Holidays      08/22/2023

Graduation in kindergarten is a holiday of disobedience. Educator

Our class took part in the next school theater festival, “The Connecting Thread of Time.” This year they presented to the audience a performance - a musical based on the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov “The Holiday of Disobedience” with the participation of both children and parents. I present to you the script for the play “Holiday of Disobedience.”

The songs were written specifically for our performance by poet Maria Dubikovskaya and composer Alexander Andriyanov.


  • banner with a picture of a city street
  • thin film in banner size
  • polyurethane mats
  • school bags
  • kite
  • cans of paint (chalk spray)
  • tablets (old and broken for safety purposes), headphones
  • suitcases/backpacks
  • a note
  • ice cream (cotton candy)
  • ice cream for games (cotton balls)
  • broom/brushes
  • scooter


  • ALL CHILDREN wear bright, loose clothing. For girls, if the outfit includes a skirt, then tights (leggings) or bicycle shorts are required, because... leg lift dance
  • CHILDREN ARTISTS - bring with you an old unnecessary T-shirt or shirt, which you first smear with paint, along with your main costume
  • PARENTS - Loose, ridiculous parenting gear for a country camping trip

Performance Festival of Disobedience


Naughty boy
Mother of a capricious boy
Paper Kite (technical decoration, soundtrack),

Poster for the play Feast of Disobedience

Scene 1

Music (prologue, 30-40 sec.)

Empty stage with decorations. City noise. Mothers and children are walking.

Phonogram: This never happened, although it could have happened, but if it really happened, then... In a word, a little boy was walking along the main street of a big city, or rather, he wasn’t walking, but he was being pulled and dragged by the hand, and he resisted, stamped his feet, fell to his knees, sobbed in three streams and screamed in a voice that was not his own.

A capricious boy and his Mom appear on the stage. The capricious boy screams and resists.

Naughty boy: (shouting, yelling) I want more ice cream! Want! Want! Want!

Mother: (calmly) I won't buy it again. You've already eaten enough ice cream today.

Naughty boy: (continues screaming) Buy it! Buy it! Buy it! I want more!

They walk across the entire stage. “They find themselves” at home. Mom puts the capricious boy in the corner.

Mother: You behaved very ugly! You will stand here until I forgive you.

Naughty boy: (sniffling) What should I do?

Mother: Think!

Naughty boy: What about?

Mother: About being a terrible child! You! Horrible! Terrible child!

Mom goes off stage.

Scene 2

The capricious boy remains standing “in the corner.” The Paper Kite appears on the scene. Knock on the window (phonogram). The boy turns around and sees the Paper Kite. Comes up to him.

Naughty boy: ABOUT! He's so confused!

Performs manipulations, unraveling the Paper Kite.

Kite: Thank you, Baby! What is your name?

Naughty boy: My name is the Terrible Child!

Kite: Why are you sitting at home?

Naughty boy: I was punished!

Kite: What have you done?

Naughty boy: Never mind! I just wanted ice cream. And my mother punished me.

Kite: (sympathetically) Eternal history! In my life I have never met children who were not punished by someone. However, I know one place where this is finished. I was just planning to fly there today, but I’m hooked.

Naughty boy: Take me with you!

Kite: Why not? We'll have more fun together! Cling to my tail, hold on tight and try not to look down so you don’t get dizzy. Let's fly!

The capricious boy clings to the Paper Kite's tail and, imitating flight, leaves the stage.

Scene 3

Turnip and Turnepka enter the stage. They are holding mattresses (polyurethane mats) in their hands. They go on stage, spread out the mats synchronously, and sit on them.

Turnip and Turnepka: (in unison) Good night!

Synchronously they lean back on the mats and fall asleep. The parents of Turnip and Turnipka appear on the stage. They approach them cautiously.

Dad: (putting finger to lips) They are sleeping.

Mother: (in a dissatisfied whisper) Look, they are still smiling! They are probably dreaming about that jar of jam that they ate without asking last week...

Dad: Or how they lost the whole day on the computer without asking while we were visiting and didn’t do their homework... It’s time! Let's go to. They will be waiting for us!

Mom tries to bend over to kiss Turnip, but Dad holds her back.

Dad: No need! Otherwise he will wake up, and we won’t be able to go anywhere! This time we must show character.

Dad and Mom carefully leave the stage.

Scene 4

Parents come on stage from different sides of the stage. They gather in one group. They chatter, creating a buzz. As soon as everyone gathered.

Someone's mom: It’s hard for all of us, but we must find the strength within ourselves and fulfill our decision, since you and I have made it! Let our dear and beloved, but rude and lazy, capricious and stubborn children wake up without us!

Someone else's mother: I don’t see any gratitude from them, I only hear “I want!”, “I don’t want!”, “I will do it!”, “I won’t do it!”.

Another mom: There is no strength to fight and fight with them! We are all in the same position - we have lost patience.

Mother: We have only one way out - to hand over the city to children.

Dad: To our terrible children!

Mother: Let's not disturb them. Let them live as they want and do what they want! And then we'll see... (waves his hand sadly).

The parents dance to the song “These Terrible Children.”

parents dance

Someone from the group: Well, it's time to go!

The whole group of parents, feigning sadness, leaves the stage.

Music (sad, 20-30 sec.)

Scene 5

Turnip and Turnepka are sleeping on the stage. Turnip wakes up first. He sits down and stretches. He sees Turnepka sleeping, pulls the blanket off her, and tickles her. Turnip jumps. Turnip sticks out his tongue at her.

Turnip: Nobody woke us up, I woke up myself! Get up, Turnepka! Otherwise we'll be late for school!

Turnepka: (stretches, yawns) Turnip, isn't today Sunday?

Turnip: Sunday was yesterday! And today is an ordinary Monday!

