For children      09/20/2023

Cool questions for men, with a trick. Quizzes for the holiday The most interesting quiz questions on women's topics

1. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway)

2. In what geometric body can water boil? (Cubed)

3. Which river is the scariest? (Tigris River)

4. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters)

5. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins)

6. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

7. When a new house is built, what is the first nail driven into? (In a hat)

8. What is under a person’s feet when he walks across a bridge? (Shoe sole)

9. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh)

10. How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put in)

11. What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin)

12. What is between the window and the door? (Letter "i")

13. What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons)

14. How can you put two liters of milk in a liter jar? (You need to make condensed milk from milk)

15. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, then how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes)

16. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All months)

17. What do you drop when you need it and pick it up when you don’t? (Anchor)

18. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything)

19. What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner? (Postage Stamp)

20. Is it possible to light a match underwater? (You can if you pour water into a glass and hold the match below the glass)

21. How can an thrown egg fly three meters without breaking? (You need to throw the egg four meters, then it will fly the first three meters intact)

22. What will happen to the green cliff if it falls into the Red Sea? (It'll get wet)

23. The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not turned on. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her? (It was a bright sunny day)

24. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is this possible? (Both people were playing with other people)

25. What could be larger than an elephant and at the same time weightless? (Elephant's shadow)

26. What do all people on earth do at the same time? (Getting older)

27. What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6)

28. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step)

29. What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature)

30. Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)

31. When can a net pull out water? (When the water freezes)

32. What question cannot be answered “yes”? (Are you sleeping now?)

33. What question cannot be answered “no”? (You are alive?)

34. What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three torsos and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken)

Human nature has a craving for beauty. The beautiful evokes pleasure and admiration. The beauty of a woman attracts, enchants, binds. Beauty is deified and magical properties are attributed to it. Poets sing about her, they dedicate to her all the best, touching, sincere...

The quiz about the beauty of a woman contains 12 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. A mysterious look, a wondrous smile, a perfect oval, incomprehensible charm and mystery. From time immemorial, which person has been the ideal of female beauty?
Goddess Diana
Ancient Roman goddess Fortuna
Gioconda +

2. How to make eyebrows beautiful: thick, even?
No way, as nature gave, so it is
Lightly rub in the oil mixture +
Do a light massage in the direction of the hairs +

3. As we all know, a healthy intestine means soft skin, fluffy hair, lightness of gait... What is the name of a salad made from beets and carrots that helps the intestines work?
"Broom" +
"Healthy gut"

4. How should you comb long hair?
Starting from the ends and moving to the roots +
Starting from the roots
Doesn't matter

5. Flowers are a symbol of beauty. What flower did the ancient Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius idolize? To which flower are more than 500 volumes dedicated to the library of the Chinese Emperor?
Rose +

6. Which face cream is best to use?
I prefer the latest, innovative developments
The one that will help me better
The answer to this question is strictly individual.

7. Which ancient Roman goddess is the goddess of beauty, marriage and birth, motherhood?
Juno +

8. Continue the phrase: “The beauty of a woman is first of all...”
Well-groomed skin +
Self-confidence +
Mysterious charm +

9. When applying lipstick, you must first consider
Face shape +
Lipstick type +
Clothes color - (optional)

10. Choose the correct option in your opinion. They “make” a beautiful face...
Beautiful eyes +
Bright lipstick
Blush on the cheeks

11. Which work of Russian literature talks about the “genius of pure beauty”?
“I met you...” F.I. Tyutchev
“I remember a wonderful moment...” A.S. Pushkin +
“The beautiful star of Venus, bright-eyed...” A.A. Fet

12. How to protect your hair from excessive ultraviolet radiation in summer?
Use shampoo containing a UV filter +
Wear a headdress +
Braid your hair (loose hair is more likely to dry out) +

It is impossible to imagine a holiday without jokes, laughter and cheerful faces. Any event: a wedding, a birthday or a children's party - is held with various competitions that are appropriate for the situation. Quizzes are a popular form of entertainment. Participants receive questions in any form, and if they answer correctly, they are awarded incentives in the form of prizes. The part where there are humorous questions deserves special attention.

