For the anniversary      08/17/2023

Fun relay starts for the preparatory group. Fun starts for the preparatory group in kindergarten

Elena Arkhipova

Sports festival

« The most fun starts» .

Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of solemn music.

Ved We are starting our own holiday,

There will be games, there will be laughter,

And fun and games

Prepared for everyone

Ved Dear children, dear adults, today in our hall there will be sports festival"Merry starts» . Participants will compete in speed, strength, agility, and resourcefulness. And friendly fans will help them. Well, now our guys will tell you what it’s for sports and what to do to grow healthy and hardened.

1st Ours to all the guys (together) Hello-

And such a word:

Sport love from an early age -

You will be healthy!

2nd Everyone knows, everyone understands,

It's nice to be healthy.

You just need to know

How to become healthy!

3rd There is no better recipe in the world -

Be with inseparable from sports,

You will live a hundred years

That's the whole secret!

4th Accustom yourself to order -

Do exercises every day

Laugh more cheerfully

You'll be healthier.

5th Sport Guys, I really need it!

We with We are strong friends in sports!

Sports assistant, sport - health,

Sports - game, physical education (All) hooray!

Ved. Two teams will participate in our competition. Team "Sun"

and team "Star"

Judges will evaluate our competitions. For each victory in the competition, the team receives one flag. The team that has the most flags wins.

Ved. Before the competition we will do a warm-up.

Is everyone here?

Is everyone healthy?

Are you ready to jump and play?

Well then, pull yourself up -

Get ready to warm up.

Warm-up "Leaf Fall"

Well, now let's start our competition.

I ask the teams to take their places:

1 team: Our team "Sun"

Our motto:

To grow

And harden by the day, but by the hour,

Do physical exercise,

We need to study

And we are already stronger today than yesterday

Physical training!

Physical education - hurray!

Physical training!

2nd team: Our team "Star"

Our motto:

Sport we love since childhood!

And we will all be healthy!

Come on together kids

Let's all shout: Physical training!

Attention! Attention! Let's start our competition!

Funny fairytale relay races

Relay races

1. "Relay Race" "Little Penguin LOLO"»

The players stand behind each other, the captains with the ball in their hands wait start. At the signal, they clamp the ball with their knees and jump forward on two legs to the counter. They come back running with the ball in their hands; stand at the end of the team and pass the ball forward over the players’ hands raised above their heads. When the ball is passed to the first player, he continues the relay. The relay ends when the ball is again in the hands of the captain in front. At the end of the relay, the captain raises the ball high above his head.

2. Relay "Cockroach Race". There are two participants in each race. One kneels, the other hugs him around the waist. In this position they cover the relay distance. Develop speed as quickly as possible.

It's time to rest!

Here's another game

You'll like her

I want to ask you a question

It's your job to answer.

If you agree with me

Answer in unison, brothers.

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends.

If you don't agree

Then remain silent in response.

1. Answer in unison, instantly

Who is there the most spoiled person?

2. I'll ask everyone now

Who here loves songs, laughter.

3. Whoever is used to your order,

Does he do exercises in the morning?

4. Which one of you, brothers, tell me

forgets to wash?

5. And one more question

Who doesn't wash their nose?

3. "Relay" "Spider weaving a web".

There are 4 participants in this relay race. They stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands with their elbows bent. In such a coupling they turn into a spider with 8 legs. Now the spider needs to quickly cover the distance and return back.

4Relay: "Hot Kolobok"

The presenter throws "ball - bun" children standing behind each other. The one who catches it throws the ball back to the leader and runs back to the end of the column. The first team to finish the game wins.

Well done to all the competitors, they were agile and fast.

There's another game

She's cool too!

Ved. I'll start, you finish

Answer in unison!

1. Who is without arms and legs,

The best jumper,

He jumps and jumps,

This is our cheerful - (ball)

2And in the morning we are on the site -

Let's do it together (charging)

3. Always hardens us -

(sun, air and water)

Species sports

Eat a lot,

You can’t even count them all,

Let's play now

Kinds call sports.