Turnip and Turnipka walk with a lazy, sleepy gait across the stage to the table standing on the stage. Turnip puts on a vest as she goes, and Turnipka combs her hair. They approach an empty table.

Turnip: And why didn't anyone wake us up? (yawns)

Turnepka: And where is our breakfast? (throws up his hands)

Turnip: Look, there's a note here! (takes a piece of paper from the table and begins to read):"Children! By the time you read this letter, we will already be far away. Don't look for us and don't wait. We decided to leave you alone. No one will make any comments to you anymore, they will not demand anything from you. We are tired of your disobedience. Your Dad."

Turnepka: (grabs the letter from Repka’s hands and continues to read):“Be careful with electricity and water - turn off the taps! Do not climb with your feet on the windowsill. Food in the refrigerator. Your mother. Yes, and still water the flowers in our room.”

Turnip thoughtfully scratches the back of his head, Turnipka sadly sits down on a chair.

Turnip: Yes-ah... Oh! All! If there are no parents, then you don’t have to wash yourself. (presses finger on hand), don't brush your teeth (presses second finger) and in general, do whatever you want!

Turnepka: What if they don't come back? (with trembling voice) How will we live without them?

Turnip: They're not going anywhere (waves his hand nonchalantly). Let's hurry to school! Our first drawing lesson is today, and I want to draw a blue cat! Do you remember that cat that we painted at grandma’s dacha?

Both laugh merrily. They take their backpacks (briefcases) and run off stage.

Scene 6

Children begin to appear on stage in pairs. All with backpacks (briefcases). Entering the stage, each couple exclaims “Did you hear?!” As a result, all the children appear on stage.

Children in chorus: Yes, we heard, we heard! The parents are gone!

Two of the children unfurl the slogan “All classes are cancelled!” and hang it with the help of the others to the decorations. Afterwards, everyone disperses in a semicircle, admiring the slogan and exclaiming in chorus “Hurray!”

Child 1: Now you can have a nice rest!

Child 2: It turns out they are all conspiring against us? Even teachers...

Turnip: They decided to teach us a lesson! (self-confident) Let's see what comes of this!

Cockroach: Let us live without them! Just think... parents! Stop teaching us, do something yourself!

Pistol: Finally, no one will boss us around! No one will force us to do what we don’t like! Long live the Feast of Disobedience!

Children throw their backpacks (briefcases) into one pile and perform a dance to the song “Feast of Disobedience.”

children dance

Child 3: And now, ice cream!

Music (upbeat, 50-60 sec.)

All the children shouting “Hurray!” they run up to the table standing on the stage and snatch up cups of ice cream and begin to devour it with pleasure. After eating a glass each, they take another one.

Child 5: (also in a slightly hoarse voice) Who said that ice cream can only be eaten? (stealthily begins to approach the edge of the stage, holding his hands behind his back) After all, we are Terrible Children! (“throws out” the contents of the glass and cotton balls into the auditorium)

Music (upbeat, 50-60 sec.)

All the other children, squealing and screaming, begin to throw “ice cream” at each other, gradually moving behind the scenes.

Scene 7

Phonogram: And this is Fantik. Yes Yes! This is a real surname, not a nickname. Fantik is the tallest midget. He and his Lilliputian friends performed in the circus. The children of the whole city loved Fantik and his performances. Only bad luck: Fantik twisted his leg and stayed at home for several days, the circus left, but Fantik remained in the city. But today the leg almost didn’t hurt anymore, and in the best mood, Fantik decided to take a ride into the city.

Fantik rides back and forth across the entire stage on a scooter, humming something. Once again, Child 6, Child 7, Child 8 run out from behind the scenes and almost collide with him.

Wrapper: (angrily) Shame on you! Why don't you follow traffic rules? Do you want your parents to be fined?

Child 7: They abandoned us! (sneezes)

Wrapper: How did you quit? And why aren't you at school?

Child 8: Why are you bothering us? Did he fall from the moon? Roll on your wheels and roll on, neat guy!

Wrapper: (addresses the audience, in a sad voice) Something strange is happening... I don’t understand anything!

Fantik thoughtfully takes the scooter and, also thoughtfully, sadly shaking his head, leaves the stage with the scooter.

Scene 8

Music (upbeat, 50-60 sec.)

Two groups of children enter the stage from different sides. Group 1 (Turnip, Turnip, Child 1 - Child 4), smeared with paint, approach the decorations and begin to paint them with zeal.

Music (terrible, 50-60 sec.)

The 2nd group (Pistol, Cockroach, Child 5 - Child 8), stylized as zombies, come out like zombies with tablets in their hands, sit down on the edge of the stage and begin to intensively “cut on the tablets.”

Turnip: No one can tell us!

Child 1: We do what we want!

Child 2: Even if he is very grimy, (points to Repka)

Child 3: We will not stop being dirty!

Turnepka: We'll paint around!

Child 4: And no one will suddenly get angry.

Pistol: We are on computers all day long

Child 5: We can play games and play!

Child 6: And no one with his adult hand

Child 7: He won't dare tear us away!

Cockroach: He won't dare force us into bed!

Child 8: (with a happy face) What a blessing!

During this performance, Fantik comes on stage, stops in the middle of the stage and looks around in confusion.

Wrapper: (screams in despair) Will someone finally tell me what is going on here?!

Children in chorus: Festival of disobedience!

All the children begin to hum in chorus, increasing in volume. The rumble turns into a squeal and scream and suddenly subsides (to the soundtrack of rolling thunder).

