Scenarios      10/30/2023

Corporate New Year monkey script. Scenario for a New Year's corporate party: we see off the Monkey and meet the Rooster

New Year is the most magical and adored holiday by everyone. A wonderful mood, communication with loved ones, gifts - all these are mandatory features of the upcoming event. To make the New Year celebration truly fun and memorable, you should prepare for it in advance.

Preparing for a holiday in the year of the monkey

Home decoration

The symbol of the coming year is the Fire Monkey. Therefore, when decorating a house according to the New Year of the Monkey scenario, it is necessary to use rich, bright colors. The most popular shades will be red, gold, orange and brown. Choose stylish balls and garlands in these colors and decorate your walls, windows and doors with them.

In 2016, designers advise decorating the Christmas tree according to American tradition, in two or three colors. Don't forget to plant a small plush monkey under the tree.

Try to use as many candles as possible when decorating the room. Light them on New Year's Eve, and good luck will not fail to settle in your home!

Choosing an outfit

When choosing an image for the New Year, give preference to unusual combinations and colors. The monkey is a resident of the tropics, which means African prints and large jewelry are perfect.
For ladies, the best option would be a smart dress, perhaps orange or gold. If these shades seem too flashy for you, then you can choose a more modest outfit, complemented by a golden belt or brooch.
Men can wear a regular suit and shirt, but add a tie or fire-colored belt to keep the theme going.

Treats and table setting

The holiday menu must include fruits and vegetables. You can create entire compositions from apples, bananas and kiwis cut into slices. Don't forget to prepare dishes with added red elements, for example:

  • stuffed bell pepper;
  • strawberry jelly;
  • beet salad;
  • meat with lingonberry or pomegranate sauce.

Plates with salads and hot dishes will look especially elegant if you make a Christmas tree design using a stencil and finely chopped greens.

Among the drinks, the most popular would be juices of bright colors (orange, cherry) and, naturally, champagne.

When setting the table, try to use a lot of small details, because the Monkey is a lover of interesting little things.

Required details

For competitions we will need:

  • skewers, toothpicks, fruits and vegetables;
  • paper and markers;
  • bananas.

New Year of the Monkey - holiday scenario

Leading: So, it's time to spend the old year and better prepare for the New. We already have one wonderful Christmas tree. Let's try to build a few more! We will call the most elegant one the winner and leave it as a table decoration until the morning!

Participants use toothpicks, skewers, pieces of vegetables and fruits to create something resembling a Christmas tree.

Leading: There are only a few minutes left until the New Year begins. Don't forget that while the chimes are striking, we all need to make our deepest wishes!

12 hours. Congratulations, gifts, hugs.

Leading: Happy New Year! I wish everyone happiness and good luck, as well as joy and mischievous mood! Did it sound standard? Then let's each wish the others something unusual, but very pleasant!

Guests take turns making toasts. Everyone drinks champagne.

Leading: And now we’ll find out which of us especially tried to please the Fire Monkey. Count how many items of clothing you have on that are red, gold, brown or gray. I give you exactly 5 minutes to complete the task! We take everything into account, even buttons and socks!

Competition for attention

Invitees count the number of designated items of clothing. The one who counts the most wins a prize.

Leading: Monkeys are a whole order of mammals. Let's try to remember as many species of this animal as possible!

Each person takes turns naming the type of monkey. The stuttering participant drinks a glass of alcoholic drink or juice. The winner is the participant who remembers the breed or species last. He receives a small symbol of the year as a gift.

Leading: We've been sitting too long. Let's run?

Competition "Glass"

Glasses are placed on the table. There should be so many of them that one participant does not have enough. The music turns on. While it sounds, everyone runs around the table, as soon as it stops, the guests grab glasses. The one who did not have time to grab is eliminated from the team. The fun continues until someone takes the last glass.

Leading: The monkey loves to laugh. Let everyone tell you the funniest thing that happened to them last year.

Competition "Funny Stories"

Guests take turns entertaining each other with their stories.

Leading: Now we will draw the symbol of the year. Easily? Not good! Draw how you imagine the broad-nosed spider monkey, a howler monkey.

Competition "Artists"

The invitees actively try to portray the animal. At the end, a picture of the actual image is shown. The winner is the one whose drawing at least vaguely resembles the original.