“Who can name the Olympic winter sports? sports. The last one wins!”

Winter Olympic events sports.

Biathlon. Ski race with rifle shooting

Curling. Team sports game on an ice rink. Participants of two teams alternately launch special heavy granite projectiles across the ice ( "stones") towards the target marked on the ice ( "Houses").

Skating sport

Figure skating

Short track Speed ​​skating on a short track)

Ski sport. Descent from the mountains on special skis.

Nordic combined. Ski jumping and cross-country skiing

Ski race

Ski jumping

Snowboard. Downhill skiing (covered with snow or its imitation) on a special board.

Freestyle skiing sports. "Ski acrobatics"

Bobsled. Downhill from the mountains along specially equipped ice tracks on a steerable bob sleigh.

Skeleton. Descent down an ice chute on a double-runner sled on a reinforced frame

Sleigh sport. This is a downhill competition on single or double sleighs in advance prepared track.

Well, now let's continue our competition, teams take your places.

Relay races:

1. "Express train"

The first participant runs to the flag, runs around it and returns to the place where the second participant clings to it, and the children run together, then return and take the third one. etc. until the whole team runs around the flag.

They handled the relay race perfectly,

Running fast is common to everyone.

Now let's take the ball in our hands,

We will appreciate the skill of the gear.

2."Race of the ball under your feet"

The first player throws the ball back between the players' spread legs. The last player of each team bends down, catches the ball and runs with it along the column forward, stands with it at the beginning of the column and sends the ball between his legs and. etc. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

3."Kayaking"(The captains are driving - wearing a hoop, running up to the team and transporting one person at a time to the finish line.

4. “Relay race.” "Help yourself"

Relay race, relay race, candy instead of a stick. Place the candy on your head, carry it to the finish line and back, pass it on to someone else

Our competition is over. Now the judges will sum up the results. (The judges sum up the results).

Music is playing. Popular songs from cartoons.

(Speech by the panel of judges. Award ceremony)

Ved. Well, the winners have been revealed.

Let's say thank you to the jury and the audience.

New victories for athletes.

And everyone is ours sports hi!.(together).

(The children solemnly exit gym) .

Leisure scenario "Merry Strats"

for children of the preparatory group


    consolidate knowledge about the need to play sports for the physical development of the body;

    Cultivate interest in a healthy lifestyle and sports;

    Develop courage, endurance, competitive spirit.

Equipment: Balls, cubes, baskets, brooms, balloons,

gymnastic sticks, hoops, skittles.

Progress of entertainment:

Educator: Guys, today we are gathered for a fun start.

A bright smile,

In a friendly parade

We need to start Health Day.

Let's all shout together

Health Day: “Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!"

Who can tell what it means to be healthy? Yes, you are right, this means not getting sick, playing sports and strengthening yourself. and don’t sit still, move more often. Let's get moving today, or rather compete. We have two teams and fans who will cheer for the teams. And so we begin our competition.

    "Pass the ball"

Children line up one after another and pass the ball over their heads.

    "Stepmother and Cinderella"

In each team, the first child - “Stepmother” - takes a basket with cubes, runs to a landmark and pours out the cubes, and then returns and passes the basket to the next player “Cinderella”. he must run to the landmark, collect the cubes and return to the team.

    "Baba Yaga behind enemy lines"

The child sits astride a broom and runs to a landmark, runs around it and returns to the team, passing the broom to the next player.

    « Hardworking ant"

The first team member takes a gymnastic stick, runs to a landmark, runs around it, returns to the team and the next player clings to the stick after him. In the end, all team members must hold on to it.

    "Through the Eye of a Needle"

The participant runs, threads a hoop through himself, runs to a landmark, runs around it, comes back, runs to the team and passes the baton.


