perceive the world with their minds.

Consequently, problems of perception of the world cannot but turn into problems of understanding and communication, which were, are and will be. The ideal solution to almost all problems is dialogue. Some male habits and manners seem terribly harmful to women, even blatantly unacceptable, which the fair sex will continue to fight irreconcilably. The main thing for women is not to forget that no matter how strong No matter the most courageous of men, he will always need moral support, as, indeed, most people on the planet, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman. And also remember more often the great folk wisdom: “The husband is the head, and the wife is the neck.”

So, dear ladies, adapting this saying to our time, the steering wheel is in your hands, and the men's navigation system will plot a reliable route!

Undoubtedly, men and women are very different from each other in physical strength, brain activity, emotions... And these differences are not only on a genetic basis, but also in socio-historical development. For a long time, men and women had different rights, different social roles and responsibilities.

What's the difference?

Let's look at the main differences between a man and a woman.

Thinking process. Women always think specifically, with all the details and details, and often use intuition in this matter. And men, on the contrary, think logically and rationally, abstractly and spatially. At the same time, the weaker sex devotes its thoughts to family and relationships with relatives, while the stronger sex often thinks about career, self-realization and work. Therefore, you should not quarrel because the husband talks about work, and the wife suddenly decides to go for a ride and visit relatives.

Interests. Women are most interested in love, relationships between people, communication and mutual understanding. And men are passionate about competition, leadership and the opportunity to show their abilities. This is why men love football and hockey so much, and women can endlessly watch melodramas, even if they are all similar to each other.

Capabilities . The fair half of humanity has developed verbal abilities, while the strong half has developed analytical abilities. It is not surprising that women love to chat with their friends on the phone, while men prefer to learn news from newspapers and the Internet.

Critical situations. Since female thinking is focused on details, it cannot quickly react in critical situations. It slows down. But a man quickly reacts to an event and instantly mobilizes, ready to solve all problems here and now. This is why a man can quickly fall in love and quickly cool down, when a woman needs long courtship, and after breaking up she cannot cool down her feelings for a long time.

Mind . A man thinks and looks for a solution himself, and this is called mind. A woman tries to get the same result at minimal cost, and this is called cunning. The weaker sex prefers not to use their minds so often, but this does not mean that they are stupider than the stronger half of humanity.

Communication . Men and women behave differently in a new team. If a woman devotes more time to strengthening her connections and establishing relationships, then a man will do everything to simply be the first in this team.

Once again about the representatives of Mars and Venus

They have written and spoken about the differences in the thinking of men and women more than once - monographs, scientific and popular books have been published, and articles have been written. However, when I hear my husband’s questions about where his things are, where the cheese is hidden in the refrigerator and what diaper to put on the child, I never tire of being amazed at this difference, although it is pleasant to his amazement to easily solve some “difficult” problems.

In the company of women, you can sometimes hear stories about their husbands - this is an invariable reason for jokes and fun. Married ladies and happy lovers share with each other everyday sketches about how strange men can behave for us. From all these stories, a kind of hit parade of actions that were surprising to us was formed. It turned out that most often men do not put their shoes back in their place when entering the house, but throw them where they have stepped in the room, do not see dirty dishes in the sink, do not know how to properly dress a child, sincerely do not notice the dust, and throw bits of food everywhere fruits and forget to water the plants if the wife is away. On the other hand, the stronger sex also likes to gossip about the “stupidity” of ladies and is amazed at their inability to find the right place in the city even if they have already been there, their inability to handle maps (meaning the area), their love of shopping and the illogicality of their actions, and so on. and a tendency to tragedicize trivial situations and make up all sorts of nonsense.

Commented by Doctor of Cultural Studies, Professor of KSPU. V.P. Astafieva, psychologist Andrey Zberovsky:

It is important to see the Person behind the brain!

Experienced pathologists sometimes joke with newcomers: they give them two human brains in two jars and ask them to determine which is the male brain and which is the female. And scientifically explain how they differ from each other. So they begin to talk such nonsense, invent such differences that no Zadornov or Petrosyan could ever dream of. If you listen to them, you will inevitably come to the conclusion that men and women are so irreconcilably different from each other, as if they really are from different planets.

However, this point of view of the fundamental difference between men and women in the style of thinking and the very picture of the world is shared by the majority of men and women. After all, they encounter differences from each other every day in everyday life, at home, at work. And in this case, it makes sense to note several fundamental things.

