Birthday      08/04/2023

Statuses for those who served. Army statuses

The army is a challenge for everyone, not just those who serve.

As part of the ongoing reform of the armed forces, it was decided that, due to the reduction of the period of military service to one year, conscripts will be beaten with a stool even during the medical examination.

Can I write to Santa Claus what I DON’T want? For example, I don’t want to join the army.

Those who haven’t joined the army, life is like sex in a rubber band, it seems to be going well, but there’s no point.

Best status:
The desire to sleep and pity for the Motherland fought within me.

Power based on a ground army is just a matter of time.

From the construction battalion, our soldier replaces a KAT tractor, but the spirit, if there is food, can replace two!

For the most successful students and ignoramuses, final exams are also entrance exams; only some go to university, while others go to the army.

For a loving girl there is no greater test than the army. Someone will pass it, strengthened in their feelings, and someone will forget about it.

The army is a place where the absence of smart thoughts is the key to successful service.

Quit your studies! The troops are waiting for you! Your loving military commissar)

If the army decided that I needed a wife, they would have given me one))

but if you look at it from the other side, the army means free clothes, food and fitness!

What are you doing? Nothing? Then let's hurry up!

A soldier at work - an invisible man

Any curve that goes around the boss is shorter than a straight line that goes past him.

Sapper is a disposable person

Leaving for the dining room - assault

A hungry army is a terrible force

Comrade fighters! Sleep quickly! There are five minutes left before the rise.

Whoever touches a soldier's girlfriend will become a mystery to the honey. brother...

Sometimes the general confused military duty with marital duty.

You can't be a good soldier without some stupidity. Florence Nightingale

War imposes tribute equally on both men and women, but only takes blood from some, and tears from others. (Thackeray W.)

I took off my jacket, which means it won’t be cold.

A soldier is the smallest living creature.

We are not retreating, we are advancing in a different direction.

Why are you standing there as if sciatica is curled up?

Who has an aptitude for mathematics? Grab a shovel and dig out the roots!

Toilet – meeting place cannot be changed

The Motherland is not a chick - it does not forgive betrayal.

Don't look down the barrel of a loaded tank!

Bridges across rivers are usually built across the current.

The military registration and enlistment office is a wonderland, you came there and disappeared!

There is joy and peace in the soul when someone else is working

Are you studying at 5, my friend? The army knows how to wait

Comrade cadet, do you want to say something? Get up! Shut your mouth! Sit down!

A girl becomes a woman in one night, and a boy becomes a man in a year, why is this not fair?

Anyone who can't swim must be a good diver.

There is something more powerful than all the troops in the world: it is an idea whose time has come.

There are no atheists in trenches under fire!

Alfred North Whitehead

Charters will be useful to you in life! How will you raise your children?

Bald green men are not delirium tremens and not science fiction! This is an ARMY!))

Not caught - Not in the army...

Don't be afraid of this grenade, it's handmade...

Get a haircut, you'll see, and the service will go better.

A soldier is an impudent face, an empty stomach and not an ounce of conscience...

The more a soldier sleeps, the less harm he does.

It's time, comrades, to take the horse by the horns.

Distribution - only old men go into battle

The snow should be white and square.

When two strange people meet, one of them is always wrong.

army is the best remedy against dandruff)

Alas, only military units remained from the army...

The purpose of military education is to develop courage through fear.

In another sense, a lot of intelligence is worse than if it did not exist at all.

A cow is such a large animal with four legs at the corners...

Work - shadows disappear at noon

Knocked down - fight on your knees, you can’t walk - while lying down, advance. V.F. Margelov

Now that you have become a soldier, forget your civilian dreams... Kiss at night with a machine gun and give flowers to the Sergeant Major))

When 5 people next to you have the same boots, it’s not fashion. This is an army.

You, comrade cadet, are not a cadet, but a real Neanderthal, and, I would even say, an anthropologist.

A marching shovel is used for digging trenches, not for picking your nose.

AWOL - dangerous tours behind enemy lines

My head hurts? Read the charter...

The entrance is an opening from the outside to the inside, in the opposite direction, called the exit.