Pistol: My head hurts... Ahhhh! (leans back, falls back)

Turnip: (grabs his stomach) And I’m really hungry... Wow! ( falls)

Child 5: (voice shaking with chills) And I got a chill... Oops! (leans back, falls back)

Turnepka: (putting hand to forehead) And I seem to have a fever... Ar! (falls)

Child 6: And it’s dark in my eyes... Ah! (leans back, falls back)

Cockroach: I want to go home already... Oh! (leans back, falls back)

Child 2: And I really want to sleep... Ah! ( falls)

Child 7: I'm tired of these pleasures... Eh! (leans back, falls back)

Child 3: (grabs his leg) And my leg hurts, this is such nonsense... Yes! (falls)

Child 8: And I seem to have gone deaf... Oh! (leans back, falls back)

Turnepka: (rises exhaustedly, points to Fantik) Look! This is Fantik!

All the children repeat in unison “Candy wrapper!” and in discord they begin to ask him for help, “Fantik, save me!”, “Fantik, help!” etc.

Wrapper: (confused and desperate) But I'm just a little clown. I've never treated anyone.

Fantik begins to fussily run from one child to another. Feel their forehead and pulse.

Scene 9

Kite: Be patient, Baby! We're almost there! Now, let’s just go around that thundercloud...

There is a clap of thunder. The Paper Kite appears and the Capricious Boy jumps onto the stage, as if from the sky.

Kite: Well, here we are! Look what's here...

Naughty boy: Wow! What's here?

All the children rise up exhausted and look at the Capricious Boy.

Pistol: Who are you?

Naughty boy: (proudly) I am the Terrible Child!

Cockroach: And why did you come here?

Naughty boy: What do you mean why? I got tired of listening to my mother, and I flew away from her!

Turnepka: (sad) But with us it’s the other way around: we didn’t obey, and all our parents left us!

Naughty boy: So now you can do anything? And no one punishes you?

Turnip: (sad) We can do everything, but we don’t want anything anymore!

Naughty boy: And I want it so bad! Chocolate ice cream!

Wrapper: Shut up! (waves his hands at him)

Naughty boy: (surprised) And what?

At this moment, all the children pretend to vomit.

Wrapper: (throws up his hands) Nothing anymore...

Naughty boy: (thoughtfully) Something about you isn’t as good as I thought... There’s something I don’t like about you. I'll fly back home.

Scene 10

Kite: Baby, Baby! I'm hooked again. Help me!

Wrapper: (addresses the Capricious Boy) Who is this?

Naughty boy: This is the Paper Kite on which I flew to you. (decisively) I'll just fly back now!

Wrapper: (to the hall) I figured it out! I figured out how to help the Children! (to the capricious boy) If you didn’t like it with us, then we won’t detain you, that’s your right. But maybe you can lend us your Paper Kite for an hour or two? We will definitely return it to you.

Naughty boy: Yes, this is not my Paper Kite at all. He is independent!

Wrapper: All the better. (approaches Paper Kite). Dear Paper Kite, please help us return the parents to our children!

The children all jump to their feet, shouting “Yes!”, “huddle” around the kite and randomly ask him “Please help!”

Kite: I will definitely help you! (hides behind the stage) I will definitely discover them! (sound fades gradually) As far as I understand in terms of distances, they could not have gone far...

Wrapper: (addressing the children) Well, now we need to put everything in order. After all, we can’t meet your parents like this. Forward! Let's get ourselves and the city in order!

Everyone leaves the stage with a joyful roar.

Scene 11

Music (sad, 30-40 sec.)

A group of Parents comes onto the stage and sits in a semicircle. Someone is sobbing, someone is wiping their eyes with a handkerchief...

Someone's mom: They can drown!

Another mom: There is no river or lake there!

Someone else's mother: They can drown in the bath!

Dad: You shouldn't be afraid of this. They don't like to wash anyway!

The Paper Kite appears on the scene.

Kite: A message from your children!

The parents jump up, run up to the Paper Kite, take the message and, “bored”, begin to read it. The words “we love”, “we miss”, “it’s bad without you”, etc. are heard separately.

Someone's mom: Moms! Dads!

Another mom: We without you -

Someone else's mother: Doesn't matter

Dad: What do you need without us!

Gradually these two lines begin to be spoken in chorus. Parents begin jumping in a round dance, joyfully chanting “Moms! Dads! Without you, we don’t care what you do without us,” and in such a round dance they leave the stage.

Scene 12

Music (upbeat, 60-70 sec.)

The whole group of children comes on stage. Someone is removing painted parts from the scenery. Someone is dressing up, preening, someone is combing their hair. Turnepka stands on one edge of the stage and peers into the distance. Each of the children, as soon as their action ends, joins Repka. When everyone joins...

Turnepka: (screams joyfully) They're coming!

The children scatter and line up in one line facing the backstage where the Parents will appear. Parents appear on stage and also line up on stage opposite their children. Pause!

Someone's mom: Somehow they are not like that!

Someone else's mother: What happened to them?

Another mom: They are so clean and tidy!

Mother: I don't recognize these children!

Dad: They are so quiet and calm...

Children rush out of their seats screaming and screaming and attack their parents. Everyone hugs and spins. The final dance and song are performed.

final song


Graduation script 2015


    “The time has come for us to say goodbye” / Directory of music guides No. 0 2012.

    "Day of Disobedience"

    “Very sorry” for the couple

    "Sweet tooth"

    "Take care of adults" everyone

    “Little daughter” girls with dads

    “With the Sultans” Grace (Rays, Dwarves)

    "Quadrille" (Dwarves)

    "Arcs" (Rays)

    "Game with letters"

    “Get ready for school” (with families)

    "Blind Man's Bluff"

2 teachers come out to the fanfare of “Childhood is me and you”

1 ved; Today I would like to say a lot,

But, unfortunately, cannot be expressed in words,

How hard it is for us to say goodbye again

With the graduating students!

2 ved: What good children have grown up,

Well, where else can you meet such people?

And among them there are no talkers or fighters.