Basic rules

The procedure for conducting quizzes and competitions consists of several steps. It is important to plan questions based on what kind of contingent is present so that participants are interested. It is very important to use humorous quiz questions. Often they help guests relax, and in some cases even reveal their inner world and show how developed their intellect is. For example, you could include questions like:

  1. What can't you build a house without? (No corner)
  2. What branch does not grow on a tree? (Railway)
  3. When is the forest a snack? (When it's cheese, that is raw)
  4. You can’t see the fire, but you have to put it out, what is it? (Debt, loan)

The quizzes themselves can take place either in one stage or in several rounds, stages or classes, where the questions gradually become more difficult as they move to the next level. And interesting prizes will be a great incentive for the participation of all guests of the celebration.

Humor is appropriate and inappropriate

Comic questions for a quiz are a great field for imagination. It all depends on the type of event. A joke is inevitably associated with fun and laughter, as well as positive emotions. But here it is important not to cross boundaries, because discord and any questions may unwittingly hurt someone’s dignity. Of course, it is impossible to know in advance, especially with a large number of people, about all the preferences of the guests. But if we consider the problem in general, then jokes are not recommended:

  • on religious topics;
  • with a focus on the nationality of the participants;
  • with elements of black humor or cruelty;
  • openly vulgar, sexually themed.

In addition, questions should be selected taking into account the number of participants. For example, at weddings the topic of scandals between sons-in-law and mother-in-law, daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law is often raised. And such a question will help you laugh good-naturedly at the myth of misunderstanding between new relatives and will suggest options for solving many problems in the future.

The presenter says: “The newlyweds live with their husband’s parents. The mother-in-law constantly finds fault with her son's wife, hinting at length about her inability to cook deliciously. Once again, the young housewife prepared a dessert and decided to come up with a humorous name for it, so that the mother-in-law could not say anything bad about the dish. Assignment: help my daughter-in-law choose a funny and wise name for a sweet.”

The answers may include the following options: “Mother-in-law’s tongue,” “The sweetness of the speeches of the husband’s mother,” “For my husband’s dear mother,” and the like. Absolutely all guests can participate in the selection of the name.

Wedding quizzes

At weddings, among other jokes, humorous questions for men and women about the opposite sex and understanding of family problems will be appropriate. To organize and conduct the quiz “The Struggle and the World of Opposites,” it will be interesting to unite a group of men against a group of women. You can offer the following task: the presenter shows photographs, and the participants take turns naming the object, and each picture should be named by a man in the masculine gender, and a woman in the feminine. For example:

  • boxes - box;
  • chair - stool;
  • bill - a banknote;
  • way;
  • tail - part of the body;
  • liver is an internal organ.

Having answered once, the participant transfers the right to answer to the next member of his team. If a participant cannot answer or answers incorrectly, he is eliminated from the team.

Quizzes at children's parties

Where can children practice humor by asking humorous questions and finding answers to them, if not at birthdays, picnics, matinees or other group events? A fun quiz will help make the holiday more interesting. It is only important to choose the right questions and include fun tasks. You can even hold some comic sports competitions.

It should be remembered that the younger the contingent, the simpler and more understandable the tasks should be. For preschool children, it is appropriate to ask simple questions, such as:

  1. What color are the sides of a magpie?

For younger students, assignments will be logical and have the opportunity to reflect. Comic questions for children should be to some extent developmental, forcing them to use their intellect. Here are some examples:

Quizzes for adults

Competitions with questions and comic tasks will help to diversify the holidays for older people. For adults, you can organize a kind of tournament, where participants in the game of one team ask questions to their opponents, and they, accordingly, prepare cool answers. At the same time, humorous questions for adults are free to have a variety of topics; here it is worth looking at the situation, the degree of familiarity of all participants and the general atmosphere. But neutral questions are great for any company.