Participants must use a gymnastic stick to bring the balloon to a landmark, go around it and pass the baton back to the team.

Educator: All teams played well

Everyone immediately became healthy.

I'll tell you riddles now,

And you listen carefully

And be sure to answer.

1. I don’t understand, guys, who are you?

Beekeepers? Fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard?

Don't interfere with the game!

You'd better step away, we're playing...


    Kings - then, kings -

Let's go to war again!

Just started the war -

They immediately ate an elephant each.


    I drew a figure eight on the ice -

The coach gave me an A.

What kind of sport is this?

(figure skating)

    A swallow will fly into the sky,

He will dive into the lake like a fish.


    The newspapers say about him:

(shot put)

Educator: Now the moment of farewell has come.

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition,

Guaranteed success.

There is no better recipe in the world:

Don't be separated from sports.

You will live to be a hundred years old!

That's the whole secret!

It's time to end the holiday -

Let's shout to the holiday: “Hurray!”

Sections: Working with preschoolers


  • consolidate children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;
  • promote the development of physical qualities in children: speed and accuracy of movements, endurance, accuracy, dexterity;
  • develop the ability to interact collectively, observing the rules of the game;
  • promote the formation and cohesion of a team through the joint activities of children;
  • create a friendly atmosphere and good mood.

Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of solemn music.


A bright smile, a friendly parade,
We need to start Health Day.
Let's all shout together: Hurray!
It's time for Health Day.
Dear children, dear adults!

Today, the “Fun Starts” holiday dedicated to “Health Day” is being held in the gym. Participants will compete in speed, strength, agility, and resourcefulness. And friendly fans will help them.


Is everyone here?
Is everyone healthy?
Are you ready to jump and play?
Well then, pull yourself up -
Get ready to warm up. ( Warm-up in progress)

Aibolit runs in:

Wait, wait!
Oh, children! I barely made it to your holiday
I ran through fields, through forests, through meadows
And he whispered only two words:
School, kindergarten, kindergarten!
And here I am!
Do you have a sore throat?

Children: No
Aibolit: Scarlet fever?
Children: No.
Aibolit: Cholerina?
Children: No
Aibolit: Appendicitis?
Children: No
Aibolit: Malaria and bronchitis?
Children: No no no!
Aibolit: Oh, what healthy children you are! Just look!
Do you always brush your teeth?
Children: YES!
Aibolit: Do washcloths and water often make friends with you?
Children: YES!
Aibolit: I also want to know the answer: do we have sluts?
Children: NO!

(Approaches and examines the children)

Aibolit: Everyone is cheerful, there are no diseases. What's your secret? !


I'll tell everyone a secret -
There is no better recipe in the world:
Be inseparable from sports -
Then you will live a hundred years!
That's the whole secret, guys.

(To the tune of "Chunga-Changa" microbes run out and sing a song)


We - microbes - live happily,
We - microbes - sing a song,
We - microbes - love dirt very much,
We - microbes - hate you!


Everyone who loves to wash their face,
He can do his own hair,
Wash your hands and brush your teeth,
We do not like!
And slobs, dirty people, lazy people,
Unwashed slobs
We love you very much, we love you very much!

Leading: Guys, who came to us?

Children: Microbes.

Leading: What should we do, what should we do? Who can protect us?


Don't worry so much guys
Guess the magical riddles!
And the answers at the same time
They will rid you of germs!
Bone back
Stiff bristles
Goes well with mint paste
Serves us diligently (Toothbrush)

I walk, I wander not through the forests,
And by the mustache and hair.
And my teeth are longer,
Than wolves and bears! (Comb).

Slipping away like something alive
But I won't let him out!
The point is quite clear -
Let him wash my hands! (Soap)

Wash your hands with soap more often
Don't give microbes happiness
Brush your teeth regularly in the evening and in the morning.
Don't forget to comb your hair
And always be neat!

