For adults      07/28/2023

Do they celebrate 40 years? Is it possible or not to celebrate a woman’s fortieth birthday?

It is difficult to meet a person who would not be puzzled by the question: why can’t we celebrate 40 years? Another superstition, taken from ancient paganism, prohibits a person from having fun on his own birthday. This law applies equally to men and women. Is it worth listening to him? What will be the consequences if you bypass the signs and celebrate your anniversary on a large scale?

Not allowed for women

It is not advisable for women to celebrate their fourth anniversary. During the life of Pythagoras, the whole world began to manage mainly only numbers. The most unpleasant events were associated with the number 40. Here are a few of them that are still known today:

  • Exactly 40 days, according to ancient tradition, lasts evil rock. That is, when a person dies, his soul is still near his home during this time. It is believed that at this time she can pull two more souls with her, for example, a relative, acquaintance or neighbor;
  • The Great Flood also lasted 40 days, during which time a huge number of people died;
  • In ancient Greece, they were always wary of the number 40; after reaching this age, a person was approaching his own death, since only a few lived to see the next anniversary.

If you pay attention to all the events, you can understand that this figure brings trouble, so it’s better to wait until your next birthday and fully celebrate it.

Why can't women celebrate their 40th birthday?

As a woman reaches her age, her biorhythm changes and the time of menopause gradually creeps up. The first wrinkles and gray hair may also appear. A woman’s well-being also changes; she experiences frequent stress, irritability and aggressiveness. She may feel as if she has a fever and is sweating. All these phenomena are characteristic of menopause, which just begins after 40 years.

It is almost impossible to avoid such phenomena, and if you celebrate this ill-fated anniversary, you can significantly worsen the condition of your body, the woman’s vital energy will gradually begin to fade.

Of course, you can ignore the signs and celebrate your birthday, but why play Russian roulette when it comes to your own life and health?

Why can't men celebrate their 40th birthday?

If a woman celebrates her fourth round anniversary, then she may experience some health problems, a number of failures will befall her and she will begin to feel exhausted.

With men, things are much worse and such a holiday can end in death. The fear arose after the famous story about an astronaut who went into space after celebrating his birthday. Immediately after launch, problems arose with the ship, causing it to crash.

There are several other real life stories that tell of men dying mysteriously if they do not take this sign seriously and celebrate their birthday.

If you pay attention to Eastern culture, then according to tarot cards the number 40 and the letter “m” also mean death.

There is another opinion that the celebrated fortieth anniversary will be the last anniversary in a man’s life. That is, in a few years he may become seriously ill, which is why he will not live to see 50 years of age. This ancient superstition has no scientific basis, but many coincidences indicate that it really works. A man who has celebrated his 40th birthday says goodbye to his guardian angel and begins a game with his own death.

Why can't you show a newborn before 40 days?

There is another, less common, psychological point of view. The little baby grows and develops inside its mother for almost a whole year. Having been born, everything around him is new and unusual.

During this period, it is necessary to provide him with a calm environment so that he can adapt. If he constantly sees a large number of people new to him, he will experience stress.

How to celebrate a person's 40th birthday if he is superstitious?

If a superstitious person wants to celebrate his birthday exactly in the year in which he turned 40 years old, then he can do this, but only according to strict rules. rules:

  • You can't celebrate an anniversary on a grand scale. This holiday is not celebrated in a cafe, restaurant or outdoors. It is recommended to set a small table at home and invite only your closest relatives. It is prohibited to give gifts on this day. If your loved ones still want to do this, then you need to not just take them, but buy them for a few coins;
  • It is strictly forbidden to make toasts for the coming 40 years. One can only congratulate the birthday boy on the fact that he will soon be 41 and yesterday he was 39;
  • If a person still wants to celebrate his birthday with friends, then he needs to move it a few days ahead and slightly change the reason for gathering guests, for example, by throwing a themed party.
  • When a person turns 40, he has passed a certain milestone in his life, gained certain experiences and faced life's difficulties.

On this day he cannot complain about fate, he must thank the Lord for every day he lives, for those people who surround him and for what he has. Only then will the birthday person be able to avoid all the unpleasant consequences from this number.

Positive signs associated with the number 40

When considering the question of why you should not celebrate 40 years, you must also remember that this meaning also has a positive meaning.

According to European tradition, a person must suffer for 40 days, and after that happiness will come to him.

It is taken from an ancient parable in which a man walked through the desert during this time, and then he managed to find a way out and escape.

There is another sign taken from ancient Greece, which indicates that At the age of 40, a person’s happy and carefree life is just beginning. Most often, before this time, people raise children, work hard to achieve success in their careers, earn money for their own housing, furniture, transportation and other necessary things.