Dinner is a struggle for life

It is better to defend yourself ineptly than to know exactly why and how you will be killed. – V. Shwebel

Previously, the concepts were like this: if you didn’t serve in the army, you’re not a man, but today, you served in the army, you’re a LOCH, because... couldn't get away..

A people who does not want to feed their army will soon be forced to feed someone else's. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

We are driving at night, ideal conditions, the moon is shining, the sun...

In winter, that is, at night, the guard changes twice a day.

R-r-equal! I don’t hear a single click when turning heads!

The best cure for love is running in a gas mask.

Tired grandfather is a demon

A billion is a huge amount, like a hundred million.

Sergeant - he was once a man

What, the car won't start? Let's go, then you'll start it.

Company! Take a wider step! Why doesn't my butt sing?

If a soldier says “I didn’t take it,” it means he won’t give it up.

Why are you making noise like you're in an anthill?!

Anyone who wants to enjoy lasting peace must know how to fight.

Why do you sleep standing while walking?

The soldier must obey the blind instinct of the commander.

We are almost used to having our heads buried in the snow, like ostriches.

An army of rams led by a lion is stronger than an army of lions led by a ram.

With majors, remember, first say: “Just kidding,” then joke.

What kind of pig walked here?! A cow, or what?!

You lead a marmot's lifestyle, fellow cadets!

Comrade cadets, put the diplomats on the floor, and for those who don’t, hold them between their legs.

Distribution of food - Battle of Kulikovo

Roll call in the army: - Ivanov.-Me!- Petrov!- Me!- Thirty puppies?!- Yes Zoshchenkov I!, Zoshchenkov.

There is no point in looking, even if we find it.

Do you know why military dentists are worse than civilian ones? Because it is very difficult to drag teeth through the ass.

Tanks are not washed. They are painted!

In the army, boys are turned into real men... but without the participation of women.

I solve only eternal questions. Temporary decisions are made by the sergeant.

You have to scrub the floors so hard that the water squeaks.

I pose the question bluntly: either we will or not without it!

What do you think - you are all fools, and I’m the only smart one?!

They wait for a soldier: mother - forever, friends - 1 year, girls - 6 months, sergeant major - 45 seconds.

The other day I received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. Spammers are disgusting!

An officer without a dream is like a dog without wings.

Drill duty - walking through torment

Hello! You have reached the military registration and enlistment office. If you want to serve in the army, click the “star”, if not, click the “hash”.

Children play soldiers. It's clear. But why do soldiers play at children?

Political officer, kick this idiot out of the Komsomol! Why not a Komsomol member? Adopt and kick out!

Write Bro, I’m waiting for an answer, otherwise I’ll send an outfit with greetings...

Application for radio: - Please say a huge hello to my “beloved” Military Commissariat and play the song “Kiss me everywhere, I’m already 28...”))

Dismissal - the sound of the wind in the field

Peace and harmony are useful for the vanquished, but only commendable for the victors. (Cicero)

I was not born hungry and angry, the army regime made me that way.

The army is a test for two: he hopes for her fidelity, and she hopes that the same loved one will return to her.

Today I come and there is a rose at home! It turns out that it was from a loved one who is now in the army. Here's the news.

Hooray! I've been waiting for him! He returned from the army, and now we will be inseparable! You are my Everything!

Some people get away from the army, while others go there to get away from ordinary life.

Best status:
Wherever your service takes you, know that there is a girl’s heart in the world that beats in unison with yours and is waiting for you!

-Will you wait for me from the army? - Yes. “Well, then I’ll be waiting for you too.” - Where am I from? - How? From the maternity hospital.

Counting down the days to the army perfectly stimulates the desire to learn!

Being a soldier's girlfriend is an honor, but not easy!

Girls, I can understand you: Yes, it’s not easy to wait for a soldier. But is it easier to protect the love of girls with a machine gun?

That's all: he went into the army... and I just have to wait... and I will definitely wait! Definitely, my love!

Promotion! Give us your rag and you'll get a normal guy! Girls, hurry up! Limited number of seats! Military registration and enlistment office.