Microbes: We also want to be friends with sports and be healthy!
Can I stay at your party?

Leading: Guys, let's leave germs at our holiday?

Children: Yes!

Leading: We invite you, microbes and Dr. Aibolit, to our competition.
Look how brave, strong and dexterous our guys are.
Teams - the best athletes of our educational institution - are invited to the site. We warmly welcome them.

(Teams line up to the music)

Judges will evaluate our competitions. For each victory in the competition, the team receives one flag.


Attention! Attention!
Let's start our competition!

Relay No. 1 “Relay with obstacles” (priority)

1. Runs and then overcomes an obstacle (barrier 30-35 cm high).
2. Next, climbs through the hoop from top to bottom.
3. Next, he crawls under the arch (65 cm high) without using his hands.
4. Next, perform the jumping exercise “Classics” - 7 jumps forward from one leg to two legs.
5. Then he runs around the control post (CS) and returns in a straight line. Passes the baton to the next participant and stands at the end of the column.


To learn to jump
We'll need a jump rope
Let's jump high
Like grasshoppers - easy.

Relay No. 2 “Running with a skipping rope”

The first participant stands at the starting line. The remaining participants stand at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the starting line (safety zone). All participants have a jump rope in their hands. At the judge’s signal, the first participant begins to move:

1. Performs forward jumps in any way through a forward rotating rope.

2. Goes around the CS and comes back running, holding the rope in his hands.
After the first participant crosses the starting line, the second participant starts.


To become an agile athlete
We will hold a relay race.
Let's run fast, together
We really need to win.

Relay race No. 3 “Build a pyramid”

Participants stand on the starting line in a column, one at a time. At the judge’s signal, the first participant begins to move:

1. Runs to the bench, performs five jumps over the bench from the side, pushing off with both legs, supporting himself on his hands, moving forward and landing on the right and left sides of the bench.
The first jump should be clearly over the bench.
2. Next, he runs to the hoop with cubes, takes one cube and runs to the next hoop, puts the cube in the hoop.
3. Runs back to the team, passes the baton, and stands at the end of the column.

At the end of the relay there should be a pyramid: 1st row (bottom row) - 4 cubes, 2nd row (middle row) - 3 cubes, 3rd row (top row) - 1 cube.
The winner is the team that shows the best result.

Note: If the pyramid falls before the last participant crosses the finish line, then the pyramid is considered not built.


Let's play together
Run, jump and gallop

Relay No. 4 “Shuttle run”

Participants stand on the starting line in a column, one at a time. At the judge’s signal, the first participant begins to move:

1. Runs to hoop No. 1, takes the cube and transfers it to hoop No. 2.
2. Next, he runs to hoop No. 3, takes the cube and transfers it to hoop No. 4.
3. Next, he runs to hoop No. 5, takes the cube and transfers it to hoop No. 6.
4. Next, he runs to hoop No. 7, takes the cube and transfers it to hoop No. 8.
5. Next, he runs to hoop No. 9, takes the cube and transfers it to hoop No. 10.
6. Then he runs back to the team, passes the baton to the second participant and stands at the end of the column.
7. The second participant runs to hoop No. 2, takes the cube and transfers it to hoop No. 1.
8. Next, he runs to hoop No. 4, takes the cube and transfers it to hoop No. 3.
9. Next, he runs to hoop No. 6, takes the cube and transfers it to hoop No. 5.
10. Next, he runs to hoop No. 8, takes the cube and transfers it to hoop No. 7.
11. Next, he runs to hoop No. 10, takes the cube and transfers it to hoop No. 9.
12. Then he runs back to the team, passes the baton to the third participant and stands at the end of the column.

The winner is the team that shows the best result.


To make it more fun
We'll take the ball quickly.