Only after 40 years can a person take a break from his usual routine and begin to fully enjoy every moment he lives.

Video: to celebrate or not to celebrate your fortieth birthday?

In this video, psychologist Irina Voitenko will tell you why you can’t celebrate your fortieth birthday, what these numbers conceal, and what could happen:

At all times, people have had ambiguous attitudes towards the number 40. 40 days after death, Moses led the Jews through the desert for 40 years, the Great Flood lasted 40 days - all these facts influenced the formation of fears among people around the number 40. Along with this, a prejudice arose that one should not celebrate the fortieth birthday, especially for women. Let's try to figure out what causes this and?

Explanations why women should not celebrate their 40th birthday

It turns out there are several opinions on this matter, and they are all based on the prejudice that the number 40 has some kind of sacred meaning. We will not delve into numerology, but we will find out Why can’t a woman celebrate her 40th birthday?:

  1. The number 40 is a mournful date, since on the fortieth day after death the soul of a deceased person leaves the earth forever. That is why people have ambivalence about their fortieth birthday and try not to celebrate it.
  2. Celebrating your fortieth birthday can be a recipe for disaster. Superstitious people believe that celebrating a 40th birthday can result in tragedy, illness or even death for the birthday person. In this regard, they prefer not to celebrate 40 years at all.
  3. “If you celebrate 40 years, you can die” - this opinion follows from the two previous points and is also associated with the departure of the soul to heaven on the fortieth day. If you celebrate 40 years, you can leave the earth like a soul...

There are other opinions on this matter, however, they all have a similar etiology, so there is no point in listing them.

Why can't women celebrate their 40th birthday?

There was no clear answer to this question. Superstitious people consider it equally dangerous for both men and women to celebrate their fortieth birthday. Troubles, tragedies and other negative consequences, in their opinion, can befall both. However, it should be understood that the decision to celebrate or not to celebrate depends solely on the views of the birthday person and his own discretion.

How can you spend your fortieth birthday?

Having found out Why can’t a woman celebrate her 40th birthday? and a man, let’s try to figure out how to behave on this day:

  1. Celebrate farewell to your 39th birthday. Here's an unusual way to get around a scary date. Celebrate turning a year older and leaving your previous age behind. Of course, this method is unlikely to work with a superstitious person, but as an option it has a right to exist.
  2. Limit yourself to a small number of guests. You don't have to have a big birthday party. You can simply gather your closest people and have a tea party with cake or a light dinner. This will not be at all like a birthday in the classical sense, however, you and your guests will get a pleasant experience from this day.
  3. Postpone the celebration to another day. You can do it this way: since the holiday will not be celebrated on your fortieth birthday, then nothing terrible will happen! This option is also unlikely to suit superstitious people, but you still shouldn’t ignore it.

These are some simple ways you can avoid the scary date and have a great time. Happy holiday to you!

There is an opinion that both men and women should not celebrate their fortieth birthday - celebration can bring trouble to the birthday person.

In Ancient Greece, this age was considered the peak of life, since few of the ancient Greeks even lived to be 50 years old. In some cultures, there is a fear of the number "4" because it sounds like the word "death." Therefore, they try to avoid it in names and calculations.

Why women should not celebrate their 40th birthday

Many associate negative signs with the word forty itself, which has two components - litter, that is, garbage and fate, meaning fate.

The most popular reason why women should not celebrate their 40th birthday is changes in the structure of the body due to the approaching menopause. This is accompanied not only by external changes, such as the appearance of wrinkles on the face and gray hair, but also by frequent irritability, aggressive attacks and depression.

Unfortunately, these age-related changes and the fading of female energy are still inevitable, regardless of the anniversary celebration.

In Russia, it is believed that if a representative of the fairer sex nevertheless decided to celebrate her fortieth birthday, and nothing bad happened in her life in the future, then all the negativity will spill over onto those closest to her.

Why men should not celebrate their 40th birthday

The superstition has no scientific explanation, but in many stories, men who celebrated their 40th anniversary soon died under mysterious circumstances, so this holiday is associated with death and is considered the last round date.

Expert opinion

Natalia Alexandrova

Numerologist, parapsychologist, tarot reader

Church opinion

The clergy believe that refusal to celebrate the 40th anniversary is an ordinary human fear, and this date does not have a negative impact on the life of the birthday person.

In biblical scripture there are a number of events associated with this figure:

  • for forty days Jesus was on earth after his resurrection - all this time he tried to instill faith and hope in people with his stories;
  • King David reigned for 40 years;
  • the Jewish people walked through the desert in search of happiness and the promised land for forty years;
  • Noah's ark was on the voyage for forty days - during this entire period it rained non-stop, and there was no one alive around;
  • Solomon's temple was forty cubits wide.

