For children      08/05/2023

Who came up with the idea of ​​giving gifts for the New Year, Christmas? When did the tradition of leaving gifts under the Christmas tree appear in Russia? Traditions of New Year's gifts The history of the tradition of giving gifts for the new year.

One of the questions that invariably worries us is what used to be given for the New Year and Christmas. The answer can be absolutely short: "That's it!", and just as lengthy if you start describing the endless possibilities in purchasing souvenirs. There were no special norms in this regard, except that individual families could have their own traditions, passed down from generation to generation. Let's try to trace how the attitude towards gifts has historically changed, as well as how the gifts themselves have changed.

How it was in the world

It turns out that the New Year's holiday is the oldest of all existing ones, already in the pre-Christian era, gifts were honored, then they were presented, first of all, to the gods. In ancient Egypt, the New Year was celebrated during the flood of the Nile River (around the end of September). On New Year's Eve, the Egyptians placed statues of the god Amun, his wife and son in a boat. The boat sailed on the Nile for a month, which was accompanied by singing, dancing and fun, as well as the presentation of gifts. In the Egyptian pyramids of the New Kingdom period, archaeologists have found vases with the inscription "Beginning of the New Year", bronze figurines of monkeys and stone figurines with New Year's inscriptions.

For a long time, the Romans celebrated the New Year in early March, until Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar. He decided to time the beginning of the year to a state event - the inauguration of newly elected consuls. Thus, the date of the meeting of the New Year was the first day of January. The month of January was named after the Roman god Janus (two-faced). One face of Janus was allegedly turned back to the previous year, the other forward to the new one. The celebration of the meeting of the new year was called "kalends". Those politicians and citizens of Rome who sought to win over the new consuls were in a hurry to congratulate them on the New Year and taking office, so they did not skimp on gifts. At first, they gave fruits pasted over with gilding, dates and wine berries, then copper coins and even valuable gifts (although the latter was practiced only among wealthy people). All this happened voluntarily, but over time, the emperors began to demand gifts for the New Year. For example, the Roman emperor Caligula on the first day of the New Year went to the square in front of the palace and accepted gifts from his subjects, writing down who, how much and what he gave, the English Queen Elizabeth 1 did the same.

How it was in Russia

In ancient times, the New Year was most often associated with spring - the beginning of the revival of nature and the expectation of a new harvest. Therefore, in Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 1 or from the day of Holy Easter.

In the XIV century, John Vasilyevich the Third approved the decision of the Moscow Church Council to consider September 1 as the beginning of the New Year according to the Greek calendar. On this day, tribute, duties, various dues were collected. To give the greatest solemnity to this day, the Tsar himself appeared in the Kremlin the day before, where everyone, a commoner or a noble boyar, was allowed to approach him as a gift and seek directly from him truth and mercy.

The Celts, the inhabitants of Gaul (the territory of modern France and part of England) celebrated the new year at the end of October. The holiday was called Samhain from "summer" s end "(end of summer). On New Year's Eve, the Celts decorated their homes with mistletoe to exorcise ghosts. They believed that it was on New Year's Eve that the spirits of the dead were alive. The Celts inherited many Roman traditions, including the requirement New Year's gifts from subjects Usually given ornaments and gold Husbands gave their wives money for pins and other trinkets on New Year's Day This tradition had been forgotten by 1800 but the term "pin money" is still used to refer to money for petty expenses.

By the end of the 19th century, the tradition of gifting postcards emerged. In 1843, the Englishman Horsley drew the first Christmas card, a thousand copies of which were sold that year in London.

During the spread of the Christian faith, the church tried to prohibit giving gifts, interpreting this custom as pagan. However, this custom is so deeply rooted that people continued to give gifts quietly, without advertising it. Later, the churchmen realized that they were powerless to do anything, and allowed people to please each other, interpreting this tradition as the presentation of the gifts of the Magi to the baby Jesus described in the Bible: having learned about the birth of Christ in Bethlehem, all the angels, people and even trees wanted to do something to the baby anything pleasant. The magi also arrived there, who gave the newborn Jesus: gold, as a king, frankincense, as God, and myrrh, as a mortal man.