Relay No. 5 pair relay. "Passing the ball"

Participants stand on the starting line in a column one at a time (boys and girls separately). The first boy is holding basketball No. 3.
At the judge’s signal, the first participants (boy and girl) simultaneously begin to move:

1. Run to hoops No. 1, stand in them and pass the ball from the chest, hitting the floor 4 times.
2. Next, they run to hoops No. 2, stand in them and perform chest passes 4 times.
3. Next, they run to hoops No. 3, stand in them and roll the ball to each other 4 times.
4. Next, they go around the CS and return in a straight line to the team, where they pass the baton and stand at the end of the column. The ball is passed from hand to hand.

The next pair can only start after the ball has been passed. The winner is the team that shows the best performance.


Now let's take hold of the rope,
Who is the stronger guy?
The one who will pull
He will become the strongest!

“Tug of War” relay race. Holding the rope, they try to drag it to their side. The team that pulls the rope over its line wins.


All teams played well
Everyone immediately became healthy!

You see the microbes, how strong, dexterous and healthy these guys are! Because they eat right, exercise, and lead a healthy lifestyle!

Microbes: Dear guys! We also want to become strong and healthy! We promise to do exercises every day, wash ourselves, eat right and be friends with sports!

Leading. That's good! We are very happy!


Everyone is happy and healthy
Ready for the awards!


Everyone knows, everyone understands
It's nice to be healthy.
You just need to know how to become healthy.
Who are you guys friends with?
You should know about this.

(The presenter invites the jury to sum up the results and name the winners) Rewarding.


Now the moment of farewell has come.
Thank you all for your attention!
For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter!
For the fire of competition.
Ensuring success!


There is no better recipe in the world
Be inseparable from sports
Will you live to be a hundred years old?
That's the whole secret!
It's time to end the holiday -
Let's shout "HURRAY!!!" to the holiday!

The song “Fizkult-hurray!”


Create a joyful mood from joint participation in sports competitions with parents and an atmosphere of joy and emotional well-being.


Create a cheerful mood for the participants of the holiday;

Foster a sense of collectivism;

To develop in children and adults coordination and dexterity of movements, eye and ability to navigate in space.

Help strengthen family ties.

Promote a healthy lifestyle.

Increase children's interest in physical education classes.

Contribute to creating an atmosphere of joy and fun.

Participants: senior and preparatory groups (children and parents). Awards: The winner is awarded a chocolate medal and a certificate.

Equipment and inventory: prizes, certificates; cones - 2 pcs.; tennis rackets - 2 pcs., cubes - 2 pcs.; balls - hops - 2 pcs., medium-sized balls - 2 pcs.; hoops - 6 pcs.; skittles - 8 pcs.; arcs - 6 pcs.; musical accompaniment.

Progress of entertainment

Instructor: Hello, dear participants, fans, guests and judges of our competitions. Today in our kindergarten we are starting the most fun of all sports and the most athletic of all fun games - “Fun Starts! "in which nimble children and their strong and dexterous parents will take part. Competition participants will compete in strength, dexterity, ingenuity, and speed! Let us greet them with loud applause.

(Family teams come out to the music of V. Shainsky “It’s fun to walk together”take a lap of honor around the hall and take their places at the start)

Instructor: We thank those families who responded to the invitation to participate. Of course, all athletes will be supported by our fans, we welcome them! I would like to wish everyone good health, prosperity and good mood. I hope you brought laughter, smiles, good luck and the desire to win with you for the holiday. Instructor: Our progress will be assessed by a jury consisting of:

Chairman of the jury:

Jury members:

They will monitor how well you complete all tasks. Each competition will be worth 5 points. And now the chairman of the jury gives the floor:

(the chairman of the jury takes a solemn oath)

Instructor: Thank you! And now I would like to introduce you to our participants. Team "Smile"

Our motto: Life without a smile is a mistake, Long live laughter and smile. Team "Friendship" Our motto: Friendship and success, We will defeat everyone today. Instructor: We wish the competition participants not only victories, but also a cheerful mood during all competitions, and that participation in relay races will be useful in strengthening your health. Bring with you speed and courage, resourcefulness and ingenuity. Instructor: Is everyone here? Is everyone healthy?
Are you ready to run and play?
Well then, pull yourself up
Get ready to warm up!