There are no greedy people, everyone is ready to help each other!

1st lesson: Everyone loves to study and listens to mother,

And they eat the porridge without leaving a single gram.

In short, there are no more expensive ones in the world,

Both: What good children they have grown up to be.

Episode 2: Meet our dear graduates!

Children, to the song “Childhood is me and you,” run into the hall one pair at a time, wave their arms, and stand in a semicircle.

Ved: Today my soul is both happy and sad.
You are my first issue, my beloved and dear!
And I don’t even understand, but it became somehow empty,
And I want to warm you up again with warmth.

We've been through a lot, we've learned a lot.
But I want to start everything from scratch.
You are pride and love, you are dearest.
What a pity it is to let you go from your warm nest.

Five years ago

We came to kindergarten.

We were just babies

We didn't know how to do anything back then

Everyone got it from us.

We didn't sing happy songs -

And everyone roared and roared.

After all, we were very sad,

We were left alone, without mothers.

Then the teachers came

They led us along.

The tears were told sharply: “Stop!”

Turning life into a kaleidoscope.

And life went full speed ahead,

And the group is full of people.

Of course they stopped crying

They grew up before your eyes!

And then the troubles began:

They started playing mother-daughter.

One friend will lock himself in the closet,

Another faucet in the toilet will open...

but then we learned to be friends,

We learned to clean up after ourselves,

Imperceptibly they became artists.

We were invited to perform everywhere.

And today they stand in front of you

30 smart, obedient guys

At the graduation party, goodbye

They want to sing a good song!

Song "It's time for us to say goodbye"

Our beloved, our beautiful,
Our wonderful kindergarten!

Are you on your way today happy
You see off preschool children.

Goodbye to our fairy tales,
Our merry round dance,
Our games, songs, dances!
Goodbye! School is waiting!

Our favorite kindergarten
You will be remembered forever!
We will send you from school from excellent students...

All: - Hello! (The children sat down)

Ved: We will be very happy if all our children are excellent students, because in kindergarten they learned to count, and read, and draw, and think, and dance, and defend projects, and perform on stage! And, of course, play! Let's combine business with pleasure! We will come up with words starting with a given letter.

Game "With letters"

Reb: Our dear teachers! You have done so much for us over the years! And today WE will entertain you!

reb: Well, are we dancing great? Yes, they really taught us everything! But sometimes it happened like this... It’s scary to remember!

(phone ringing: “Vera Alex, Natalya Ivanovna, go to the director’s office. Urgently”)

Vera: Guys, we will be back soon, stay alone, behave with dignity, everyone listen to a fairy tale!

(Include fairy tale)

1 Reb: runs out, looks around: That’s it, I’m tired! I know this fairy tale by heart! And why do we have to listen to these adults all the time?

2 Reb: Then they pester you to draw and draw! But I want to play!

All: Exactly!

3 Reb: They force you to finish eating cabbage, but I love compote!

All: Compote, compote!

4 Reb: And finally, we are always forced to put our toys back in their places. Why, if we play with them again?

ALL: Of course!

5th child: And in general, it’s time to cancel all classes and let us play all day.

1st child: I support! Any other suggestions?

2nd child: Instead of porridge and milk, give candy and juice for breakfast.

All: Candy! Candies!

3rd child: Install computers with unlimited Internet in each group.

All: Cool!!!

4th child: Cancel quiet time!

All: Cancel! Cancel!

5th child: Let's have a day of disobedience and show the adults how we want to live in kindergarten.

1st child: Yes! And we will post this information on the website of our “Nest”

Reb: Attention, attention, the “Day of Disobedience” is announced!

Song "Day of Disobedience"

Reb: Quiet, it seems they are coming! All sleep! (snore)

Reb: (quietly) Nastya... Nastya, are you sleeping?

Reb: No, I don’t feel like sleeping at all.

reb: Why should we sleep? After all, today is the day of disobedience!

reb: Let's play!

Reb: Guys, what are you doing?! During quiet times, you should not make noise or play around. We'll get it!

Reb: Yes, no one will know.

Game "Search"

Reb: Guys, it seems like someone is really coming here...

(Carlson flies in dressed as a ghost, to the music “zhu-zhu”)

Carlson: It worked, it worked! Did I really scare you? Ho-ho, where did I end up? Hello kids! Are you alone or what? Then we'll have a good time now! After all, I am the best naughty girl in the world! Remember how Freken ran away from me... So, it’s announced "Fun game chaos"!

Carlson: Who is the world's best game inventor? Of course it's me! Listen to my story about the cheerful Tweedledee. If you name the endings correctly, then I will show you what the residents of Trulyaysk sent for you!

In the town of Trulyalaisk they speak Trulyalai:

There are drivers (trollers)

Musicians (trollers)

Football players (trolley players)

There are sluts (tweedledee)

And grannies (tweedles)

And the daddies (tweedledee)

And all the aunts (troll)

And dogs (tweedledums)

And a kitten (tweedledum)

Kindergarten (trolley)

And in addition, a cheerful parrot? (troll)

And Maksimka -

And Nikita-

Let's continue the commotion! Do you like to play blind man's buff? Who is the best cheater in the world? It's me, Carlson! (Blindfolds, calls girls, then boys)

Game "Blind Man's Bluff"

Carlson: Aunties, would you like to play blind man's buff? How? I am the smartest, most well-mannered, moderately well-fed man at the very dawn of his strength! No? But I’m also talented! Madam, please allow me to use your pen! (Challenges mom to dance “Along along Piterskaya”) Thank you, madam! Now it's your turn, little naughty kids!

Carlson: Bravo, bravo! It just seems like it’s time to refresh yourself! Baby, take everything you have there that’s delicious: a jar of jam, 2-3 cakes, sweets, well, all sorts of cakes... What, no? It's a pity! Calm, just calm! Residents of Trulyalysk have sent you a whole bunch of goodies! Come on!