The moment when one annual cycle ends and the next begins is considered significant and symbolic in many cultures. In Russia, the largest celebrations of the year are dedicated to the first second of January. Favorite, long-awaited, hopeful time is simply called the New Year.

When the cold comes, and the first snowflakes fill the air, you really want to escape from sad thoughts and catch the first notes of a wonderful winter mood. We invite you to start the New Year's Eve marathon with a leisurely reading about the history of the holiday and about the traditions dear to your heart that take place on the last days of December.

The history of the holiday

The beginning of the year for our ancestors was considered the time of the awakening of nature. Their calendar began with the spring equinox - March 21. When the pagan religion retreated before Christianity, the New Year was moved to the first day of March.

However, in the XV century. the beginning of the year was decided to shift to autumn, according to the church calendar, according to which to this day the year begins on the first of September. The decree of Tsar John III on the transfer of the new year in Rus' was issued in 1492. Unlike the beginning of spring, when the peasants were just starting to work in the field, the transfer of the new year to autumn was marked start of harvest summarizing the results of peasant labor.

On New Year's Eve, bells rang over Moscow, people flocked to churches where prayers were served. People were preparing for the holiday: they bought new clothes, cooked treats. Fairs and festivities were organized during the celebration.

The first Russian Emperor Peter the Great introduced the chronology from the Nativity of Christ. Since 1700, the new year in Russia begins on the first of January, as in all of Europe. The meeting of the New Year was accompanied by solemn prayers, cannon volleys. Since that time, it has become customary to congratulate each other on the holiday. The king and his court widely celebrated the New Year: he invited the clergy, the nobility and foreign guests to a magnificent feast, where they were entertained by the court choir. In the evening, fireworks bloomed across the sky.

However, for a long time the peasants did not recognize the king's decree to celebrate the new year in winter, in the villages they still considered the beginning of the year the first of September. The same applies to the newly introduced German tradition of decorating fir trees. The symbol of Rus' is a white birch, not an evergreen tree, which is not so common in folklore. However, Moscow, and later St. Petersburg children enthusiastically began to decorate the Christmas tree with sweets, nuts, fruits, which could then be eaten. Since then, children have been reading poems at the Christmas tree, for which they listen to praise and receive gifts.

In the middle of the XIX century. Christmas markets spread everywhere: Christmas trees began to be lit with candles both among Petersburgers and in the houses of provincial and county cities. At the same time, noble benefactors began to organize common Christmas trees for orphans, homeless children, children from poor families, where they played performances, gave new clothes, toys and tasty treats.

Since 1918, the Julian calendar has changed to the Gregorian. Christmas is moved from December 25 to January 7.

Since 1925, religious persecution began. Orthodox holidays are banned. Christmas trees are canceled along with Christmas. However, 10 years later, on December 31, 1935, the Christmas tree as a “symbol of a happy childhood” was decided to be held in clubs, orphanages and schools.

During the Great Patriotic War, the morale of the army was also supported by New Year's greetings, with the obligatory wish for victory.

New Year is becoming one of the favorite holidays of the Soviet people. Cinema is replete with tapes with a New Year's plot. To this day, children and adults enjoy watching Frost, Carnival Night, Enchanters, New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya, Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, and, of course, the cult Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath !

Father Frost

That Santa Claus, whom we now know, appears in the late 30s. A bearded gray-haired old man in a red or blue fur coat is the most welcome guest at children's Christmas trees. He takes out gifts from his magic bag and gives them to the guys in fancy dress.

The image of Frost, as the lord of cold, cold, snowstorm, is found in Slavic sources. Old man Frost is the hero of Russian sayings and fairy tales. As a character in a literary work, Santa Claus appeared in a collection of fairy tales by V.F. Odoevsky. However, the connection between Santa Claus and the New Year occurs only in the second half of the 19th century. Then there was an attempt to create their own Christmas character, as in Europe. With the revolution of 17, the image of Santa Claus disappears, but finally returns in 35, and becomes only a New Year's character, since Christmas has become banned.