First. The structure of the brain and the nature of the thought process itself in men and women, in fact, really differ. Not fundamentally, but there are differences. This is especially expressed in the frontal lobes of the brain, in which human consciousness itself, thinking, memory, and the brain archive itself are concentrated. Let's remember that we admire smart men: “Oh, what a high forehead he has!!!” Imagine if such a “compliment,” so to speak, would be said to a girl: that was a grudge for the rest of her life! Here's a concrete difference for you. In the male frontal lobes of the brain, due to their size, due to the gigantic concentration in the brain archive of facts and events, the thinking process is regulated to search for large macro patterns, to generalize, to analyze and synthesize, to deduce the general laws of the world and everything that a man sees what he faces. Therefore, a man, observing the world, immediately processes the picture as a whole, as if fragmenting it, clearly dividing it into categories: objective and subjective, real and fictional, possible and empty fantasies. The male brain works intensely all the time, which is why it, like a running computer, initially “freezes.” A wife tells her husband, “Go take out the trash,” or talks about a conversation at work, but he simply doesn’t hear: his brain is just busy with something at that moment...

From here, a man can live in poverty, wear torn socks and not have enough to eat, and in the meantime think about the fate of the country or use his last penny to build a model of a rocket.
Women's brains, on the contrary, are regulated at the micro level, not at the general level, but at the specific level. She is not interested in the problems of the country as a whole; she is worried that a particular housing office, clinic or store is not working well. Therefore, it is difficult for a man and a woman to go shopping together. A man goes to a store for a specific product and ends up buying it. A woman enters a store and immediately sees a sea of ​​goods. Therefore, she can go for cosmetics and buy shoes. But a woman sees details better. A man going to a store to buy boots will buy boots, but will not pay attention to the manufacturing defect or the fact that their style has gone out of fashion. But a woman, on the contrary, will notice all the details: both marriage and what is not fashionable. But instead of shoes, he can buy... a handbag. This is where women’s eternal geographic cretinism comes from, when they can get lost anywhere. A man will not get lost, and even at night he can see better, but he will not pay attention to the fact that the fence is freshly painted, there is a puddle on the asphalt, and the sunset is beautiful. The woman will get lost, but she will definitely look at all the details. A man sees the big picture, he is a strategist. A woman sees details, she is a tactician. Hence, it is women who make excellent performers of specific tasks, which is why they displace men in all bureaucratic institutions and even at the assembly line. While the man is thinking about how to improve and harmonize the process, the woman has already done everything. Hence, men on earth have always had, are and will be the role of the engine of progress, and women - the conservative. Alas, or hurray - to decide in each specific case.

Second. It is quite normal that men and women have different brains and systems of thought that are different from each other. Since a man and a woman are two halves of the same species, and Mother Nature provided for their joint existence (and not separate, like many other species of animals), they are adjusted to perform different functions. A woman for curiosity and expansion of the geography and area of ​​her habitat, for traveling around the world. A man is there to protect his territory until his last breath. Therefore, women are always interested in foreigners, and men are often nationalists and racists. Women are humanists, men are militant. Individuality is important for women, men are for unification; they can walk around the entire office wearing the same shirts and not pay any attention to it. A man solves large problems, a woman arranges local life.

Therefore, criticizing each other or laughing at each other is just as stupid if a flat-bottomed river boat were to laugh at a sea ship with a huge keel: it’s just that both are sharpened, invented for different purposes. Men for hunting and protection, women for giving birth and raising children. And no one is worse than anyone: just like in the theater, they have different roles. And the one who can play them as correctly as possible will be happy in life. Including in the family.

Third. Despite all the physical differences, the main behavioral characteristics of men and women are formed in the process of childhood upbringing. Exactly this way and not otherwise. The human brain is very plastic. Therefore, a woman, in principle, can learn to behave and think like a man, and vice versa. Only for this it is necessary that the girl never saw dolls, and from childhood only played with war and assembled construction sets. And a man from birth would only learn to wash, iron, cook, do manicure and hair styling. So, if we have a strong desire, we can reprogram ourselves. This is what modern tough business women and model tearful uni-sex boys do. However, it is important to remember: when we gain, we always lose something. And the more we acquire that is not ours, the more we lose ours...

Fourth. Men and women will never understand each other in real life. Yes, that's exactly it. No matter how the differences in each other’s thinking are explained to them, they will listen politely, nod in agreement, and then begin their own. The man will say: “Yes, I understand everything. Individuality is important to a woman. But why spend THAT kind of money on some lipstick?!! And the woman responded: “Yes, I now know that a man is interested in global problems... But, excuse me: who will screw in a light bulb in the house?!! Einstein, what?!!”

From here we will make the fifth observation: It is not so important who we are by birth - men or women! Much more important is whether we can realize ourselves in life as Men and Women. And also so that we find real Personalities for our family “halves”! In general, it is important to see the person behind the brain! This is exactly what the brain leads us to during our conversation. And it doesn’t matter whose it is – male or female. The main thing is that, although in your own way, you still think! And he was still happy!

Why do men have trouble remembering details, can’t listen, and don’t want to express their feelings? 10 secrets of male thinking will help you understand this issue.

It often seems that men and women are inhabitants of different planets, who for unknown reasons cannot find a common language with each other. You can give a lot of examples when representatives of the two sexes react differently to the same situation, which creates difficulties in communicating and understanding each other. However, there is no need to look for hidden secrets in this phenomenon. It turns out that psychologists have long explained the peculiarities of male thinking from a scientific point of view.