Song "Sweet Tooth"

After the song, the children clutch their stomachs and sit down

Reb: Oh, and we’ll get it from the adults!

Carlson: Yes, why are you feeling bad? Did you overeat? Oh, well then I flew off, it seems like I have nothing to do here...

Children: Goodbye, Carlson! (Moan)

1 Ved: (returned to their seats) Guys, what’s going on here?

2nd lead: Is everything okay?

Reb: Guys, let's always - always obey and take care of our dear parents, educators and, of course, future teachers!

1Ved: How smart the children have grown up!

Dance "Take care of adults" all

1.Ved: It’s no secret that the whole family is preparing for September 1st! Dad blows up balloons, mom collects her briefcase, and the child carries a bouquet. Now we’ll see whose family gets ready for school the fastest when the alarm clock rings!

Game “Get your child ready for school”

2 Vedas: Friends, perhaps the most touching moment of our holiday is coming. Dads and daughters have been preparing a surprise for graduation for a long time, and now they will show it to us! On stage, dear men!

Dance "Little Daughter"

Reb: Well, that’s all, the time has come

The one we've all been waiting for

We gathered for the last time

In our wonderful hall!

Goodbye to everyone who loved us
Taught me to play, write,
Sculpt, and dance and sing,
Helped me become smarter!

We will not forget your hands

their gentle warmth.
We learned the word “friend” here.
And “happiness” and “good”!

Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us,
And to those who simply loved us!

All: Bow to you and thank you!

Song “It’s a pity to leave”

Waltz in couples.

They give flowers to employees.

1 Ved: We would like to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you,
Walk the stairs of life boldly!

2 ved: Children leave on the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From the kindergarten, from the school threshold
We accompany them to school: Good morning!

Word: 1. To parents

2. To the director

Andryushka Shumelkin runs in.

Andryushka. You know? Recently, scientists were surprised to discover that there are naughty children in the world who like to do everything the other way around. They are given useful advice: “Wash your face in the morning!”, they are told: “Say hello to each other,” they immediately forget and don’t say hello. Scientists consulted and came up with the idea that such children should be given not useful advice, but harmful advice. Children do everything the other way around, but it turns out right. Let's leave the children unattended at home today and let them do whatever they want and see what happens, and they will probably be very happy about it.

All guests put on goggles and masks and seem to be leaving the hall. The music “Dunno” (from the movie “Dunno in Our Yard”) is played, a musical-rhythmic composition. Children run in, casually dressed.

Presenter. Guys, what happened? Why are you dressed like that today? Is there something I don’t understand?

1st child.

Because nowadays children
How we woke up at dawn
We didn't believe our eyes
Empty rooms - no mothers!

2nd child.

And wherever you look,
Suddenly we were left alone.

3rd child.

Nothing! And we with a mustache
We will do everything ourselves.

4th child.

And no one will punish us.
It won't force you to eat porridge.

5th child.

We'll just eat candy
As much as he can fit.

6th child.

And you don't have to brush your teeth,
And you don't need to wash your ears,
And don't go early
Go to kindergarten with my mother.

7th child.

We watch TV until the morning,
We'll watch it every day.
All cartoons, all programs,
But now you can’t count them!

Song: “I wish I could grow up.”

Presenter. Guys, how will you live without adults: without mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers? What will you do?

1st child.

We'll live nothing without our mothers,
We are already adults.

2nd child.

You don't have to listen to anyone!
Long live the holiday of disobedience!!!


Kanitelka comes out.

Gimp. Hello guys!

Andryusha. Hello! Who are you?

Gimp. (Sings).

I'm your habit
I'm your little sister
You are my dear brother
Repeat after me.

I am your habit, Kanitelka. Do you want me to teach you how to live like a gimp?

(Continues to sing).

Calm down, don't rush,
Lie down on the bed.
Yes, do everything in a hurry:
Dress barely.
Here's one sock I put on,
I rested and sat down.
Look, in an hour or two
You will put on the second one too.

Do you want me to teach you how to wash your face the proper way?

Andryusha. How is it?

Gimp. You take one finger, soap it, soap it, rinse it off, then take another, etc.

Game "soap bubbles". Yabeda-koryabeda appears.

Sneaky. (Sings).

I'm your habit
I'm your little sister
You are my dear brother
Repeat after me.

Sneaky. Andryusha, Andryusha, do you know! Yesterday that boy over there hit me in the ear! Do you know how painful it was! And that girl over there pulled my pigtail and wouldn’t give me her doll. And those kids over there... (Snitch).

Andryusha. Yes, why are you attached to me, who are you?

Sneaky. Well, of course, Andryusha, I’m your habit - Yabeda-Koryabeda (performs a song).

Song: “Yabeda-Koryabeda.” music Gladkovae.

The capricious one enters. Sings a song: “I am your habit...”

Capricious. Hello. Oh, how I don’t like you, how smart you all are.

Andryusha. Where did she come from here?

Capricious. What would it be like without me? Is it possible to do without Kaprizulka? I came to you with good advice.


Very easy to use
Kaprizulka's advice.
You have to shout all day long:
"All wrong! And that's not all!
I don't want to eat porridge!
I don't even want to play!
I'll cry all day long
I’ll be annoying to everyone!”

Shumelkin. Well done, you're doing great.

Habits. We can help you play, Andryushka, and put things in order.

Everyone scatters and runs away.

Leading. Andryusha Shumilkin, what have you done here? He got all dirty and scattered his toys.

Andryusha. Did you scatter everything? ( Surprised). It's not me, it's my bad habits. And I also know bad advice.

1st tip.