To the music “Pomogator”, children and parents do a warm-up, and the instructor shows them the movements.

Instructor: Well done, our warm-up went well, now we are ready for the competition!

Relay race “Running with a racket in hand”

(The first participant with a racket on which the cube lies runs to the cone like a snake, runs around the cone, runs back to his team, passes the racket with the cube to the next player. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.)

Instructor: Well done! Running fast is something everyone is used to, and they handled the relay race perfectly. Instructor: If you want to be healthy, and not get sick at all, you need to play sports, jump on a big ball.

And now we will have the next relay race, which is called “Grasshoppers”.

Relay "Grasshoppers"

(Children jump with a small ball to the cone and back, adults with the ball between their legs to the cone, run around the cone, run back to their team)

Instructor: Great! All participants in the competition were agile and fast. In the meantime, our jury is summing up the warm-up and two relay races, I suggest our athletes take a break. While our participants are gaining strength, we will hold a game for fans (spectators) and competition participants.

Game “Say the Word”
Now skipping, then squatting
Children do... (charging)

Twelve players on the ice
They're chasing the puck - be healthy!
And sports are no relatives for them,
Strongmen play …(hockey)

Teams kick the ball around the field
The goalkeeper at the gate was caught by a trickster.
He doesn't let him score a goal with the ball.
Boys are playing on the field... (football)

He doesn't want to lie down at all.
If you throw it, it will jump.
You hit me a little, jump right away,
Well, of course it is... (ball)

Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer:
This is my …..( bike)

Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running a race.
And it’s not the horses that carry me,
And the shiny ones..... (skates)

To become great athletes,
There is a lot to know.
Dexterity will help you here,
And of course,……( training)
Instructor: We rested a little, and now we will continue our competition, teams take your places. Instructor: When life is friendly,
What could be better!
And there's no need to quarrel
And you can love everyone.
You're on a long journey
Take your friends with you:
They will help you
And it's more fun with them.

Relay "Friends"

(Adults and children become pairs, they are given balls at a signal; the pairs hold the ball between them and move to a landmark without dropping the ball; they return and pass the ball to the next pair.)

Relay “Through the Eye of a Needle”

(The first participant runs, threads a hoop through himself, runs to a landmark, runs around it, comes back, runs to the team and passes the baton).


What a strange road?

There are a lot of obstacles here!

Every step there are miracles,

What a miracle - a streak!

Final relay. "Obstacle Course"

(Children run a snake between the pins, then climb through the arcs, and adults also run a snake between the pins, and then jump over the arcs)

Instructor: Well done to our teams. And they coped with this task “excellently”. In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results of our competition, we will play with the fans and competition participants.

Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends...”

Who is a cheerful band

Does he go to kindergarten every day?

Who likes to help mom and scatter trash around the house?

Who among you doesn’t walk around gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

Who takes care of clothes and puts them under the bed?

Who goes to bed early

With dirty shoes on the bed?

Who in the group likes to answer and receive applause?

Instructor: Amazing! Now let's listen to our jury. Word from the jury: Grand total. PARTICIPANTS OF THE HOLIDAY ARE AWARDED WITH CHOCOLATE MEDALS. BY PRESENTING A CARD TO EACH FAMILY. Instructor: Our competition has come to an end. All participants showed their agility, strength, and speed. And most importantly, we received a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions! Play sports, improve your health, develop strength and endurance! Before we say goodbye to you, we want to wish you: Good health, smile more often and never lose heart! Goodbye! Until next time.

To the song “I, YOU, HE, SHE - together a friendly family,” all participants of the holiday take a circle of honor around the hall and go to the group.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 109"

Sports entertainment for children of the preparatory school group “Fun Starts”

Prepared by:

Teacher of the first category

Shilova E.I.