How time changes! Nowadays you don’t even want to eat herring under a fur coat, but in the army bread under a blanket was a delicacy.

I will always wait for you... I love you... and that’s why even eternity is not a long time...

I am a Soldier's Girl, and I am proud of it!

As a senior in rank says, you won’t hear anything smart

I will always wait for you, my beloved! I will remember, believe, live and not give up!

Bald green men are not delirium tremens and not science fiction! This is an ARMY!)

There are now kilometers between us, hundreds of gray, foreign cities, if only we could lift all the prohibitions now and embrace my love!

just a little bit left and I can breathe in your favorite smell... calm sigh, you will soon be near...

Despite the huge distance between us, you are the only real thing I have.

There are now kilometers between us, hundreds of gray, alien cities, if only we could lift all the prohibitions now and embrace my love!

Even if in the days of separation it’s not easy and it’s unbearable without you, but no matter how hard it is, I’ll still wait, my love!!!

Good morning my beloved! The strongest and most beautiful! I love you! You are my! My protector! My hero!

I will wait for you, no matter what happens... no matter what happens... I will always wait for you... you are the brightest thing I have in my life...

In short, fuck again, everything is new... and now I’m waiting for him from the army

and I also love and wait, very very much... although I still have a long time... but I’ll still wait because I love

Alas, only military units remained from the army...

Your letter to me is like a gift, don’t forget about this, send it without stamps, and don’t send it without love!

Hours fly, days pass, there is less and less time left to serve, wait a little longer, and HAPPINESS will smile on us again!!!

I believe that when He returns from the army, everything will be fine with us, but sometimes “happy” stories like what happened to others come up...

I miss you so much, my dear, I miss you so much... I’m looking forward to meeting you, my dear, I’m really looking forward to it... I don’t notice anyone but you... I love you so madly... and unthinkably...

Waiting for a soldier is a brave thing, I should praise the girls for this. Only in the army will a guy understand what kind of girl loves and waits.

I know you want to come, but you can’t... it’s the same thing again... But I’m waiting for you!

Remember yourself, Tell someone else, The more you sleep, the closer you get to home!

Go to sleep, dear girl, Close your eyes quickly, Your beloved in the blue beret is now protecting your peace.

Comrade cadet, you make me think!

And this is not so scary, the main thing is to believe... just a little bit and I will again plunge into the bottomlessness of your beloved eyes...

Those who served in the army do not laugh at the circus.

Your letter to me is like a gift, don’t forget about it, send it without stamps, and don’t send it without love!

My dear. I will wait for you for a year, or even my whole life. The most important thing is that you are next to me. I love you my sun!!!

You changed your status. There are new moments in life. You, my boy, are a private! I love you for this!

A girl waiting for a guy from the army is a museum rarity...)

This day will be the brightest, This is a holiday only yours and mine, The kiss will be the hottest, On the day you return home...

Missed calls 0. He loves you silently and from a distance.

Salty tears flow down my cheeks and one thought remains in my head: “I’ll wait, I’ll never give it to anyone, Even though it will be very difficult for me.”

This distance is like a thin needle that penetrates deeper into the heart and pricks more and more sharply with each passing day!!!

It’s not easy for both of us, Because now you’re far away, You’re serving in the army, dear, We’ll meet soon, my love!

Ass in soap, neck in sweat - the company duty officer is running.

It's a pity that we're not together, It's a pity that we're not close. Serve, my dear, Receive rewards!

I want to connect my life with him, but he tells me that I can’t wait for him to leave the army :)

Love is stronger in separation and suffering, and whoever did not wait, yes, did not love!

Promotion for girls: bring your rag to the military registration and enlistment office and get a real man in 12 months

Sappers walk slowly, but it’s better not to overtake them...

“A soldier won’t hurt a child,” children shouted as they threw stones at the paratrooper.

Whoever touches a soldier's girlfriend will become a mystery to the honey. brother...

I read his letters with a smile, I fall asleep with a smile after talking with him... He’s right, we are really crazy... Isn’t this wonderful?... It’s hard, very hard to wait for him... But it’s worth it...