If you came to your friends,
Don't say hello to anyone
The words “Please”, “Thank you”,
Do not tell anybody.
Turn away and ask questions
Don't answer anyone.
And then no one will say
About you, that you are a talker.

Leading. You know, Andryusha, our children also know a lot of such advice. Do you want to listen?

Invites children to speak in turns.

2nd tip.

Never wash
Hands, neck, ears and face.
This is a stupid thing to do
Doesn't lead to anything.
It's also useless to get a haircut,
There's no point
By old age by itself
Goes bald.

3rd tip.

There is no more pleasant thing to do
What to pick your nose with.
Everyone is terribly interested
What's hidden inside?
And who hates to watch
Let him not even look
We don’t get in his way,
Let him not bother you either.

4th tip.

When you get old - ho
Walk through the streets.
Don't get on the bus, anyway
You'll have to stand there.
And nowadays there are few fools,
To give way,
And to those distant times
There won't be any of them at all.

5th tip.

If to dad or mom
Adult aunt came
And someone important leads
And a serious conversation.
Need from behind unnoticed
sneak up on her and then
Shout loudly, right in your ear:
“Stop”, “Give up”, “Hands up”.


And when auntie gets off the chair
Out of fright, he will fall
And he’ll spill it on his dress:
Tea, compote, or jelly.
It's probably very loud
Mom will laugh
And proud of my child
Dad will shake my hand
Dad will take you by the shoulder
And it will lead somewhere,
It must be there for a very long time
Dad will praise you.

6th tip.

If your mom caught you
Doing what you love
For example, while drawing
In the hallway on the wallpaper,
Explain to her what it is
Your surprise for March 8
The picture is called
“Portrait to my dear mother.”

Andryusha. Guys, you know we forgot to give our mothers drawings, let's draw.

Children take paints, brushes sing a song and after it paint one big picture.

Musical and rhythmic composition: “Black Cat”. Music Saulsky.

Shumilkin and Nekhochukha argue about whose drawing is better, and come to the conclusion that they need to compete. Divided into two teams. Team Tarakashki and Team Pulka. Games are played: “Sack Run”, “Tug of War”, “Fashion Salon” or “Models from Grandma’s Chest”.

The reluctant woman takes out a chocolate bar and begins to eat it and praise it, and Andryushka Shumelkin asks him:

Andryushka. Where did you get it? We want it too.

I don't want to. And there's a lot there!

The children start searching with Andryushka and find ice cream.

Modern dance: “REP” (with ice cream).

1st child.

Some sweets and candies,
We're pretty tired
We would have porridge, we would have soup
And we ate potatoes.

2nd child.

We ate our fill of ice cream
We're at our wits' end and here we are
Each of us already
Now my stomach hurts.

Children moan and cry to the music.

3rd child.

What to do? Who will help?
Who will feed us?
Who will lay it down?

4th child.

Who will treat, who will comb
Who will wash and comfort?
Only mommy, she
She will do it alone.

5th child.

Moms woke us up in the morning,
Helped me get dressed
Helped me to braid myself
Get ready for the garden soon

6th child.

Moms are gone and now we,
Everyone is dressed unkemptly.
How to wash? How to darn and iron?
This is all incomprehensible to us.

7th child.

We offended our mothers
Moms were not respected at all.
And they left us
And we were left alone.

Leading. Guys, now you understand how important and dear your mothers are to you. How many useful and good deeds their skillful, gentle hands manage to accomplish. Do you agree?

Children. Yes Yes Yes.

Leading. Will you listen to them and love them?

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Let's write them a letter and promise to never, ever upset them. You will listen to them and love them.

Children go and change into smart clothes, and the parents play the game “Draw Your Child.” Game conditions: invite parents to use details of geometric shapes, flower shapes, shapes of screws and nuts, etc. Children go out and read poems to their mothers.


Moms! Dads! We without you -
It’s all the same to you without us.
We love you!

Song: “Hello, Moms” music. Yu. Chichkova. A joint dance of mothers and children is performed.

Literature: Oster. G. “Bad advice.”


Graduation script 2015



    “The time has come for us to say goodbye” / Directory of music guides No. 0 2012.

    "Day of Disobedience"

    “Very sorry” for the couple

    "Sweet tooth"


    "Take care of adults" everyone

    “Little daughter” girls with dads

    “With the Sultans” Grace (Rays, Dwarves)

    "Quadrille" (Dwarves)

    "Arcs" (Rays)



    "Game with letters"

    “Get ready for school” (with families)

    "Blind Man's Bluff"

2 teachers come out to the fanfare of “Childhood is me and you”

1 ved; Today I would like to say a lot,

But, unfortunately, cannot be expressed in words,

How hard it is for us to say goodbye again

With the graduating students!

2 ved: What good children have grown up,

Well, where else can you meet such people?

And among them there are no talkers or fighters.

There are no greedy people, everyone is ready to help each other!

1st lesson: Everyone loves to study and listens to mother,

And they eat the porridge without leaving a single gram.

In short, there are no more expensive ones in the world,

Both: What good children they have grown up to be.

Episode 2: Meet our dear graduates!

Children, to the song “Childhood is me and you,” run into the hall one pair at a time, wave their arms, and stand in a semicircle.

Ved: Today my soul is both happy and sad.
You are my first issue, my beloved and dear!
And I don’t even understand, but it became somehow empty,
And I want to warm you up again with warmth.

We've been through a lot, we've learned a lot.
But I want to start everything from scratch.
You are pride and love, you are dearest.
What a pity it is to let you go from your warm nest.


Five years ago

We came to kindergarten.

We were just babies

We didn't know how to do anything back then

Everyone got it from us.

We didn't sing happy songs -

And everyone roared and roared.

After all, we were very sad,

We were left alone, without mothers.

Then the teachers came

They led us along.

The tears were told sharply: “Stop!”

Turning life into a kaleidoscope.