Leading: Gentlemen, it's time to practice your eloquence! Remember the most exquisite compliments that you are ready to address to our luxurious ladies.

Competition "Praise"

Each of the men voices various epithets that characterize the surrounding ladies. Each person is given no more than 10 seconds. The presenter records how many words the participant managed to name. You can't repeat yourself. The winner gets a prize.

Leading: Monkeys, as we know, as a result of evolution, have the same palm structure as we do: four fingers together, and one separately. This gives them the opportunity to feast on bananas while peeling them. Let's imagine ourselves in the place of a prehistoric monkey and try to peel and eat a banana without using our hands!

"No hands!"

Participants pick up plates with whole bananas and try to peel them. The plate is held with both hands. The winner is the one who is the first to pull the fruit out of the peel and eat it.

Leading: Are you full? Now is the time to dance! To make the first dance in the New Year even more fun, I propose drawing lots as to who will be the partner of whom!

"Ticket to Fortune"

Natalia Lavrentieva

New Year holiday - year of the monkey 2016.


The New Year opens fabulous doors!

Let the one who believes in fairy tales come here now!

It’s so nice that our guests came here today,

And regardless of worries, everyone found a free hour.

A wonderful day is coming, the New Year is coming,

A holiday of laughter and fun, holiday of happiness for children.

ENTRANCE OF CHILDREN TO THE SONG “And one, two, three...”

Ved. What kind of guest has come to us?

How elegant and slender!

This is Santa Claus

I brought it to the kids!

The balls are shining on it,

Various toys are hanging!

Ved. Guys, let's say hello to the Christmas tree!

Children: Hello, Christmas tree!

And under the tree on New Year's

Children dance in circles!

Let's have fun around the Christmas tree.

And we’ll sing a good song about the Christmas tree!

Round dance “We came to visit the Christmas tree”

And now I’ll tell you a wish riddle:

That's right - Christmas tree! Children, tell me, a palm tree was mentioned in our riddle. Do you know who lives on a palm tree? Who? Monkey! Exactly, monkey! And the coming 2016 is just the year monkey. Let's invite you to visit us monkey!

She won’t come to us just like that, we need to lure her to us. How to do this?

That's right - bananas! Look, we have There are bananas on the festive table. I'll peel one banana now, monkey smells it and comes!

The host peels one banana and appears monkey.

Music output monkey

Monkey: So that’s where that delicious banana smell comes from! How many bananas are there! And this is all for me?

Leading: Monkey! This is not all for you, it is also for our children.

Monkey: Kids? Did they deserve them? Have they behaved well all year?

Leading: Uh, monkey! You sound like Santa Claus!

Monkey: So I walked here with him, only he stopped somewhere in the forest. He probably gives gifts to the animals. But I still like warmth, not snow. That's why I came ahead of him.

Leading: That is OK. While Santa Claus is away, let's play a game. Do you agree?

A game "Merry Monkeys"

Competition with monkey(to the song "Winter Beauty")

Leading: Monkey, did you like it with us? Do you want to visit us? stay on holiday? (I liked it very much, but I can’t help D.M.

Guys, let's let go monkey, Goodbye monkey.

Leading: Guys, what a holiday without Santa Claus and gifts? Let's call him together. The children are calling "Father Frost", the presenter asks parents to help call Santa Claus. To the music ( "Baba Yaga" M. Mussorgsky) Baba Yaga enters with a broom and runs around the tree. Then he stops and shows off, humming to the tune of the song "Winnie the Pooh".

Baba Yaga: Look, I'm good today!

Listen to how my soul sings!

You just have to close your eyes,

All you have to do is braid your curls,

I'll be the Snow Maiden no matter where!

Is it true, guys? (without waiting for the children to answer) Yes Yes Yes (does not see children, addresses parents) Well, what are we yelling at? How often do we shout? (to the Christmas tree) What else is that sticking out here? (Grabs the tree by the branch). Oh-oh-oh! Evil, mischievous, like me! (Paints attention to children) ABOUT! What are you doing here? I didn't invite you? I didn't invite you! Hello, didn't I tell you? Did not tell! And you to me? Also no! How lovely! Yes, you are as ill-mannered as me! My golden ones! My darlings! Why are they crowded under this green thorn, I ask?