My beloved in the army... but I am not upset that on such a holiday I will be sitting at home... mentally this evening he is with me... I am the happiest!!!

Desires increase expectations, and expectations narrow distances... - I wait and keep waiting

When the girl is 18. And the guy is discharged in a year. He doesn’t have to worry. No one is waiting for him anymore.

Baby, my love, my sunshine!!! I'M WAITING FOR YOU......I MISS YOU!!!...

Right now, do they set aside time in the army to stay in contact? Sit 0?

beloved in the army.. but I’m not upset that on such a holiday I will be sitting at home.. mentally this evening he is with me.. I’m the happiest!!!

That my heart is given to you! See you! I am waiting! I love! I miss..

Yes, you left, but you will return to drink and dance again, to kiss young lips painfully hard again!


This distance is like a thin needle that penetrates deeper into the heart and stings more and more sharply every day!!!

you’re in the army... and I miss you so much... your “I love you”...

in a month my kitten will come from the army=*I love him very much=

Just a little bit left and I can breathe in your favorite smell... calm sigh, you will soon be near...

What is the army doing? - she makes a man out of a boy! – not only that, she also tests her feelings to the fullest!

I promise to love and wait until you return home! It's hard for me to let you go. But know, beloved, that you are mine!

Life in the army is yours, Not an obstacle to love. Dear, I’ll wait for you, If only you love me!

That my heart is given to you! See you! I am waiting! I love! I miss…

My dear, I'll wait for you! The army will not separate us. I'm not afraid of parting, I won't get bored of waiting!

He's been in the army for half a year. I missed his lips so much.

If a girl waits for a guy, it’s not a girl, but a historical value!

The army is a school for boys and an exam for girls.

I'm ready to wait for you, I'm waiting for you, I'm ready...

I believe that you will come to me from afar, And again I will feel your gaze on me... Everything will be fine, but for now I will wait for you, my beloved soldier!

My dear, I miss you! I will wait for you as long as necessary! You will return to me from the army and then we will be close again!

I read the status that the girl waited for the guy from the army and met him already... that's mine... tears again... 361 days left to wait...

Loving a soldier is pride Forgetting a soldier is meanness And being with a soldier is an honor What not all girls have

The girl is like a parachute. may refuse. so you need to have a spare one

my task: to wait. your task: to return as you were.

You left, but I'll wait for you. And all this because I love you very much! You are the meaning of my life and I am ready to wait for you forever!

I sit and sob to the song Friday the Soldier. He's in the army, my little boy...

Those who don’t believe should be silent, and I’ll wait for you, soldier!!!

Letter from the army. - With one hand I am writing you a letter, and with the other I am thinking about you, dear!

The water splashes quietly in the cadet's boots, I will never forget my sergeant!

Summer will soon give way to winter, There will be rain and ardent wind! I'm still waiting for you, my love, from my long exile in the army.

Waiting for you...I'm listening to time...

Am I waiting?, counting the days on the calendar, and that’s why I just adore this life...

- Vasya, do you love me? - Fedya, I don’t love you, I respect you. -No, Vasya, you must love me. Otherwise we won’t turn down!

And this is not so scary, the main thing is to believe... just a little bit and I will again plunge into the bottomlessness of your beloved eyes...

Well, we have already agreed with him: first I’m waiting for him from the army, and then he’s waiting for me from the maternity hospital

The army is an inevitable phenomenon, and most young people no longer want to run away from it, as in the 1990s. According to statistics from the Ministry of Defense, 75% of men from 18 to 27 years old served in the Russian Armed Forces. Military service has ceased to be a scarecrow, and for many, 1 or 2 years “in boots” have become a source of pleasant memories and a time of gaining invaluable experience.

This is the reason for the increased popularity of the corresponding type of folklore - poems, jokes, songs and quotes about the army, service, morals of soldiers and officers.