1. Can a penguin call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk!)

2. How to pick a branch so as not to scare away the bird? (You have to wait until she flies away on her own)

3. What do you eat for? (At the table)

4. Why do you go to the kitchen when you are hungry? (By gender)

Quizzes at corporate events

At corporate events where the work team is gathered, jokes are the perfect way to put employees in a positive mood, allowing them to relax and feel more free. If during working hours men perceive women as employees, then at a corporate party, humorous questions to men about women will help reveal a lot of fun and interesting things. And ladies will be surprised that much of their behavior, it turns out, is incomprehensible to men. For example, not all representatives of the stronger sex know:

1. Why does a woman apply nail polish or glue to her tights? (So ​​that the “arrow does not run” further).

2. Is yeast used in shortbread dough? (No).

3. How many knitting needles are needed to knit socks and mittens? (Five).

4. In which month do women talk the least? (In February, there are only 28 days).

middle aged

Joking questions are asked in order to defuse the situation and create a cheerful atmosphere for those present. But no one has canceled knowledge, the presence of intelligence and quick wits. Therefore, during events organized for middle school children, cool questions of this type would be appropriate:

All participants should remember that this kind of quiz is fun leisure time and a bright holiday. There is no need to take your losses to heart; this is a friendly game to strengthen communication, and not a reason for competition.

Intellectual-cognitive quiz

For cute girls"

Goal: to develop the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren, broaden their horizons.

Preparatory work:

1) prepare a presentation (questions and tasks), prizes;

2) divide the class into two teams (the groups must have girls and boys who will choose a captain and come up with a name for the team);

3) organize workspaces for each team.

Progress of the event

I. Music is playing. Introductory speech by the teacher and conversation with students about the upcoming spring holiday of March 8th.

II. Congratulations for girls from boys (reading poems, congratulatory presentation, playing musical instruments, dancing, presenting gifts).

III. Quiz using presentation (Appendix 1).

The game consists of 13 rounds, each of which offers questions and tasks. You need to answer the commands one by one. Captains lead the groups. Points are awarded for each correct answer. The right to answer passes to the opponents if the answer is given incorrectly. The team that scores the most points wins. Rules of behavior during the game: do not shout out answers from your seat, do not quarrel, think over answers together.

Round 1. “Oh, spring without end and without edge...” (1 point)

Guess riddles about spring.

The beauty walks

Touches the ground lightly

Goes to the field, to the river,

Both the snowball and the flower. (Spring)

In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Stream)

Streams run faster

The sun is shining warmer.

The sparrow is happy about the weather -

Visited us for a month... (March)

The bear crawled out of the den,

Dirt and puddles on the road,

A lark trills in the sky -

He came to visit us... (April)

The garden tried on white,

The nightingale sings a sonnet,

Our land is dressed in greenery -

We are greeted warmly... (May)

Housewarming party at the starling's

He rejoices endlessly.

So that a mockingbird lives with us,

We made... (birdhouse)

Round 2. “Great women on Russian land” (1 point)

Answer the questions.

1. Princess, the first woman in Rus' to accept the Orthodox faith. The church canonized her as a saint. Her memory is celebrated on July 11. (Duchess Olga)

2. A pious peasant woman from the village of Laskovoy in the Ryazan land, who healed the blessed Prince Peter of leprosy and became his wife, a princess.