Leading: Grandma Yaga, say hello first - see the audience! (points to the children)

Baba Yaga: I don’t see any donut!

Leading: Not the bagel, but the audience!

Baba Yaga: I would have said so right away. Hello, spit girls and stump boys. So why did you sit near the tree? You don't let good people pass! (walks past the children and tries to step on their feet)

Leading: We have gathered here to celebrate the New Year - the best, most desired, most joyful holiday!

Baba Yaga: (enthusiastically) Holiday! New Year! (surprised) With songs?

Leading: With songs!

Baba Yaga: With dancing?

Leading: Happy dancing!

Baba Yaga: With gifts?

Leading: With gifts!

Baba Yaga: I want gifts too.

Leading: And the kids want to receive gifts. But what kind holiday without Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga: (grabs his heart) It’s just a thorn in my heart that you’re all just waiting for Santa Claus! (runs around the tree) A – ah, you want New Year’s gifts! Waiting for Santa Claus!

(stops) But in vain! After all, you, the kind and good Grandmother-Yagusechka, leave me every year from the Christmas tree? That's right, you kick him out. What gift are you giving me? That's right, you don't. You think I will continue to tolerate such antics from you! Nope! I’ll conjure something like this for you (scratching the back of his head, thinking about something like that, wow! I can’t even wait to show you what I can conjure. You can call whoever you want, complain to anyone! But I’ll still conjure! (scratches the back of his head, spins around himself) Think, grandma, think (enthusiastically) Wow, I came up with an idea! I'll call my dear guest. Oh, I'm tired of witchcraft.

Baba Yaga knocks her broom on the floor. Music is playing. The exit of Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat. The cat leans on a crutch, the Fox has a saw hanging behind his back

Fox: - Let the lame disabled person pass, the poverty of the eyeless one...

Cat:- We were frozen in the cold... it’s so cold here in the Land of Fools!

Fox: - We are looking for a large tree to cut down and make a fire to keep warm.

Cat: -ABOUT! Here is the tree...big, fluffy. There will be a lot of firewood!

Fox: -Wow, it’s so dressed up! All sorts of lantern balls on it...

Cat: - Let’s cut down a tree, collect balls, make beads and sell them in our country, and we’ll divide the money!

Fox: - Excellent! And we will share So: you are 2, I am 3! Everything is equal!

Cat: - Wow equally!

Fox: - Okay, don’t be silly! Let's cut it down first!

The cat and the fox set up to cut the Christmas tree

Fox: - Do you know, Basilio, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden will come here soon. She is so beautiful and polite!

Cat: - It’s disgusting to watch!

Fox: - And that’s what I mean came up with it: we need to kidnap the Snow Maiden from Santa Claus and demand it for her ransom: PRESENT! And there are a lot of sweets and chocolates!

Cat:- Good girl, Fox! You have a smart head! Let's eat up! But how do we steal it?

Fox: - Well, you can’t think of anything on your own! Would be lost without me! We need to put Santa Claus to sleep!

Cat:- You would be lost without me! How will we put them to sleep?

Fox: - We need to give Santa Claus some compote to drink. And we’ll add sleeping pills to the compote!

Cat:- Aaaah! Grandfather will fall asleep, and we will drag Snow Maiden away! Let's do so! Let's go wait for Santa Claus! (they leave the hall to the music).

Leading: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

I hasten to congratulate everyone,

Let bad weather pass you by

Let your ringing laughter ring out!

Let's start the round dance - after all, today is New Year!

Dance "Icy palms."


- Guess it guys: who will come to us?

A grandfather with a beard lives in the world,

He hasn’t drunk hot tea for a long time!


Father Frost!


I need to call grandpa

It's time to celebrate the New Year!

Children call Santa Claus:

Santa Claus, come out,

For children give a holiday!

Exit of Santa Claus. music

Father Frost:

Happy New Year! Here I am!

Hello my friends!

Early in the morning before dawn

I went on a hike.

After all, Santa Claus

A lot of holiday troubles!

I polished it to shine for a month!

The stars shone brighter!

All forests, fields and rivers

I covered it with ice and snow!

I locked the blizzard in the closet,

So that the roads are not covered

And decorated the area

Dawn with a bright flame!