New Year's holidays and holidays

Since 1898, January 1 is officially considered a non-working day. From 1930 to 1947 they worked on the first day of the year, since 1948 this day was again made a day off. Since 1993 and on January 2, they also had a day off. Since 2005, New Year holidays have been introduced from January 1 to 5. The national holiday of the Nativity of Christ on January 7 is also a day off. Since 2013, the holidays have been extended by two more days (January 6 and 8).

New Year traditions

The culture of celebrating the New Year is rich in traditions. The celebration of the New Year is accompanied by many customs and folk signs. For example, on New Year's Eve, you cannot borrow and lend money - you will have to owe the whole year. Distribute debts and finish things better in the old year. Before the New Year, it is customary to throw away old things, wash windows, and clean the home. The famous sign “As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it” means that you need to put on new clothes, call close people and those with whom it is pleasant to communicate, set a plentiful table, have fun from the heart and not grieve in vain. Since ancient times, together with loved ones, it is customary to see off the old year - to remember what was good, and “leave” bad events in the past. And when the clock strikes twelve, have time to make a wish.

Since December, Christmas markets have been unfolding everywhere. Christmas trees, live or artificial, are usually placed in homes, at work, in any public places. Spruces growing in city parks are decorated with multi-colored light bulbs. With the onset of darkness, the central streets of winter cities are filled with the light of many electric garlands.

Throughout December, shops offer various New Year-themed products: all kinds of interior decorations (Christmas toys, tinsel, garlands), souvenirs (snowmen, symbols of the year, table Christmas trees, figured candles), dishes with a festive pattern, toys for children (musical Santa Claus, dancing Christmas tree). And of course gifts. For the New Year, it is customary to give anything. The choice depends on the degree of your relationship. Queues for gifts in December can be observed in perfumery and jewelry stores, in household appliances supermarkets, in souvenir departments. During the holidays, it is customary to visit friends, relatives, bring gifts and treats to the table at home.

Children especially look forward to gifts on New Year's Eve. Children's dreams are fulfilled by Santa Claus - children write letters with cherished requests and promises to behave well. The magician comes to the house while everyone is sleeping, and on the morning of January 1, everyone finds their gift from the kind Grandfather under the tree.

In the last week of December, New Year's parties are held in kindergartens and schools, corporate events and banquets are held in offices. On the evening of December 31, it is customary to gather the whole family. Pop voices are pouring out of the switched on TV, there is a series of New Year's TV shows and films, and at five minutes to twelve the president addresses the Russians. To the sound of the Chimes and the clinking of glasses with the same champagne, we congratulate each other on the New Year, on the New Happiness! And the sky until the morning will be lit up with fireworks in honor of a good and bright next year.

New Year is a special holiday for most of us. A magical time when you want miracles, pleasant surprises and gifts. Children especially love this holiday. The Christmas tree in the middle of the room sparkles with balls and lights, and under it is a bag with cherished gifts. This is a real New Year's magic, with its help it is so easy to feel like a little girl or boy, waiting with delight for the moment when you can already open gifts.

But who first came up with the idea of ​​giving gifts? Where did this wonderful tradition come from?

New Year's gifts under the Christmas tree

In Russia, the tradition of putting gifts for the New Year under the Christmas tree came during the time of Peter the Great. The reformer tsar adopted this tradition from the Europeans and even issued a decree that obliged the nobles to install spruce trees in the house, decorate them and give gifts to children. Gradually, this tradition took root and went to the people.

After the October Revolution of 1917, the traditions of celebrating the New Year changed. The Bolsheviks tried to remove everything that was connected with religion. If earlier Christmas was celebrated, then during the Soviet era, the emphasis shifted to the New Year. For children, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden were invented.

Gifts under the Christmas tree are accepted in many countries, but the gifts themselves can vary significantly.

For example, in Austria on New Year's Eve and Christmas it is customary to give useful things, household appliances and clothes, in England various knick-knacks. Americans celebrate the New Year holidays on a grand scale and spend a lot of money on gifts. But gifts, as a rule, are given with a check so that you can return the item you don’t like. In the Netherlands, in addition to toys, children are always presented with a bag of sweets and pies “from the Magi”, in Ireland, children are often given figurines of Jesus and angels, gifts are not accepted for adults. In Sweden, there is a tradition of hand-made candles for Christmas. They symbolize warmth, good mood and friendship. But, nevertheless, in most European countries, Christmas and New Year is an occasion to please your loved ones with good gifts, so children get expensive toys, women get jewelry, clothes, men get perfumes, hobbies. The choice of gifts is limited only by imagination and financial possibilities.