Together with her husband, she showed the world an example of an Orthodox family. She died with him on the same day and hour, June 25, 1228. (Princess Fevronia of Murom)

3. A brave, courageous Ryazan woman who, out of love for her loved ones, was not afraid to go to the Horde to Bakhmet himself, the Tatar king. It was she who managed to rescue her brother, husband, son and the entire Ryazan family from captivity. (Avdotya Ryazanochka)

4. Russian empress, daughter of Peter I and Catherine I, who came to power with the help of the guard. She made a vow “not to put anyone to death.” During her reign, not a single death sentence was imposed. After her reign, several thousand luxurious dresses remained. (Elizaveta Petrovna)

5. The Empress, “German by birth, but Russian at heart,” who turned Russia into a great power. She accepted the Orthodox faith and mastered the Russian language perfectly. The enlightenment of Russia became her life's work. (Catherine II the Great)

6. Princess, third daughter of Count Roman Vorontsov, devoted supporter of Catherine II. In 1784 she became the first director of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which was founded at her request. She became the first woman in the world to run an academy of sciences. (Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova)

7. Beloved granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England, Russian empress with a pure soul and loving heart, wife of Nicholas II, mother of five children, who shared a sad fate with her family. In 2000, with her husband and children, she was canonized. (Alexandra Fedorovna Romanova)

8. The world's first female astronaut. (Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova)

9. General question. Women revered in Rus' who, after the execution of Jesus Christ, went to his tomb to anoint his body with myrrh, according to Jewish custom. They became the first witnesses of the miraculous resurrection of the Savior. Their day of remembrance - the second Sunday after Easter - is considered the day of all women. (Myrrh-Bearing Women)

Round 3. “Let's talk about etiquette” (1 point)

Answer the questions.

1. What is the common way to address a woman in English-speaking countries?

(In English-speaking countries, common addresses are: to an unmarried woman - Miss, to a married woman - Mrs; the general address to a married and unmarried woman in colloquial speech is Madam).

2. What is the customary address to a woman in Germany?

(In Germany, it used to be common to address an unmarried woman as Fraulein, and a married woman as Frau. Now both married and unmarried women are addressed as Madame).

3. What is the customary address to a woman in Spain?

(In Spain, common addresses are: to an unmarried woman - señorita, to a married woman - señora).

4. What is the customary address to a woman in France?

(In France, the address “Madame” has been introduced for all representatives of the fair sex. The previously existing “Mademoiselle” for unmarried women is now considered indecent).

5. What is the customary address to a woman in Poland?

(In Poland, common addresses are: to an unmarried woman - panna, to a married woman - pani).

6. What is the customary address to a woman in Russia?

(In Russia, it is not customary to use addresses. Instead, they use addresses by name and patronymic, or: citizen, woman/girl, mother (rude); madam, young lady, mistress (obsolete); mistress (in a letter), etc.)

Round 4. “Legends about flowers” ​​(1 point)

Answer the questions.

1. Which flower symbolizes hopeless narcissism? (Narcissus)

2. The Indians called this flower a shooting star, and the ancient Romans simply called it a star. The inflorescence of this plant actually resembles a bright star. What is this flower called now? (Aster)

3. The poetic history of this flower is connected with the dramatic love of Josephine Beauharnais for Emperor Napoleon. In a modest dress, the only decoration of which was a bouquet of these flowers, Josephine made an extraordinary impression on Napoleon. Soon their wedding took place. Since then, wherever the emperor was, Josephine received a bouquet of these flowers on her wedding day. (Violet)

4. In Turkey, this flower is called “tulipa”, which means “turban”, “turban”. In Iran, Central Asia and Transcaucasia - “lala, lola, lale.” What do we call this flower? (Tulip)

5. The ancient Greeks gave this flower its name after the goddess of the rainbow, Iris. People affectionately call him “killer whale, cockerel, warbler, piskulnik, pigtails, rainbow.” What do botanists call it? (Iris)

6. Translated from Latin, this flower means “sword”. People call it “saber-grass” or “zhpazhnik”. Its leaves are shaped like a sharp sword; they surround stems on which there are several flowers with silk, velvet, double or shiny petals. Name this plant. (Gladiolus)

7. When the Egyptian queen Cleopatra gave a feast in honor of the Roman general Antony, the floor in the hall was covered with a cubit-thick layer of petals. What flower petals were these? (Rose)