Purpose of entertainment : Strengthen children's health.

Use technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle.

Foster the competitive spirit of preschoolers.


1. Give children pleasure from joint physical activity in sports games; increase motor activity in games.

2. Consolidate the skills acquired in physical education classes.

3. Encourage to follow the rules of the game, develop dexterity, endurance, and strong-willed qualities in achieving the goal.

4. Develop spatial orientation; foster mutual assistance, mutual assistance, and creative activity.

5. Cultivate a strong interest in physical education and sports, in personal and team achievements.

Preliminary work: Conversation with children about the formation of “Fun Starts”. Learning the team motto with children. Preparation of emblems. Decoration of the sports ground by the teacher: marking the territory with flags and balls.

Material and equipment: Clown costumes. For warming up - ribbons, flags, cones, hoops, rope, flags, skittles, jump ropes, pieces of white paper.

Participants. Two teams (school preparatory group).

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the sports area to the music of V. Shainsky’s song “It’s fun to walk together”

Two teams take part in the competition:

1 – team of children “Olympians”. Team commander - Efremov Vanya

2 – team of children “Fortune”. Team commander - Alyosha Snegirev

Leading : - Dear guys, distinguished guests! We are starting the most fun of all sports and the most athletic of all fun games - “Fun Starts”! Today we have gathered to once again see how strong, fast, and dexterous we are. To win, our participants will have to try very hard, but the main thing is to help each other in all trials. So we'll see which team is the friendliest.

(jury presentation)

Now I will introduce the jury:

Head of the kindergarten Korepova Tatyana Pavlovna

Senior nurse Galochkina Olga Vyacheslavovna

Teacher Chernysh Vera Nikolaevna

Presenter : Two teams take part in our competitions: the “Olympians” team and the “Fortune” team. I will ask the teams to greet each other.

Team "Olympians":

Captain: Team “Olympian” team “Fortune” physical education...

Hi everybody!

Captain: Our Olympic motto:

Keep busy, don't be lazy.

After all, health, sports and work

They will bring us victory!

Team "Fortune":

Captain: Team “Fortune” team “Olympian” physical education...

Hi everybody!

Captain: Our motto:

May fortune smile

And it will turn out to be a victory!

Leading :

Sports, guys, are very necessary,

We are close friends with sports.

Sports assistant,


Sports game.

And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,

So that the results are yours

Everyone was good.

Host: And as expected before the competition, we’ll do a warm-up

(warm-up with ribbons)

To the music of Barbarika “What is kindness.”

1. Walk and run in circles with ribbons in your hands, without holding hands.

2. Jumping on two legs in any direction.

3. Stand straight, legs slightly apart, ribbons in hands.

Swinging your arms back and forth. Repeat 8-10 times.

4. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down

Turn to the right, swing your right hand up, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 4-6 times in each direction.

5. Stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms lowered.

Bend over, sit down, touch the ribbons to the floor, return to I. p.

6. 3. I. p. stand straight, legs slightly apart, ribbons in hands.

Raise your hands up.

Tilts to the right, left. Repeat 8-10 times.

7. Side gallop/walking with an extended step.

8. Walking.

Leading : - So we did the warm-up, and now we start our competition.

And Knopa and Klepa will help me lead our competitions.

Enter the clowns Knop and Klepa.

Klepa: I am the best assistant in the world!

Knopa: No! I am the best helper! And everything always falls out of your hands.

Klepa: And you... And you... have a potato nose!

Knopa: I can run fast, even faster than the wind.

Klyopa: Yes, I saw you running. You crawl like a turtle.

Knopa: But let’s compete with you which of us is faster.

Klyopa: Oh, hello everyone! My name is Klyopa, and her name is Knopa. Why are you all gathered here, for what reason? Perhaps it's New Year's Eve? March 8? April Fool's Day?