In addition, this number is associated with the 40th day after death, when the soul of the deceased finds peace and goes to heaven or hell.

It is also believed that a representative of the fairer sex needs 40 days to cleanse herself after childbirth - after this time she can again experience intimacy with her husband or visit a temple.

Church representatives do not recognize superstition and say that every passing year should be celebrated.

Astrologers' opinion

Astrologers agree that forty years is a crisis date for a person and at this time, under the influence of Uranus and Pluto, the following cardinal life changes can occur:

  • deterioration of financial situation, up to bankruptcy;
  • accident resulting in injury;
  • breakup of a relationship with a loved one or divorce;
  • serious illnesses.

Psychics' opinion

According to numerology, psychics do not see anything negative in celebrating 40 years - this number indicates a change in worldview, transformation of the mind and a peaceful state of mind.

For esotericists, the number 40 is an omen of death - on the Tarot card denoting this ill-fated event, there is the letter M, which symbolizes four.

To celebrate your birthday without incident, we recommend:

  • invite only friends who sincerely wish you well in their congratulations;
  • celebrate a few days after the name day;
  • not to celebrate forty years, but to say goodbye to 39 years;
  • arrange the celebration in the form of a themed party.

On this day, it is considered a bad omen to give gifts - it is better to choose something he liked together with the hero of the occasion a few days after the holiday.

Regardless of the number of signs associated with this date, whether you should not celebrate 40 years or not is up to you to decide. Psychologists note that there is no need to set yourself up for a bad outcome and try to avoid extreme celebrations.

Everyone knows about the sign “You can’t celebrate 40 years.”

This year my husband turned 40 years old. A year before, on his 39th birthday, he announced to all the guests that he would not celebrate his 40th birthday. Many of the guests were surprised and even objected to this decision, but my husband was adamant and, just in case, we decided to go with the children to the sea for a week, let the birthday take place under our control. The phone doesn't work there and it would be quite a long way for guests to travel.

I myself don’t really believe in the statement that men should not celebrate their 40th birthday, but, firstly, I am a wife and must support my husband, put up with his oddities (if they, of course, are not harmful), and secondly , a holiday at sea is our favorite period of the year, when you can finally do nothing but crack ice cream and splash in the warm salty water. Therefore, we approved this plan unanimously and a few days before hour “H” we went on vacation.
As a result, everything went as my husband wanted, we had a wonderful rest, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the story we experienced this year, but in a few years I will also be 40 and I was wondering if the sign of not celebrating 40 applies only to men or women too? And where did this belief come from? I decided to deal with this with all my determination. Is it true that whoever decides to celebrate this date will be haunted by misfortunes? Or maybe there is nothing wrong and these are just human prejudices?

Biblical background

In Christianity, the number 40 appears many times.

For Christians, the number 40 is associated with important Christian events:

  • The Flood lasted 40 days;
  • The Jewish people wandered through the desert in search of the Promised Land for 40 years;
  • Jesus ascended to heaven after death on the 40th day;
  • After his baptism, Jesus was in the desert, exposed to the temptations of the devil, for 40 days;
  • The human soul remains on earth for 40 days after death;
  • After the birth of a child, a young mother is considered “unclean” for 40 days.

It is not surprising that the number 40 is firmly embedded in the popular consciousness that it is associated with death and suffering. Perhaps that is why it is believed that it is better not to celebrate this particular anniversary, so as not to bring trouble to one’s head once again.

Guardian Angel "retires"

It is believed that after forty the guardian angel “retires”

There is a belief that it is precisely at the 40th birthday that a person is left without protection, since his guardian angel retreats from him.

Tarot Card Warning

In Tarot cards there is a connection between the lasso “Death” and the number 40.

According to the laws of numerology and Tarot cards, the number 40 is the number of death. In the Tarot, the main Arcana “Death” has the letter “M”, and according to the Hebrew alphabet, this letter corresponds to the number 40.

Asian negativity

Residents of East and Central Asia believe that the number four brings evil, misfortune and death. Therefore, in these countries they try not to mention this number anywhere.

Thus, we see that the number 4 or 40 is associated with negativity, which is associated with life’s trials, after which a person moves to a new level of development.

Let's be realistic

Let's logically think about why the ban on celebrating this particular anniversary is meaningless:

  • Hundreds of people of all ages die every day around the world.
  • Only the Slavs do not celebrate their fortieth anniversary. All other inhabitants of the planet happily celebrate their birthday and feel great.
  • If you are a believer, then you know that the church does not support any superstitious beliefs.
  • A holiday is an event that only has a positive effect on a person’s psyche and energy.

What should superstitious people do? How to help solve the problem of celebrating 40 years?