8. The name of this flower comes from the name of the Frenchman who first brought it to Europe three centuries ago. Dumas the son in one of his novels described the fate of Marguerite Gautier, who loved these flowers very much. And Giuseppe Verdi wrote the opera “La Traviata” based on this novel. What flower are we talking about? (Camellia)

9. The legend says that the goddess Diana killed a young shepherd who, by playing the horn, scared away the game and prevented her from hunting. Then she repented and asked Zeus to make a beautiful flower grow from the blood of the innocent dead young man - in memory of him. Zeus responded to her request. What kind of flower was this? (Carnation)

10. Young Pan, the patron saint of meadows and forests, met the beautiful river nymph Syringa, the gentle messenger of the morning dawn, and admired her gentle grace and beauty. Pan decided to speak to the nymph, but she got scared, ran away and turned into a fragrant bush with delicate purple flowers. Pan cried near the bush and from then on became sad, but he tried to do good to everyone. And the name Syringa became the Latin name of this flower. (Lilac)

Round 5. “What is in the oven, everything is on the table swords” (1 point)

Answer the questions.

1. In Rus' there was a custom on special occasions to bake and send pies home. What did this mean? (Invitation to a party)

2. Table seasoning, has the Slavic root “burns”. (Mustard)

3. Without what product is lunch in Rus' impossible? (Bread)

4. Name the most important treat during the ancient Russian holiday Maslenitsa. (Pancakes)

5. What was the name of the warm drink made from herbs with honey, common in Rus'? (Sbiten)

6. What is kulebyaka? (Fish Pie)

7. Which dish is salted three times? (Dumplings. Salt is added to the dough, filling and during cooking.)

8. This is an oriental sweetness. According to the translation from Turkish, it refreshes the throat. (Turkish Delight)

9. In Rus' they said: “... yes... is our food.” What is it about? (Shchi, porridge)

10. “Cause appetite” - this is what this dish is called in French. (Stew)

Round 6. “Woman is a mother” (10 points)

Read poems about your mother expressively. Remember the lullabies you know.

Round 7.

Quiz for Tyumen residents. 25 questions about women

“Forest Pharmacy” (1 point)

Answer the questions.

1. Which forest flower treats heart disease? (Lily of the valley)

2. What marsh plant can replace cotton wool? (Sphagnum moss)

3. Which plant helps treat skin diseases, including warts? (Celandine)

4. Which plant juice stops bleeding? (Nettle)

5. Why is the willow called “the surgeon’s friend”? (In case of complex bone fractures, a willow twig is inserted like a rod, the bones heal well, and the willow twig disappears without a trace).

6. What plants can be used to heal wounds? (Plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, coltsfoot, oak, birch)

7. How to provide assistance if a tick has become embedded in the body? (Lubricate the tick with fat and remove it from the skin after a few minutes).

8. Identify a medicinal plant found in the forests of the Ryazan region. What does it treat? (St. John's wort, yarrow, mint, plantain, birch, fireweed, immortelle)

Round 8. “Fairytale beauties” (1 point)

Find out the beauty from the fairy tale.

Beauties from books and cartoons - Sleeping Beauty, Eliza (“Wild Swans”, H.H. Andersen), Nastenka (“The Scarlet Flower”, S. Aksakov), Alyonushka (“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”); Vasilisa the Beautiful, Princess Nesmeyana, Snow Maiden, Little Red Riding Hood, Alice, Malvina; Snow White, Thumbelina, Cinderella, the youngest daughter of the king (“The Frog King”, Brothers Grimm); Jasmine, Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid, Belle.

Round 9. “The book is a source of knowledge and wisdom” (1 point)

Complete Russian folk proverbs and sayings.

A mother's blessing does not drown in water, nor does it burn in fire.

He who honors his mother and father will never perish.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

Do not leave your father and mother in old age, and God will not leave you.

A mother's word is not spoken to the wind.