Until what age to give Christmas gifts

But, of course, most of all the New Year holidays, the Christmas tree, Santa Claus are waiting for children. For most, this is the most favorite holiday associated with gifts, fun and entertainment. And the question - until how many years to give New Year's gifts to children is extremely rare. If the kid is happy with the toy, then the older child will be happy with the designer, and the teenager with a fashionable backpack or gadgets. And at any age, children are happy with sweets. We recommend buying textiles for New Year's gifts for kids, they will definitely be happy, because this is a double gift - a soft toy or a backpack and a lot of delicious sweets.

Do not think about New Year's gifts until how old to buy - please your child while he needs it and is interested!

A gift is something that you give of your own free will, for the purpose of giving pleasure or benefit. Japanese wisdom says - if you liked the gift, then you gave away part of your soul. We all love to give and receive gifts. How exactly the tradition of giving gifts arose, no one remembers. It probably originated in different places. But for what it arose - we will try to figure it out.

History of the tradition Giving gifts, regardless of country and culture, has had a special meaning since antiquity. Presented gifts in ancient China and ancient Greece. Even in the barbarian tribes on the territory of modern Europe, there was a tradition of giving gifts. As now, they gave gifts on the occasion of the birth of children or marriage, with victories in wars or when occupying high government positions.

Now there are much more holidays and memorable dates, it has accumulated, so to speak, therefore we give gifts more often. Although the main reasons remained the same - the birth of a child, a wedding, a victory in something and a holiday that has become established over the years, for example, the New Year.

History of a gift in Rus'

In Rus', gifts have always been loved, they were able to find in them a secret meaning and happy news. Since ancient times, it was believed that a thing donated from a pure heart brings good luck, and if there is hostility behind it, harm. It is no coincidence that in fairy tales the hero does not find most of the wonderful objects, but receives them as a gift: whether it is a ball that shows the way or a ring that fulfills wishes.

In Rus', the word "gift" had a twin brother - " present”, derived from the word “guest”. Previously, according to custom, a person always entered the house with a gift, and they were ready to give him away in this house. The Christmas custom of caroling also had a "gift" meaning - there was a belief that a prosperous life is associated not only with abundance on the table and in the cellars, but also with obligatory generosity, readiness to share and give gifts to others. On Shrovetide they gave patterned gingerbread with inscriptions: “whom I love, I give”, “from a sweet gift is more expensive than gold”. Also, the custom of exchanging colored eggs for Easter is still alive.

In Rus', due to the lack of gold, silver was the best gift, this also applied to a silver spoon for the first tooth of a child, and silver sets for weddings. In general, the traditions of giving in Russia are truly huge, it is not without reason that in Russian the synonym for the word “gift” is the word “hotel” - that is, a thing that was prepared for guests, for a visit.

Gifts brought literally on any occasion. At the same time, the ironic expression that “the best gift is a hand-made gift” actually has historical roots. In the peasant environment, it was customary to give pies, Easter cakes, gingerbreads, self-woven tablecloths or clothes to neighbors or relatives, children - coaster dolls sewn from fabric.

The tradition of giving gifts among the peoples of the world

At the dawn of the existence of mankind, people knew this quite definitely: any gift is a Message. The choice of gifts (gifts) was given great importance. Often, war or peace between tribes (states) depended on the right or wrong choice.

At the court of the Sumerian king, Roman Caesars and European monarchs, there were always people who knew well what the tradition of giving gifts was. They interpreted the "language of gifts" and determined which gift expresses loyal sentiments, which - the relationship of equals, and which carries a threat or neglect.

The American Indian tribes, the natives of Oceania, were also explained in the "language of gifts". It was the bringing of gifts in all ages that served as the first positive step in contact between two different tribes, states, nations, races, individuals.