The icicles glisten like silver,

The bell is ringing...

And they shone with a blush

Faces of adults and children!

Hey kindergarten people,

Join the round dance!

Round dance game with Santa Claus "Heel, toe"

(children sit on chairs)

Father Frost: - Oh, and the people gathered quickly... I even felt hot! I wish I could drink some water...

The Fox and the Cat run out, holding a ladle of water.

Fox:- Oh, grandpa wants to drink! Try our drink!

Cat:- My thirst will go away!

Father Frost:- What kind of drink is this?


Father Frost:- Some strange name...

Fox: - Those who don’t know don’t understand!

Father Frost: - Okay, I’ll have a drink! I'm really thirsty! (drinks...Oh, eyelids are heavy, my eyes are closing! I really want to sleep! I’m falling asleep... (snores)

Fox: - Eh, mimosa rose….

Fox: - They put Santa Claus to sleep, after all!

(they rejoice, congratulate each other, hide behind the tree)

Leading: Guys, let's sing a song maybe D.M. maybe he will wake up.

Song for the Little Christmas Tree

Leading: No, I didn’t wake up D.M.

Exit of the Snow Maiden music

Snow Maiden:

Hello, here I am!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

What about grandpa? Is he sleeping?

Fox:- Sleeping! Sleeping! Why bother him?

Cat: - Come on, come with us! We will exchange you with your grandfather for gifts!

Snow Maiden:- But it’s so bad! You can't do that! Without me the holiday will not take place!

Cat: -Me too...person!

Fox:- That’s it, let’s seems that Santa Claus is waking up....

(Snow Maiden is taken away)

Father Frost:- Oh, what have I done! The guys prepared poems for me, and I fell asleep! Come on, kids, girls and boys... tell your grandfather some poetry...

Children: read poetry

Father Frost: For some reason I can’t wake up! Let's sing with you guys!

Song "Hello, Santa Claus"

Game with Santa Claus (song-gameFrost)

(Children sit down)

Father Frost:-I acted out like a little kid...Where is my granddaughter Snegurochka?

(children's answers)

The Cat and the Fox and the Snow Maiden come out.

Cat:- Well, why are you making so much noise here? We have it!

Fox:- Father Frost! Let's change: We are your Snow Maiden, you are GIFTS to us!

Father Frost:- Oh no no no! And shame on you! Well, take your gifts! Give us back the Snow Maiden! (gives away the bag)

The cat and the fox run away joyfully.

Father Frost:

Hello, granddaughter! How long have we been waiting for you! And you guys don't be upset: I'm a wizard! Fox and Cat will not receive gifts! They open the bag, and there are cones and needles from our Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: We will continue the holiday

Have fun dancing

Dance tutorial. After the dance, the children sit on chairs.


Father Frost! We were waiting for you...

We dreamed about gifts,

And you still sit and sleep,

And we are in no hurry to dance...

Father Frost:

And that’s holiday! No one can sit still on a day like this...!

Song game "Walking through the forest D.M."

Father Frost: Well done, kids, danced with all your heart!

Father Frost:

It's time to give gifts to children!

Go to kindergarten quickly and get gifts!

Father Frost: That's New Year's holiday it's time for us to finish

Happy year monkeys Congratulations friends!

This year I give gifts to everyone supply:

Wisdom to children

Wealth for parents

Happiness and good luck to all our viewers!

Snow Maiden. Just don't forget us at all,

You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.

And again, meet with songs and dances,

And we will bring you the best gifts.


We wish you health and joy,

May life be without grief and worries!

We wish you all a Happy New Year!

Let the New Year be happy!

Parents and educators can act as characters.

Presenter, Presenter, Rooster, Monkey, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Fox Alice, Snowman, Vasily the Cat, children.

Gifts for participating in competitions, 2 artificial Christmas trees, 2 boxes with tinsel and unbreakable toys, paper snowballs.

Children, teachers, presenters enter the hall to the music.

Joy, happiness, mood,
The holiday is in a hurry to visit us,
The rooster polishes his spurs,
And it’s already flying, flying!

There will be songs and fun,
There will be a Christmas tree, a round dance,
I hasten to send it to everyone today,
Your perky congratulations!

Kids, are you ready?
Should we start celebrating the New Year?
All worries are behind us
You can celebrate the holiday!