And life went full speed ahead,

And the group is full of people.

Of course they stopped crying

They grew up before your eyes!

And then the troubles began:

They started playing mother-daughter.

One friend will lock himself in the closet,

Another faucet in the toilet will open...

but then we learned to be friends,

We learned to clean up after ourselves,

Imperceptibly they became artists.

We were invited to perform everywhere.

And today they stand in front of you

30 smart, obedient guys

At the graduation party, goodbye

They want to sing a good song!

Song "It's time for us to say goodbye"

Our beloved, our beautiful,
Our wonderful kindergarten!

Are you on your way today happy
You see off preschool children.

Goodbye to our fairy tales,
Our merry round dance,
Our games, songs, dances!
Goodbye! School is waiting!

Our favorite kindergarten
You will be remembered forever!
We will send you from school from excellent students...

All: - Hello! (The children sat down)

Ved: We will be very happy if all our children are excellent students, because in kindergarten they learned to count, and read, and draw, and think, and dance, and defend projects, and perform on stage! And, of course, play! Let's combine business with pleasure! We will come up with words starting with a given letter.

Game "With letters"

Reb: Our dear teachers! You have done so much for us over the years! And today WE will entertain you!


reb: Well, are we dancing great? Yes, they really taught us everything! But sometimes it happened like this... It’s scary to remember!

(phone ringing: “Vera Alex, Natalya Ivanovna, go to the director’s office. Urgently”)

Vera: Guys, we will be back soon, stay alone, behave with dignity, everyone listen to a fairy tale!

(Include fairy tale)

1 Reb: runs out, looks around: That’s it, I’m tired! I know this fairy tale by heart! And why do we have to listen to these adults all the time?

2 Reb: Then they pester you to draw and draw! But I want to play!

All: Exactly!

3 Reb: They force you to finish eating cabbage, but I love compote!

All: Compote, compote!

4 Reb: And finally, we are always forced to put our toys back in their places. Why, if we play with them again?

ALL: Of course!

5th child: And in general, it’s time to cancel all classes and let us play all day.

All Yes!

1st child: I support! Any other suggestions?

2nd child: Instead of porridge and milk, give candy and juice for breakfast.

All: Candy! Candies!

3rd child: Install computers with unlimited Internet in each group.

All: Cool!!!

4th child: Cancel quiet time!

All: Cancel! Cancel!

5th child: Let's have a day of disobedience and show the adults how we want to live in kindergarten.

1st child: Yes! And we will post this information on the website of our “Nest”

Reb: Attention, attention, the “Day of Disobedience” is announced!

All: Hurray!

Song "Day of Disobedience"

Reb: Quiet, it seems they are coming! All sleep! (snore)

Reb: (quietly) Nastya... Nastya, are you sleeping?

Reb: No, I don’t feel like sleeping at all.

reb: Why should we sleep? After all, today is the day of disobedience!

reb: Let's play!

Reb: Guys, what are you doing?! During quiet times, you should not make noise or play around. We'll get it!

Reb: Yes, no one will know.

Game "Search"

Reb: Guys, it seems that someone is really coming here...

(Carlson flies in dressed as a ghost, to the music “zhu-zhu”)

Carlson: It worked, it worked! Did I really scare you? Ho-ho, where did I end up? Hello kids! Are you alone or what? Then we'll have a good time now! After all, I am the best naughty girl in the world! Remember how Freken ran away from me... So, it’s announced "Fun game chaos"!

Carlson:Who is the world's best game inventor? Of course it's me! Listen to my story about the cheerful Tweedledee. If you name the endings correctly, then I will show you what the residents of Trulyaysk sent for you!

In the town of Trulyalaisk they speak Trulyalai:

There are drivers (trollers)

Musicians (trollers)

Football players (trolley players)

There are sluts (tweedledee)

And grannies (tweedles)

And the daddies (tweedledee)

And all the aunts (troll)

And dogs (tweedledums)

And a kitten (tweedledum)

Kindergarten (trolley)

And in addition, a cheerful parrot? (troll)

And Maksimka -

And Nikita-

And Lisa-

Let's continue the commotion! Do you like to play blind man's buff? Who is the best cheater in the world? It's me, Carlson! (Blindfolds, calls girls, then boys)

Game "Blind Man's Bluff"

Carlson: Aunties, would you like to play blind man's buff? How? I am the smartest, most well-mannered, moderately well-fed man at the very dawn of his strength! No? But I’m also talented! Madam, please allow me to use your pen! (Challenges mom to dance “Along along Piterskaya”) Thank you, madam! Now it's your turn, little naughty kids!


Carlson: Bravo, bravo! It just seems like it’s time to refresh yourself! Baby, take everything you have there that’s delicious: a jar of jam, 2-3 cakes, sweets, well, all sorts of cakes... What, no? It's a pity! Calm, just calm! Residents of Trulyalysk have sent you a whole bunch of goodies! Come on!

Song "Sweet Tooth"

After the song, the children clutch their stomachs and sit down

Reb: Oh, and we’ll get it from the adults!

Carlson: Yes, why are you feeling bad? Did you overeat? Oh, well then I flew off, it seems like I have nothing to do here...

Children: Goodbye, Carlson! (Moan)

1 Ved: (returned to their seats) Guys, what’s going on here?

2nd lead: Is everything okay?

Children: Yes!

Reb: Guys, let's always - always obey and take care of our dear parents, educators and, of course, future teachers!

1Ved: How smart the children have grown up!

Dance "Take care of adults" all

1.Ved: It’s no secret that the whole family is preparing for September 1st! Dad blows up balloons, mom collects her briefcase, and the child carries a bouquet. Now we’ll see whose family gets ready for school the fastest when the alarm clock rings!