If you are still superstitious, then here are some options to solve the problem of the 40th anniversary.

Every year a person looks forward to such an event as a birthday. Popular wisdom says that not every year can be celebrated. There is a date that is best celebrated. It is not recommended for a man or a woman to celebrate their fortieth birthday, as this portends misfortune for the birthday person. The Church is against such superstition. Folk signs explain why you can’t celebrate 40 years. There is a lot of mystical stuff associated with this date. There is also an explanation from religion about how to celebrate.

The mysterious meaning of the number

With the advent of numbers, thinkers from the time of Pythagoras assigned a meaning to each. Among them all, four stood out. The meaning of the symbol had a magical designation, it was the opposite of development and cyclicality. Zero - expressed emptiness, that which was without continuation. A person's fortieth birthday, according to the Pythagoreans, brought death with it. Residents of Asia saw grief, disaster, disaster, and death in this symbol. Numbered items excluded any combination of other numbers with four. After three comes five, after thirteen comes fifteen. Ancient tarot card readings correlated 4 with death. It was forbidden to celebrate.

Religious explanation

Religion is also skeptical of the four. This is due to the fact that in many religious events this sign marks:

  • For 40 years Moses led his people through the desert;
  • the worldwide flood lasted 40 days and nights;
  • it took the Lord 40 days to resurrect;
  • painful temptations, devilish temptations for Jesus in the desert lasted forty days;
  • the deceased’s departure to the other world is celebrated for forty days;
  • After childbirth, the female body gains strength within 40 days.

This symbol brought people a lot of troubles, torment, tears, death and suffering.

Astrological sign addition

39–43 - precarious age

Astrologers explain why 40th birthdays are not celebrated. In their opinion, at this age a person is in the power of such planets as Uranus, Pluto, Neptune. These planets decide the fate of a person. During this period, under the influence of three planets, the following changes may occur:

  • 39–43 - a precarious age; a person easily succumbs to the negative influence of the external environment. The owner of age expects changes in a negative direction. The financial side will be affected. Business owners are experiencing bankruptcy. Families are collapsing, divorces, nervous breakdowns, suicides.
  • Health will deteriorate. The beginnings will be unsuccessful.

Superstition of the peoples of the world

In ancient Greece, human life expectancy was short. People lived to be fifty years old. The teachings of that time interpreted that at the age of forty a person reaches the peak of life. After this period, life declines. Folk cultures have an unusual approach to birthday celebrations at this age. Some can, others cannot.

Fear of this date can be actively traced among the peoples of the Far East. Japanese culture has eliminated this symbol. Residents refuse not only to celebrate the anniversary, but also to celebrate the number in their lives. It’s bad to live on the fourth floor, to be on the school or work list under this sign. Have fun this birthday.

The opposite of superstition

You can celebrate your birthday in a good mood and avoid troubles

Another explanation can be given to the events and this anniversary. The Slavic peoples used a measurement system with the sign of forty to foreshadow an event. Superstitions can be given a positive interpretation; the events that occur have a different side. After death, a person's soul wanders the earth. During this time, relatives have the opportunity to say goodbye to the deceased and let him go with peace of mind.

The sign says that a woman is separated from a man after childbirth for forty days. This is for the best, since during this period she can realize her new mission. The Jews walked in the desert for a designated period. The event is considered a bad sign. On the other hand, the incident ended in success.

The reason for this was existing sins. The global flood, due to its duration, united people and cleansed their souls and bodies. The Greek theory of life expectancy was met with criticism. Low duration is not related to the number. And with a poor level of medicine, enemy attacks, poor diet.

Thinkers give preference to the person himself, his mind and the command that he will send to his consciousness. You can celebrate your next birthday in a good mood and avoid troubles. You can give your brain a command, set it up for negativity, and your birthday will be the beginning of the end. Whether to believe in such superstitions or not is an individual matter.

It is customary to celebrate a birthday with family. There are those who give great importance to this day, have fun and do not think about what good or bad may happen. It is recommended to celebrate the anniversary taking into account the following requirements:

  • Spend thirty-nine years of age. The occasion for gathering guests will be another date - 39 years. Accent. The true age of the birthday person will decrease.
  • Circle of guests. For a man, a birthday with an ominous number is more difficult to postpone than for a woman. It is important to reduce the number of guests to a minimum. Those people who wish the birthday person well should be present.
  • Postponement of birthday. There is no prohibition that the fun can be postponed to another day, even to one day.
  • Theme party. Birthdays can be celebrated in the style of the New Year or a masquerade. Guests are warned about the theme evening. Attention will be focused on the style itself.

You can come up with an infinite number of reasons why you need to believe or not folk signs, superstitions, or Eastern wisdom. The real reason lies within you.