Many books have been written recently about the differences in male and female psychology. For example, “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” by Gray John and “You Don’t Understand Me!” Deborah Tannen's books have become global bestsellers. In these books, the authors share with readers the most interesting research that explains why men and women think differently.

Here are 10 main secrets that will help you better understand your chosen one.

Men have trouble remembering details

Unlike women, men have a hard time remembering details: the color of clothes, dates, lyrics, etc. As a result of the study, employees of the Department of Psychiatry at King's College London found that when recording information, men and women use different areas of the brain. It is because of this difference that men tend to remember spatial orientation features rather than visual sensory details. For example, representatives of the stronger sex remember very well how to get from one place to another, where they put this or that thing, etc.

Men don't know how to listen

Women often accuse men of not being able to listen. From a scientific point of view, this accusation is not without merit. The fact is that during the perception of auditory information, only one hemisphere of the brain works in men, and two in women. According to research by scientists from Indiana University, because of this physiological difference, while listening, men only perceive information, while women also record it. This is why men can really forget what you asked them to do just five minutes ago.

Men's brains process voices differently

When we listen to someone speak, our brain works in an emotional-visual way. That is, we mentally draw pictures and process what we hear emotionally. This process occurs regardless of whether the speaker is a man or a woman.

However, among representatives of the stronger sex, the process of speech processing is carried out according to a completely different scheme. Employees of the University of Sheffield in England found that men analyze a woman’s voice through an emotional background, and a man’s through a visual one. Scientists believe that this difference is due to the fact that women’s speech is more varied, melodic and multifaceted.

Men evaluate people visually

The popular wisdom that women love with their ears, and men with their eyes, has a scientific basis. The fact is that when meeting a new person, a woman evaluates him with several systems - olfactory, emotional, visual and auditory. A man forms his impression of a stranger only through visual analysis.

Psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen is confident that this feature is a remnant of the hunting-protective instinct of men. In order to determine the degree of danger, a man subconsciously assesses the physical strength of his opponent.

Men don't think about sex often

It is generally accepted that intimate relationships are the most important area of ​​life for men and representatives of the stronger sex constantly think about sex. However, as recent research conducted by scientists from the Kinsey Institute has shown, 54% of men think about sex every day, 43% noted that thoughts about sex visit them no more than several times a month, and 3% of men do not record thoughts about intimate relationships at all .

Men experience pain differently than we do.

Men are called the stronger sex, however, it is known that women endure physical pain more easily. There is an opinion that nature has endowed us with a relatively low sensitivity to pain in order to prepare us for the process of childbirth.

However, scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles found that the cognitive and analytical center of the brain is responsible for the sensation of physical pain in men, and the emotional center in women. This may mean that women's pain threshold largely depends on their current emotional state, while men always experience pain at the same intensity.

In addition, scientists conducted an interesting experiment, dividing men into two groups and asking them to put their hands in cold water. For this manipulation, one group was promised a monetary reward, while the other performed the task on a voluntary basis. As it turned out, the men from the first group were able to hold their hands in the icy water much longer than their comrades from the second group. Consequently, representatives of the stronger sex are able to withstand physical pain if there are good reasons for this.

Men are not as emotional as women

It has been proven that in the process of expressing emotions, the brains of men and women work differently. In men, at this moment, the amygdala communicates with only two areas of the brain - visual and motor, and in women it also communicates with speech control areas.

Men don't like shopping

Women can spend hours shopping, choosing food for dinner and gifts for loved ones. Men, as a rule, make purchases quickly, without wasting time on lengthy comparisons and searches for the best product.

Professor Daniel Kruger from the University of Michigan explains this fact as an echo of the cave instinct. Our distant ancestors lived according to a fairly simple pattern: men hunted, and women maintained the home. That is, in order to feed the family, the man had to act quickly, and the woman’s responsibilities included checking the food for its safety.

Men are laconic

In 2006, American psychologist Luann Brizendine published a book called “The Female Brain”, which stated that during the day women speak 20,000 words, and men - 7,000. This publication was later withdrawn due to the lack of scientific evidence of the figures given.

Be that as it may, in comparison with women, men really differ in their taciturnity, because... The area of ​​the brain responsible for speech is somewhat less developed in them.

Men fall in love with attractive and healthy women

An article published in the Journal of the Royal Society states that men fall in love with attractive women because good looks are subconsciously associated with healthy reproductive function. In the process of determining female beauty, men analyze several parameters: figure proportions, skin cleanliness, hair and nail health.

In addition, several chemicals are responsible for the process of developing sympathy for the opposite sex in men, including testosterone, oxytocin, vasopressin and dopamine.

Thanks to the efforts of scientists, we now know that men sometimes act illogically and strangely, not because they do not want to compromise with us, but only because of physiological characteristics in the functioning of the brain.