(Fox Alice enters the hall)

Fox Alice:
What kind of noise are you making here?
And they didn’t let poor me sleep,
They wanted a holiday
They want to celebrate the New Year!

Yes, we have gathered. Look, the kids are all in smart suits, we have a written script, and you are disturbing us here.

Fox Alice:
But there will be no holiday! There will be no holiday! You can all go home! New Year will not come!

Excuse me, how can I contact you?

Fox Alice:
Alice I am.

Why are you, dear Alice, scaring children? The children learned poetry, tried hard, but you spoil the mood. Not good, you know.

Fox Alice:
Listen, I love the holidays myself! Gifts, clothes and food... but that’s the thing. A Monkey lives next door to me, well, the mistress of this year. So, she liked it here so much that she decided to stay. She says they love her, appreciate her, admire her. I myself want a holiday, look, Vasily the Cat promised to give me a new fur coat and a book with fairy tales, but because of it I will be left without gifts and mood.

And now what i can do?

What to do, what to do, negotiate with the Monkey!

(Rooster enters the hall)

Rooster :
Crow, crow,
I want to congratulate you all,
New Year will come soon,
He will bring happiness to your home!
I promise you an easy year,
I will give everyone friends
He will be bright, good,
It will be the Year of the Rooster!

Fox Alice:
Oh, how handsome! How bright, interesting, fashionable! I definitely like him better! Yes, and he sings beautifully. I agree, it suits me!

Rooster :
Thank you, thank you, you are good too! What a fur coat, what boots and beads!

(A Monkey flies into the hall)

Monkey :
I don't understand something, what's going on here? I am the hostess of the year, no one calls me, no one invites me, I might be offended, but you still have to live with me, I’m not going to leave yet!

Rooster :
Dear, pack your things, make room, the New Year is coming, the year of the Rooster, that is, me!

Monkey :
It used to be that on December 31st, one animal replaced another, but I decided that it was time to change something, and now from now on and forever it will be the Year of the Monkey, and I will cancel the New Year altogether, so as not to waste time!

Monkey, honey, you can’t do that! We're having a matinee, kids...maybe we can try to appease you? So tell me, what do you love?

Monkey :
I love bananas, beautiful outfits, music, poetry, dancing, sparkles and fun!

So, we are organizing this now! We have prepared such poems!

Rooster :
What are you all for her? Actually, I will be the owner of next year, you should make me happy!

Monkey :
I’m actually not thinking about leaving just yet, so fuck off!

Please don't quarrel! We'll come to an agreement.

For now, sit down, and we will think about how to solve the situation.

(Cat Vasily appears in the hall)

Cat Vasily:
I came to you today
And I will give you wise advice,
You need more sleep in your life
Eat porridge and rest.

Fox Alice:
And you keep thinking about food! The New Year is under threat here!

Cat Vasily:
How under threat? What about the sour cream that you promised me under the Christmas tree?

Fox Alice:
Negotiations are ongoing. Don't interfere!

Monkey :
I was thinking, what if we decorate a Christmas tree?

So, our Christmas tree is decorated, what a beauty it is!

Monkey :
And it’s not enough for me! I want another one! Or better yet, two!

There will be Christmas trees for you!

Announces "Dress Up" competition.
There are 2 teams, each with 10 people. Each team is given a box of Christmas tree tinsel and unbreakable toys. 2 small artificial Christmas trees are placed at a short distance. The first players take one toy each, run to their team’s Christmas tree, hang the toy and come back, and so on until the last team member. The first team to decorate the Christmas tree will win.
Props: 2 artificial Christmas trees, 2 boxes with tinsel and unbreakable toys.
(Winners will receive candy)

Monkey :
Oh, how beautiful! Oh, how pleased I am!

Rooster :
And what about me? Who will make me happy? I love to sing!

And we just have a New Year's song!

(Children sing a New Year's song)

Cat Vasily:
Tell me, please, why should we do something for you, but you do nothing for us? Children try, sing, decorate Christmas trees, but what will they get for it?

Monkey :
If I remain to rule,
I'll give everyone bananas
I will give you fun, happiness,
Dances, songs, beauty!

Rooster :
I will give everyone luck
And I’ll help you with your lessons,
I'll give you candy, joy,
I'll tell you a lot of stories!