"Great Minds" of the World about the Army

Most of the historically significant personalities were commanders of armies, rulers of their states, or moved for a long time in military circles. Ancient thinkers, ministers and presidents of different countries, generals - they all left a legacy to the world of many quotes about the army and the circumstances associated with it:

  • The soldier is required to have endurance and patience. Bravery is not required. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
  • no heavier than the chains of a prisoner of war. (Dwight Eisenhower)
  • Any task can be done in 3 ways: right, wrong and “like in the army.” (American proverb)
  • Once defeated armies learn well. (V.I. Lenin)
  • In the army, death is not considered a valid reason for not following an order. (Russian proverb)

Statements by army officers

This layer of quotes about the army is filled with humor, because most of it comes from random slips of military personnel. Moreover, in the early 90s, a small collection of statements by officers of the Soviet Army was even released, many of which were uttered back in the 1970s. They still laugh at them to this day.

  • You live like pigs in a den!
  • Dig from the fence until lunchtime. I agreed with the shovels.
  • Be silent, I ask you!
  • After the “Hang up” command, darkness begins.

However, there is also a serious layer of aphorisms dedicated to senior officers:

  • Generals are always preparing for the last war. (W. Churchill )
  • Nothing lifts morale like a dead general. . ( John Masters)
  • An officer will not become a good commander if he no longer fears the corporal. (Bruce Marshall)

Soldier's wits

Most of the things about soldiers were said by Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov. Including:

  • Every warrior must know his maneuver.
  • Wherever a deer goes, a soldier will go.
  • While the battle is going on, help out your healthy comrades, and the wounded will be picked up without you. If you beat the enemy, it will be good for both the wounded and the healthy.
  • Service and friendship are like 2 parallel lines - they do not converge.
  • There are also heroes among the lower ranks.
  • It's easy to learn - it's hard to go on a hike, hard to learn - it's easy to go on a hike.

In addition to the serious “bloc,” there is a great demand for stories about the army, which glorify the soldier’s ingenuity, his stupidity and unenviable position.

  • When you become a soldier, forget ordinary dreams. Kiss the machine gun and give flowers to the ensign.
  • Soldiers are considered demobilized.
  • If a soldier says “didn’t take it,” it means he won’t give it up.
  • If you want to become a soldier, curse the dean.
  • A soldier is always an impudent face, an empty stomach and not an ounce of conscience!

Aphorisms and statuses of girls

It just so happens that there are not too many quotes about the army for girls waiting for guys from the army. Only one is widely known and not with the most pleasant meaning: “A girl who waited for her boyfriend in civilian life is a museum rarity.”

Much of the popular folklore on this topic is represented by phrases for statuses on social networks, where representatives of the fair sex try to express their longing for their lovers. Among them:

  • I'm a soldier's girl!
  • He was waiting for me after school, and now I'm waiting for him. From the army.
  • There are 4 hours between us by bus, but I can’t get through the checkpoint of your part.
  • Many people have boyfriends, but not everyone has soldiers.

Sometimes among the statuses and quotes about the army for girls there are approaches with humor:

  • The girl who is waiting for the guy from the army is not Hachiko. But well done too!
  • The army is a bitch. Takes our guys away.
  • I solemnly swear allegiance to my beloved soldier. I swear to strictly fulfill the duties of a “girl in waiting”, to reject males and to courageously defend our love! (Oath of Allegiance) .
  • Your favorite one owes you a favor. 365 nights.

The main thing about the war

Among quotes about the army, they occupy a special place - a rather serious and terrifying phenomenon. As a rule, they don’t joke about him even “just like that.” Thinkers of ancient times and contemporaries all recognize the necessity and even some inevitability of military action in the world:

  • The goal of any war is to achieve peace. (Aristotle )
  • The first victims of war are truth, common sense and the ability to negotiate. (Johnson Hiram)
  • War is war. It requires iron discipline. (V.I. Lenin)
  • Victory depends on the valor of the legions. (Gaius Julius Caesar)
  • Money is the essence of the artillery of war. (Peter the Great)
  • The war ends when the last soldier is buried. (Alexander Suvorov)
  • Either humanity ends the war, or the war ends with humanity. (D. Kennedy)
  • Someday, either wars will go out of fashion, or people will.

In general, army humor occupies a significant part of folklore and includes not only thoughtful and humorous statements, but also dialogues, stories, anecdotes and poetic forms.