A child without a mother is like a table without a tablecloth.

Not the mother who gave birth, but the mother who raised her.

For a mother, a child up to a hundred years old is a child.

Round 10. “What suits you is what makes you look good” (1 point)

Determine in which country such costumes were in fashion. (Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy; Ukraine, Belarus; Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome; India, Japan)

Round 11. “Sing, accordion...” (1 point)

Find out the musical instrument from the picture. (Harp, accordion, piano, domra, accordion)

Recognize a musical instrument by its sound. (Guitar, violin, flute, balalaika)

Round 12. “Everyone is dancing...” (1 point)

Determine from the pictures what kind of dance is performed by professional dancers, what are the names of folk dances. (Waltz, hopak, lezginka, flamenco, yanka and yurochka, tarantella, tango; lady, perepak, trepak, gander; sirtaki, tap dance (step), czardash, kartuli)

It is advisable to accompany the answers to questions by listening to dance music or watching fragments of dances on video. You can invite children to perform famous dances on their own.

Round 13. “A song is flowing in the open space...” (5 points)

Students sing songs about mothers and girls to music from memory or in karaoke mode: “Mom and daughter”, “The happiest”, “Baby mammoth song”, “Our mothers are the most beautiful”, “Mom is the first word”, etc.

Summarizing. Presentation of prizes.

An endless number of experts and professionals come to work every day to again and again find answers to the questions that concern you - be it skin care or choosing a haircut, whatever.

And despite the fact that they all do their jobs conscientiously, questions still remain. So we turned to the know-it-alls at Google and asked them: What beauty questions did people type into Google last year?

So, here are the top 10 questions about beauty that the world asked the search giant in 2014—and our answers. Let's move into the new year a little more aware.

Fashionable colors in summer 2016 (photo)

1 How can I finally get rid of acne

Answer: As we understand, acne can be a serious problem, especially if you have been struggling with it for a long time. But we did our homework. Here's what can really help: antibiotics, proper nutrition, salicylic acid, birth control pills, zinc. But in order to deal with such a problem once and for all, you need to contact a specialist who will select the right treatment.

2 How to get rid of stretch marks?

Answer: We will be the first to tell you to keep all those scars, scars, spots that you have on your body. We all have them, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. But if you're still embarrassed by all this and you still need help, here's our answer: nothing will make stretch marks disappear (no creams, no oils) except laser therapy. And it’s not a fact that they will completely disappear. So the best option is to accept it.

3 How often should you wash your hair?

Answer: There is still no clear answer. Some say you need to wash your hair every day, others say every other day.

Quiz for beautiful ladies “Women’s Club”

Instead of banging your head against the wall with a question like this, why not try alternatives to shampoo? This might be just what you need.

4 What is “BB cream”?

Answer: To be honest, we are already tired of all this nonsense with abbreviations. But such products still exist. Instead of focusing only on "BB cream", why not repeat the entire alphabet? It's actually a product that falls somewhere between a moisturizer and a foundation, which means it hydrates and evens out the complexion, but not with as thick a texture as a foundation.

5 How should you wash your makeup brushes?

Answer: It turns out that there is no one clear answer to this question. But there are many special products that are easy to buy and, following the instructions, clean all the brushes used when applying makeup.

6 How to get rid of bags under the eyes?

Answer: We will have to disappoint you - there is no way to completely get rid of them. Facial massage can help get rid of puffiness and stagnant fluid, but few creams can help in the fight against dark circles under the eyes. It’s so good that little tricks when applying makeup can miraculously hide them.

7 How to reduce enlarged pores?

Answer: Here's another nuisance: pores actually can't open, close, or shrink. Experts say that clogged pores are very common, so cleaning them regularly will help them look better.

8 How to apply foundation?

Answer: It's really a matter of taste. But most makeup artists prefer to apply foundation not with a brush, but with a sponge or fingers.

9 What are freckles?

Answer: Freckles are a skin reaction to exposure to sunlight. They may become less noticeable, but those who have them will never part with them.