Monkey :
I'm so beautiful
And you got used to me,
I help everyone for free,
I make everyone's dreams come true!

Rooster :
I am bright, stylish, fashionable,
I will bring goodness to the house,
I'm funny and I'm perky
I’ll put aside my sadness for later!

(A knock is heard. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear)

Father Frost :
Through storms, blizzards and blizzards,
I finally got to you
I brought a bag of gifts,
Are there any obedient children here?

Snow Maiden :
New Year is already close, close,
Are you ready to meet him?
Are you ready to dance?
And celebrate a bright holiday?

You see, here’s the thing: our Monkey doesn’t want to leave, so we persuade him. And our children are all obedient and beautiful.

Father Frost :
What kind of a mess is this? You two (addresses the Rooster and the Monkey) quickly around the corners! I'll deal with you later, otherwise they've made a mess here! My granddaughter and I will quickly restore order!

Snow Maiden :
Shame on you, the kids are having a party, and you made it happen here! Well, where were you looking? (addresses the Fox and the Cat).

Father Frost :
Oh, I'm tired from the road,
Who would tell me a poem,
Who would please a little?
Oh, grandpa is tired!

Snow Maiden :
Oh, what great fellows you all are, what poems you have prepared for grandfather!

Father Frost :
Oh, how you made me happy, how you made the old man happy! I would play with you, but I'm so tired, I'm so tired...

Snow Maiden :
You sit, grandpa, relax, and we’ll play with the kids!

Fox Alice:
You know girls, you know boys,
Vasily and I love to dance!

Cat Vasily:
And we are also cones, with a red fox,
We really, really love putting things together!

Fox Alice (while she speaks, the cat quietly scatters snowballs of paper balls around the hall):
What would New Year be without snow?
Do you agree with me friends?
My clumsy cat Vasily,
I accidentally lost the snowballs!

Competition "Collect snowballs".
Children are given 1 minute to collect snowballs. The one who collects the most will receive a prize.
Props: paper snowballs.

Snow Maiden :
They say snowflakes in this school,
So the ditties sing loudly,
I wish I could listen to these snowflakes,
Tell me kids, are they here?

(Three snowflakes come out and sing ditties)

Example of ditties:
1. There is snow and ice everywhere,
Don't be sad people
New Year will come soon,
All problems will be taken away!

2. I ordered a doll for my dad,
And I'm looking under the Christmas tree,
If he doesn't buy me a doll,
I'll go to Santa Claus!

3. I will sculpt a snowman,
I will be friends with him now,
And in the spring in the freezer,
He will live with me!

(Options for ditties may be different and in larger quantities)

Snow Maiden :
Oh, what great guys!
Well, the kids really surprised me
Sang very well
You gave me joy!
Let's go now
We'll dance together,
It's time for us to move on
Then we will be sad!

(The New Year's song is turned on, the Snow Maiden, the Fox, the Cat are dancing, and the children are repeating)

Father Frost :
So you sang and danced,
And they read poems to us,
Are you good at riddles?
Ah, my good ones?

(Santa Claus asks riddles. Whoever guesses the most will win a prize)

Snow Maiden :
Grandfather, can we forgive our naughty ones? I think they have already realized that quarreling is ugly.

Monkey :
Why are you going straight to the corner? I may have behaved this way out of spite, but in fact, I will gladly give up my place to the Rooster. I'm already tired of being the hostess!

Rooster :
And I won’t drive myself like that again! I will be good and give people a happy year!

Father Frost (addressing the children):

(Children answer in unison)

Snow Maiden :
Well, now, we will stand together,
Let's join you in a round dance,
And we'll circle around the Christmas tree,
Hello holiday, New Year!

(They circle in a round dance)

Father Frost :
You read us congratulations,
But it’s time for us, kids,
We'll just give you gifts,
From a huge bag!

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden present gifts)

Our holiday has come to an end,
Now I want to wish everyone,
Warmth, smiles, joy and happiness,
So that you don’t know sadness and misfortune!

May the New Year be the newest,
So that your dreams come true,
So that in any bad weather,
You were all surrounded by family!

Play with all the images. If desired, you can add several

New Year for high school students

2016 - year of the monkey

Compiled by: Samoilova S.V.