Host: no, we have competitions, and why are you still arguing?

Knopa: He says that he runs fast, and I say that I am much faster than him.

Leading: Wait, wait! Do not quarrel. It’s better to decide which of you will help which team.

The clowns choose the team they will help.

Leading: And today the jury will judge our competition. We hope that it will be fair to our participants. And we begin our competition. I ask the teams to go to the start.

1 competition “Pass the flag”

Run with the flag to the object and back. Pass the flag to the next player; The team whose players finish the distance faster wins.

2nd competition "Snipers"

Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing the cone with their right hand, trying to get into the basket. If the child hits, then his team gets 1 point. Result: whoever has the most points wins.

3 competition “Bring a piece of paper”

You need to prepare 2 sheets of paper (you can use it from a notebook) The players are divided into two teams, which line up parallel to one another. The first player of each team is given a piece of paper on their palm. During the game, the sheet should lie on its own in the palm of your hand - it should not be held in any way. The first players from each team run to the flag. If a leaf suddenly falls to the ground, you need to pick it up, put it on your palm and continue on your way. Having reached his team, the player must quickly transfer the leaf to the right palm of the next comrade in line, who immediately runs forward. Meanwhile, the first one moves to the end of the row. This continues until the turn reaches the first one. The team that completes the task faster wins.

4th competition "Ants"

Both teams stand in a line at arm's length, facing each other. At the beginning, each team has 15 flags, and at the end there is a box. By whistling, the first player passes the flag to the second and so on until the flags run out. The team that passes all the flags the fastest wins.

Leading: Now let's test your guessing skillsriddles about sports.

I don't look like a horse, but I have a saddle.

There are knitting needles. To be honest, they are not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram, but I'm calling. Just know that. (Bike)

I want to become a strongman, I come to a strongman. Tell us this: How did you become a strongman? He smiled in response: Very simply, for many years, every day, getting out of bed, I lift...(dumbbells ).

I leave two stripes in the snow as I run, I fly away from them with an arrow, and they come after me again.(Skis)

They beat me unbearably on my empty stomach, the players throw precise blows at me with their feet. (Soccer ball)

Green meadow. A hundred benches around. People are running briskly from gate to gate. There are fishing nets on these gates. (Stadium)

The kings built shelves on squares of boards. Not for battle near regiments

No cartridges, no bayonets.(Chess)

I have two horses, two horses. They carry me along the water. And the water is hard, like stone. (Skates)

There was a game in the yard in the morning, the kids were playing around.

Shouts: “Puck!”, “Miss!”, “Hit!” - that means there is a game......(hockey)

5competition “Whose team can build the fastest”

While the music is playing, the children run around, and when it ends, they quickly line up. ; The team that lines up the fastest wins.

6th competition “Three Jumps”.

At a distance of 8-10 m from the starting line, place the rope in the hoop. After the signal, run to the hoop, take the jump rope and do three jumps on the spot, and return back. The one who finishes the distance faster wins.

7th competition “Tug of War”

Here's the rope. Drag, show strength and dexterity! The team that wins is the one that gets the opposing team on its side.

Competition for commanders: “Collect Olympic symbols”

On the command “march” the participant takes the ring to the finish line, returns and takes the next ring. The relay ends when the participant, having completed the task, crosses the starting line.

We have now reached the finals of our “Funny Starts” competition.

We ask the jury to sum up the results.


Word from the members of the judiciary.

Awards ceremony for winners and participants

Final word.

Leading : Our competition is over. All team members showed their agility, strength, and speed. And most importantly, we received a boost of energy and a lot of positive emotions! Play sports, improve your health, develop strength and endurance! Many thanks to my assistants Klepa and Knope. I hope that we will meet more than once at our kindergarten “Fun Starts”.

Before we say goodbye to you, we would like to wish you:

Good health, smile more often and never lose heart! Goodbye!