Corporate event      07/30/2023

Gallery favorites. Love pictures free download Funny cards I love you my love

Using the navigation buttons above the postcards, you can easily move through the gallery from picture to picture and eventually choose the one you like!

After this, there are several options to transfer it to the final recipient) Firstly, for laptops, PCs - just right-click on the postcard and select “Save (download) image” from the drop-down menu and the selected postcard will be on your hard drive. For smartphones - you need to long press on the picture and also select a similar item from the drop-down options. After everything is downloaded, you can attach postcards to email messages or messages on social networks or instant messengers.

There is a simpler option - just use the social network buttons specially located under the postcards. In a few clicks, your favorite postcard will be sent to the recipient’s account as an incoming message! All options are free and made for your convenience)

Don't forget your friends and loved ones! Delight them with beautiful messages with captions and don’t let them forget you! Give positive emotions and bright moments!

Start over))) number 1!

“I love you because...” Would you say it a little childishly? But no!

If you think carefully about the list, such a card can become a very powerful and profound gift!
Why do you love this person? Love is paradoxical, unusual, isn't it?

So why do you REALLY love?))

Try writing such a list using the freewriting method, that is, just start the continuation of the phrase "I love you because...". Let the list have at least 50 items. Write everything that comes to mind - after writing you will choose the most real ones))

Here's another cool idea - present the list in the form of a pie chart


DIY greeting card idea number 2!

This idea has already been mentioned, and I like it so much that I want to remember it again.

Imagine that you receive a stack of postcards. Maybe in one day, or maybe in a whole week.

Each card has something nice written for you. Maybe about some of your qualities, maybe something that you especially like about you...

Or maybe it describes bright events that unite you with your loved one

The trick of the congratulation is that you will need to assemble it like a puzzle in order to read the main words.


DIY greeting card idea number 3!

Compose a greeting, encrypt it using dancing men and give it to your loved one!

Found on

DIY greeting card idea number 4!
Write your congratulations inside the invisible heart. How to do it in Photoshop -

Found on pinterest

DIY greeting card idea number 5!

Connect all the numbers in sequence and find out something important!


DIY greeting card idea number 6!

And again the PUZZLE))

You harmoniously complement me! - this is the message of this congratulation. On the back you can write what exactly))

Found on pinterest

By the way, all these ideas can be combined with idea number 2 - about a BIG postcard made from small postcards.
On the back of each little one, you can embody any of the above ideas - write a message in the shape of a heart, encrypt a message in dancing men, and so on!

In relationships between two or more people, support, attention and constant maintenance of friendly, loving, and simply faithful, trusting relationships are very important. If we want to say something to a friend, girlfriend, the person we love... for example, about our feelings, to say that we miss you or just to say good night - we can use all the different thematic stickers, cards or pictures. After all, images can convey much greater emotions than simple plain text!

Pictures with cute animals with sad eyes in the “I miss you” section, photographs of lips folded in a bow), in the “Kisses” section, night landscapes of the starry sky and photos of evening cities in pictures with wishes of “Good night”, cookies with morning tea or coffee in “Good Morning” wishes, declarations of love in many languages ​​around the world in the “I Love You” collection, as well as an excellent selection of photographs of couples in love and all the attributes of romantic dates in the “Pictures about Love” section! You can easily find all this and more on our website.

Don't forget to look at the voice declarations of love that can be sent to your phone, both cell and landline! Such calls are not only original, but also cool and unexpected! If you want to show originality, use the block with audio confessions at the top of the page.

To a man or a woman, a loved one or a loved one! A cool selection of pictures for everyone can be downloaded for free to your PC, phone or sent by email or instant messengers such as WhatsApp or Viber!