So, a gift, a gift is a message. Therefore, when choosing a gift for a specific person, you yourself should at least know what exactly will be encrypted in this message.

First of all, it is necessary to formulate what properties a certain object (or action) must have in order to be called a gift.

Probably, the main thing is that the word “most” can be applied to this subject.

It should be something:

  • the newest
  • the most perfect
  • most powerful
  • the most prestigious
  • most expensive
  • essentials
  • the most fashionable
  • most original
  • most beautiful
  • the most pleasant
  • the funniest
  • the most suitable for a particular situation

An example of an unusual gift

One witty servant of Caesar once, on New Year's Eve, wished his master to live longer next year than the previous one. Caesar, appreciating his sense of humor, did not remain in debt and gave the rogue freedom.

Familiar to all traditions in reality have their own history of origin. This applies to the full extent of New Year's gifts. True, it is difficult to say here about a specific date or a narrow time period when people began to give gifts to each other on such a day.

Historians now believe that already during the time of Ancient Egypt, a similar tradition already existed. In any case, archaeologists discovered vases in the pyramids, created about three thousand years ago, indicating the corresponding wishes. Around the same period, similar traditions reigned in Persia, where on New Year's Eve people gave eggs, symbolizing the continuation of the family.

On the European continent, the tradition of giving gifts for the New Year appeared and took hold in ancient Rome. According to historical documents and legends, the first gifts were laurel branches, symbolizing good luck and happiness in the coming year. Interestingly, on the very first day of the coming year, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome presented honey and fruits to each other, and congratulations were often accompanied by comic verses, that is, this day was already filled with joy and fun.

During early Christianity, there was a tradition of giving New Year's gifts to children. This is connected with the day of St. Nicholas, who was represented as a good-natured white-bearded old man with a bag, from where he took out gifts for good children and lowered them into the chimney. Gradually, this tradition was timed to coincide with the New Year celebrations, although it did not coincide with the calendar.

Features of gifts for the New Year in different countries

Different regions of the world have developed their own traditions regarding gifts for this bright holiday. At the same time, there are a number of common features. So, lanterns, garlands, paper flowers, which symbolize joy, life and sunlight, will be a universal option. If you decide to decorate the table or present gilded apples, nuts or cones as a gift, then this will become a symbol of the renewal of human life and rebirth.

On the basis of the traditions of the peoples, a certain list of "unfavorable" gifts for the New Year was formed. For example, for a Chinese, it will be unacceptable to receive a watch as a gift because of the consonance of the word with “funeral”. In the United States, the desire to give sharp objects symbolizing the breakup of a relationship will be negatively perceived. In France, the gift of perfume is considered too intimate.

What to buy a gift for the New Year?

When choosing a specific present, it is necessary to take into account traditions (this is especially important when presenting a gift to foreigners), and also try to approach the issue individually. In general, it is worth focusing on the following points:

  • gender of the recipient and his age;
  • occupation, hobbies;
  • possible personal preferences and wishes that were casually expressed.

After that, you can already go to the gift shop (the Internet or its real one in the nearest shopping center). It is advisable to do this in advance so that in the pre-holiday crowd you do not buy the first thing that comes to hand.

The material was prepared with the participation of consultants from the Business Gifts online store. For more than 5 years, the online store has been successfully helping its customers to select gifts for a wide variety of occasions: professional holidays, birthdays, weddings, New Year, February 23, March 8, etc. Positive feedback from satisfied customers confirms the correct priorities of the online store:

  • more than 2500 business-themed gifts for any budget for any event - from inexpensive souvenirs to exclusive VIP gifts;
  • high-quality goods without extra charges and intermediaries - only direct deliveries of branded goods with certificates;
  • delivery of a gift at any time convenient for you - our own courier service, all your wishes are taken into account;
  • delivery to any city in Russia, free delivery in Moscow when buying from 3000 rubles;
  • discounts for regular customers - there are accumulative discount cards;
  • convenient order and payment form - you can pay for the purchase without leaving your computer.

We invite you to visit the website of the online store "Business Gifts" to pick up gifts for the New Year.