Game “Get your child ready for school”

2 Vedas: Friends, perhaps the most touching moment of our holiday is coming. Dads and daughters have been preparing a surprise for graduation for a long time, and now they will show it to us! On stage, dear men!

Dance "Little Daughter"

Reb: Well, that’s all, the time has come

The one we've all been waiting for

We gathered for the last time

In our wonderful hall!

Goodbye to everyone who loved us
Taught me to play, write,
Sculpt, and dance and sing,
Helped me become smarter!

We will not forget your hands

their gentle warmth.
We learned the word “friend” here.
And “happiness” and “good”!

Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us,
And to those who simply loved us!

All: Bow to you and thank you!

Song “It’s a pity to leave”

Waltz in couples.

They give flowers to employees.

1 Ved: We would like to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you,
Walk the stairs of life boldly!

2 ved: Children leave on the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From the kindergarten, from the school threshold
We accompany them to school: Good morning!

Word: 1. To parents

2. To the director

3. Diplomas.

Goals: Create a joyful mood, entertain children, diversify play activities with them. Objectives: - promote the formation of warm, friendly relationships between children; - consolidate pupils’ ideas about kindergarten, rules of behavior in kindergarten; - remember polite words; - cultivate love for kindergarten, respectful attitude towards adults.





Goals : Create a joyful mood, entertain children, diversify play activities with them.

- promote the formation of warm, friendly relationships between children;
- consolidate pupils’ ideas about kindergarten, rules of behavior in kindergarten;

Remember polite words;
- cultivate love for kindergarten, respectful attitude towards adults.


Presenter : Guys, let's have a celebration today. And which one, we find out from the letter.

Letter from Kaprizuli:

Because today children

How we woke up at dawn

We didn't believe our eyes

Empty rooms - no mothers!

And wherever you look,

Suddenly everyone was left alone.

Nothing! And you with the mustache

You will do everything yourself.

And no one will punish you.

It won't force you to eat porridge.

You will only eat sweets,

As much as he can fit.

And you don't have to brush your teeth,

And you don't need to wash your ears,

We watch TV until the morning,

We'll watch it every day.

You don't have to listen to anyone!

Long live holiday of disobedience!


Presenter: Guys, since there are no adults anymore to take care of you, you will have to do everything yourself. Do you agree?

What do we do in the gym in the morning when you come to kindergarten.

And I know a cool exercise!

We're standing on the mat

We look in all directions.

Right, left, up and down

Look and smile!

Raise your handles higher

swing left, swing right.

That's it, one more time,

Look at us all!

Turn right, turn left

And smile at your neighbor.

Like this again

It turns out for us.

Bow to the right, bow to the left,

Lean in, don't be lazy.

That's it, one more time,

Look at us all!

Now let's squat down,

We are funny guys!

That's it, one more time,

It works for us!

Let's jump easily and merrily,

Like a cheerful ringing ball.

That's it, one more time,

Look at us all!

Raise your arms higher

Just breathe through your nose.

That's it, one more time,

And we'll finish now!

Presenter : Now let's put together two crazy teams of girls and boys.

BOYS : There is a team - “BOYS”

Who will fight is us.

Hey fan, don't sit

Give us a little support!


Who is always rich in mind,

Who's cooler than the girls?

There is nothing cooler in the world!

We are better than boys!

We are brave and cheerful

We're all cute.

A game : “Let’s make soup and compote”

Game: "Sweet Tooth"

Presenter. Guys, but you are very good children. Why should we succumb to Caprizuli’s tricks? Let's better teach her how to behave in kindergarten.

Presenter : Guys, Kaprizulya sent us some advice. We should play a game now

"Yes or no"

1st tip.

If you came to your friends,

Don't say hello to anyone

The words “Please”, “Thank you”,

Do not tell anybody.

Turn away and ask questions

Don't answer anyone.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker.

2nd tip.

Never wash

Hands, neck, ears and face.

This is a stupid thing to do

Doesn't lead to anything.

It's also useless to get a haircut,

There's no point

By old age by itself

Your head will go bald.

3rd tip.

There is no more pleasant thing to do

What to pick your nose with.

Everyone is terribly interested

What's hidden inside?

And who is disgusted to look,

Let him not even look

We don’t get in his way,

Let him not bother you either.

4th tip.

When you get old, go

Walk through the streets.

Don't get on the bus, anyway

You'll have to stand there.

And nowadays there are few young people,

To give way,

And to those distant times,

There won't be any of them at all.

5th tip.

If to dad or mom

Adult aunt came

And someone important leads

And a serious conversation.

Need from behind unnoticed

sneak up on her and then

Shout out loud, right in ear :

“Stop”, “Surrender”, “Hands up”.

6th tip.

And when auntie leaves the chair,

Out of fright, he will fall

And he’ll spill it on his dress:

Tea, compote, or jelly.

It's probably very loud

Mom will laugh

And proud of my child

Dad will shake my hand

Dad will take you by the shoulder

And it will lead somewhere,

It must be there for a very long time

Dad will praise you.

7th tip

You have to shout all day long:

"All wrong! And that's not all!

I don't want to eat porridge!

I don't even want to play!

I'll cry all day long

I’ll be annoying to everyone!”

Leading . Is this good advice?? (No)

Guys, you need to pick up your trash.

Game: "Collect garbage."

Leading . Guys, is it possible to behave like this? Let us write a letter to Kaprizulka, where we will tell you what polite words you know, so that she will remember them.

A game "Magic Words"

Children list polite words : thank you, be kind, please, good morning, hello, excuse me, be healthy, only after you, good journey, thank you, welcome, let me help you, I beg your pardon, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, be so kind, help yourself, nice to meet you, bon appetit.

Leading . You see, we are good guys, we won’t do any more dirty tricks. Let's listen to adults and follow the rules of behavior in kindergarten!