(the song “New Year is Coming” sounds)

Good evening guys, teachers, guests!

Yes, the New Year is coming to us.

There are many good holidays in Rus', but the New Year is the warmest, despite the severe frosts, the kindest, most beautiful family holiday.

And we will not be mistaken if we say that today we have gathered as a big friendly family to celebrate the New Year.

Our holiday will be wonderful

We will sing, we will dance

This evening will be fun

We won't be bored here.

And I want to greet all those who came today to share this holiday with us.

Everyone is expecting surprises on New Year's Day. We welcome the 11th grade (clap), who will soon finish their studies, they have only troubles ahead, but do not be upset, in the days of June you will be given certificates. We would like to give you one piece of advice: work, don’t be lazy, and the good luck bell will ring. Happy New Year, graduates!

Happy New Year tenth grade! (clap). Good luck to you! Good friends and the best grades.

We send congratulations to the ninth graders! (clap). There are also challenges ahead of you, the main thing is to know what you want, make the right choice and everything will be fine!

Happy New Year 8th grade! You are just entering adulthood, don’t stumble, weigh it a hundred times before doing anything, be wiser!

I wish for my teachers that there is mutual understanding, so that the seeds of the science that you teach germinate with great yield. Happy New Year!

Let life in the country become stable and prosperous, so that everyone can live the life given to us by God with dignity.

Let's say together - Happy New Year!

Everyone gather around the tree

Today is our New Year.

Don't be timid, don't be shy

The happy hour has arrived.

(stand up in a round dance)

An old song, like a new one

We will open our holiday

Let the Christmas tree be merry

It will sound now.



On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

New Year's Scenario!


New Year's Scenario "We are celebrating the New Year!"

Scenario for students in grades 1-4. Duration - 1 hour. The guys will watch an interesting fairy tale, dance, play and recite poems to Grandfather Frost....

New Year 2017 is getting closer and closer. And if so, then it’s time to start preparing for it. And it's better to start with ideas that will help you have fun with your friends. A new funny scenario for the New Year 2017 of the rooster for a cheerful company will help you with this. The script contains interesting ideas, competitions and games. Watch, choose and play.

Before the celebration begins, an introductory speech must be made. For example, like this:

Game - celebrating the year of the monkey.
The Year of the Monkey is coming to an end and must be celebrated. We spend it remembering all the good things that happened in 2016.
In turn, all the guests remember what happened in the world or in their country this year 2016. Those who could not remember are eliminated from the game. And the one who remains last wins. We present him with a calendar for 2016 in a beautiful frame. Let this calendar remind him of a happy year in his life.

Game - fortune telling for the New Year using salads.
Everything is simple here - each guest names his favorite salad, which is on the New Year's table. After everyone has been named, the presenter reads out his predictions for the new year for each salad. If someone named an exotic salad and there is no prediction for it, then you can simply say: sorry, but the year will be unpredictable for you!
Here is a list of salad predictions for the New Year:

The game is one on one!
This game involves two people. They sit opposite each other. Their task is to look each other in the face and at the same time pronounce a tongue twister:
- I see a hill with sacks in the field - I’ll go out onto the hill and straighten the sack
The task here is not just to say this tongue twister and look your opponent in the eyes, but also not to laugh! The one who laughs is eliminated. Although, everyone will laugh, because it’s simply impossible to say such a thing, especially when drunk and looking into the eyes of another!!!

Rebuilding for the New Year 2017.
You need a lot of guests here. If there are few of them, then there are so many. How much. Ideally, each team should have 9 people. Each team receives signs with letters, and from them you can collect the phrase: YEAR OF THE ROoster.
The presenter asks a question, and the teams must answer it, and show the answer with their signs with letters, that is. Make up words.

Video competition.
In this competition we show a video. The video will contain one song - somewhere in this world... and the footage will be from different films. The guests’ task is to name after watching all the films that were in the video. Whoever names the most wins.
And here is the video itself:

Musical pause.
In this game, guests will have to guess the names of the songs. And whoever guessed correctly fulfills it. But he doesn’t just perform, he crows! That is, karaoke is turned on afterwards, and the guest or guests crow instead of words to the beat of the music. It turns out fun and funny.

And now you can celebrate the new year!