10 What shape should I give my eyebrows?

Answer: This is completely individual, everyone has their own eyebrow shape. The ideal option is to consult with a specialist who will select yours for you.

beauty recipes acne stretch marks washing hair makeup tools dark circles under the eyes foundation eyebrows results of 2014

Competitions for men and women

Speech speed

Representatives from each team are called for the competition. They are asked to say as many words as possible in 30 seconds. The team whose representative says the most words receives a bonus point.
For the competition, it is necessary to appoint several controllers who count the spoken words.

Throw range

One representative is called from each team. Their task is to throw a playing card as far as possible.

Funny birthday quizzes

You can allow participants multiple attempts. In order not to confuse the thrown cards, you can invite one of the participants to throw red suits, and the other to throw black ones.

The team whose representative throws the card further (with several attempts, the best throw is counted) receives a bonus point.

The women's team chooses an item that a woman needs (for example, a mink coat), while the men's team chooses an item that a man dreams of (for example, additional accessories for his car). After this, representatives of each team try in turn to advertise the selected item without naming it.

The competition evaluates the persuasion ability of each player.


One more representative is called from each team. Their task is to perform the most original and exciting dance. At the same time, the tempo of the music is constantly changing.
The team whose representative performs the best dance receives a prize point.

Knowledge is power

All team players participate in this competition. The facilitator asks the teams questions one by one. In this case, the women's team is asked men's questions, and the men's team is asked women's questions. Sample questions are provided in the supplementary materials.
For each correct answer, the team receives a bonus point.

Examples of questions for women:

1. What is a carburetor a component of? (Motor.)
2. What can you hit with a “poke”? (On the ball.)
3. Is the hood of the car located at the front or rear? (Front.)
4. What is a shootout? (Penalty in hockey.)
5. In what direction when working with a saw is the force applied: towards yourself or away from you. (Push.)
6. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (In hockey.)
7. Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan.)
8. Which company’s products have a “tick” shaped emblem? (Nike.)

Examples of questions for men:

1. Why do women drip nail polish onto torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not appear on torn tights.)
2. When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle.)
3. What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair.)
4. Why might a woman need acetone? (Remove old nail polish.)
5. What is the name for a small handbag in which items needed to do things are stored?
put on makeup? (Cosmetic bag.)
6. Is yeast used in shortbread dough? (No.)
7. Do I need to wash off the dye from my hair after dyeing it? (Yes.)
8. Wax, cream, mechanical devices, and laser devices can be used for this process. What is this process? (Depilation.)

During the competition, the presenter will have to use all his diplomatic skill to sum up: “Friendship won.”

The greatest woman of the 20th century

On September 19 and 20, the school held a quiz dedicated to the 50th anniversary of V. Tereshkova’s flight into space, in which teams from grades 5-6 took part.

The quiz began with watching the presentation “The Greatest Woman of the 20th Century,” which talked about the founders of Russian cosmonautics - Tsiolkovsky and Korolev, the first cosmonaut of the Earth Yuri Gagarin, the first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova and the first person to go into outer space - Alexei Leonov .

After viewing the presentation materials, students took part in a quiz.

During the game, the guys were able to show speed, intelligence, resourcefulness, and show their knowledge. Of course, much is still unknown to them, but everyone has become interested in the topic of space exploration. But this is the most important thing for which such meetings are held - to awaken the desire to understand the unknown.

Places were distributed as follows: among 5th grades, I place – 5 g (class teacher Berdnikova K.S.), II place – 5 a (class teacher Neklyudova N.G.), III place – 5 c (class teacher Roshchepkina N. .A.); among 6th grades, I place – 6 b (class teacher Rubish Yu.V.), II place – 6 a (class teacher Shatrabaeva T.Z.), III place – 6 c (class teacher Rusak O.P.).

There are a lot of blank spots in the Universe, so dare, study, learn, explore, dream, young friends!

Organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular work with children V.A. Gurina

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    ...turn into grown men and women, with rights and responsibilities, ... a famous scientist, whom many consider greatest mythologist XX century, and perhaps all... cultural and technological achievements in recent centuries. Until the end of the 15th century...

  2. M.

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  1. Clogs are... (low boots or kind of sandals)
  2. The real name of the singer Nyusha? ( Anna or Anastasia)
  3. Which bread has more calories? (rye or wheat)
  4. Are brassiere and camisole the same thing? ( Yes or not)
  5. What color is the makeup base? ( white or bodily)
  6. What is the name for elongated cylindrical beads? (lazarus or bugles)
  1. What are tips? (a type of earrings that can be worn without ear piercing, false nail during extension, translucent white knee socks)
  2. What are the types of women's over-the-knee boots called? (ankle boots, boots, pantolets)
  3. Which essential oil is most effective against cellulite? (tea tree oil, orange oil, Eucalyptus oil)
  4. What is the most comfortable soft fabric for the body? (linen, silk, cotton)
  5. Which of these indoor plants does not bloom? (cactus, aloe or geranium)
  6. Name the actor who played the role of “Hache” Hugo Oliver in the film “3 Meters Above Sky”? ( Mario Casas, Enrique Iglesias, Diego Martin)

Round 3 without answer options

  1. What does “DEN” mean on women’s tights (density/thickness)
  2. List at least 3 types of hair curlers? (hairdryer and comb, curling iron, curlers, perm)
  3. Name a female Russian name that does not end with a vowel (Lyubov)
  4. How (besides the name) do leggings differ from leggings? (nothing)
  5. Name the 3 main characters of the TV series “The Vampire Diaries” (Elena Gilbert, two brothers Damen and Stefan Salvatore, Katherine Pierce)
  6. Name the ingredients of the “Vinegred” salad (beets, pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, potatoes, carrots, onions)
  7. Name at least 3 famous Russian fashion designers (Kira Plastinina, Zaitsev, Yudashkin, Sergei Zverev, Oleg Azhgikhin)


1 round with 2 answer options

  1. Does the carburetor have a capacitor (yes, No)
  2. How many rounds are there in professional boxing? (10, 12 )
  3. Is diesel fuel a type of gasoline? ( Yes or not)
  4. How many referees referee a football match? (3 or 5 )
  5. Is there a men's haircut called "Polka"? ( Yes or not) ( It is characterized by increased length of bangs and hair in the temporal region in combination with short hair on the back of the head. The hair on the parietal part of the head is the same length as the hair on the temporal region. With this haircut, the hair is combed back.)
  6. Tell me which of these ranks is higher... (corporal or lieutenant)

Round 2 - with 3 answer options

  1. Which city in Russia belongs to the famous football club "Torpedo" (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod)
  2. How to translate the name of the car Volkswagen(family car, people's car, fast car)
  3. How long is a period in hockey? (10.15, 20 ,)
  4. Name the eldest of the Klitschko boxing brothers (Wladimir Klitschko, Vitaliy Klichko, they are the same age)
  5. What type of computer game is Dota ( strategy, "shooter", RPG)
  6. Which Football Team is the 2012-2013 FIFA World Cup Champion (Spartak, CSKA, Zenit)

Round 3 without answer options

  1. How many speeds does a car have with a manual transmission (5 or 6)
  2. Define the abbreviation UEFA ( UEFA- Union Europeenne de football Association. Union of European Association Football (or Union of European Association Football).

3.Describe the type of boxing haircut (longer hair at the crown of the head and shorter hair at the back and sides of the head)

  1. List at least 3 types of screwdrivers (flathead, Phillips, hex)

5. The main difference between a men's classic shirt and a women's classic blouse (the buttons on a men's shirt are on the right side)

  1. Name the caliber of AK-47 (7.62)
  2. Which state was Arnold Schwarzenegger governor of?